For the lemonbar scripts, I use a fork from mirkeys lemonbar scripts. (note : lemonbar is not maintained for now : I "temporarily" switched to i3bar and i3blocks. I plan to use lemonbar and i3blocks one day)
For the xgetres python library, I use a recompiled library from the xgetres program.
For the i3 vim syntax highlighting, I use a modified version of PotatoesMaster/i3-vim-syntax's file.
For the live latex preview I use a lazy modification of frabjours's plugin (modified to use zathura instead of MuPDF (not all the bindings work though).
For the sxiv key handler, I use Luke Smith's.
To be completed when I have some time to install it on a black system and watch all burn
- i3
- i3bar
- i3blocks
- i3lock
- ttf-font-awesome