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Testing Redux Applications

A big side-benefit of using Redux is that it turns our data flow into testable ("pure") functions. Let's go back to our NavBar component from the Unit Testing doc and see what testing the actions and the reducer of it would look like.

This is what our NavBar actions look like:

// NavBar/actions.js

import { TOGGLE_NAV } from './constants'

export function toggleNav() {
  return { type: TOGGLE_NAV }

with this reducer:

// NavBar/reducer.js

import { TOGGLE_NAV } from './constants'

const initialState = {
  open: false

function NavBarReducer(state = initialState, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case TOGGLE_NAV:
      return Object.assign({}, state, {
        open: !
      return state

export default NavBarReducer

Lets test the reducer first!


First, we have to import expect, the reducer and the constant.

// NavBar/test/reducer.test.js

import expect from 'expect'
import NavBarReducer from '../reducer'
import { TOGGLE_NAV } from '../constants'

Then we describe the reducer, and add two tests: we check that it returns the initial state and that it handles the toggleNav action.

describe('NavBarReducer', () => {
  it('returns the initial state', () => {


  it('handles the toggleNav action', () => {


Let's write the actual test code. Since the reducer is just a function, we can call it like any other function and expect the output to equal something.

To test that it returns the initial state, we call it with a state of undefined (the first argument), and an empty action (second argument). The reducer should return the initial state of the NavBar, which is

  open: false

Let's put that into practice:

describe('NavBarReducer', () => {
  it('returns the initial state', () => {
    expect(NavBarReducer(undefined, {})).toEqual({
      open: false

  it('handles the toggleNav action', () => {


This works, but we have one problem: We also test the initial state itself. When somebody changes the initial state, this test will fail, even though the reducer correctly returns the initial state.

To fix that, we have to import the initial state from the reducer file and check that the reducer returns that. This has one problem: Our initial state isn't exported.

Now, you might be thinking "Ha! easy: simply add an export before the const initialState in the reducer and boom!"... But that'd be a bad practice as it's an internal (or "private") property of that module alone and shouldn't really be accessible from the outside at all.

This is where rewire comes in.


Rewire ➝ allows us to access properties we normally couldn't via special __get__ and __set__ methods it injects into modules.

Start by importing rewire at the top of your test file:

// `NavBar/test/reducer.test.js`

import expect from 'expect'
import rewire from 'rewire'
import NavBarReducer from '../reducer'
import { TOGGLE_NAV } from '../constants'

const initialState = NavBarReducer.__get__('initialState')

Note: You might be wondering why we still import the NavBarReducer above. The NavBarReducer imported with rewire isn't the actual reducer, it's a rewired version.

Now we can really see whether the NavBarReducer returns the initial state if no action is passed.

it('returns the initial state', () => {
  expect(NavBarReducer(undefined, {})).toEqual(initialState)

Done. Test fixed.


We have one action toggleNav that changes the NavBar open state.

A Redux action is a pure function, so testing it isn't any more difficult than testing our add function from the first part of this guide.

The first step is to import the action to be tested, the constant it should return and expect:

// NavBar/test/actions.test.js

import { toggleNav } from '../actions'
import { TOGGLE_NAV } from '../constants'
import expect from 'expect'

Then we describe the actions:

describe('NavBar actions', () => {
  describe('toggleNav', () => {
    it('should return the correct constant', () => {


Note: describes can be nested, which gives us nice output, as we'll see later.

And the last step is to add the assertion:

it('should return the correct constant', () => {
    type: TOGGLE_NAV

If our toggleNav action works correctly, this is the output Mocha will show us:

NavBar actions
    ✓ should return the correct constant

And that's it, we now know when somebody breaks the toggleNav action.