- The unique ID and access key lengths were extended from 32 to 128
- The unique ID and access key lengths were extended from 32 to 128.
- Two Storage Gateway data types, Tape and TapeArchive, each have a new response element, TapeUsedInBytes. This element helps you manage your virtual tapes. By using TapeUsedInBytes, you can see the amount of data written to each virtual tape.
- This release adds support for using Amazon S3 and Amazon DynamoDB as targets for database migration, and using MongoDB as a source for database migration. For more information, see the AWS Database Migration Service documentation.
- You can now specify the number of resources returned per page in GetResources operation, as an optional parameter, to easily manage the list of resources returned by your queries.
- This release adds support for Amazon Athena. Amazon Athena is an interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL. Athena is serverless, so there is no infrastructure to manage, and you pay only for the queries that you run.
- This release adds new APIs that make it easier to set network port configurations on Lightsail instances. Developers can now make a single request to both open and close public ports on an instance using the PutInstancePublicPorts operation.
- Various CloudWatch Events documentation updates.
- Various CloudWatch Logs documentation updates.
- Amazon Polly adds new German voice "Vicki"
- Various Auto Scaling documentation updates
- This release introduces the previousRevision field in the responses to the GetDeployment and BatchGetDeployments actions. previousRevision provides information about the application revision that was deployed to the deployment group before the most recent successful deployment. Also, the fileExistsBehavior parameter has been added for CreateDeployment action requests. In the past, if the AWS CodeDeploy agent detected files in a target location that weren't part of the application revision from the most recent successful deployment, it would fail the current deployment by default. This new parameter provides options for how the agent handles these files: fail the deployment, retain the content, or overwrite the content.
- Update documentation for KMS.
- Fixes Issue 1150 by preserving explicit null values for InputPath, OutputPath, and ResultPath.
- Allow developers to specify how metrics are grouped in CloudWatch for their GameLift fleets. Developers can also specify how many concurrent game sessions activate on a per-instance basis.
- Adds ability to produce an assessment report that includes detailed and comprehensive results of a specified assessment run.
- All API methods in AmazonS3Client now call beforeClientExecution in the RequestHandler2 interface.
- UpdateAssociation API now supports updating document name and targets of an association. GetAutomationExecution API can return FailureDetails as an optional field to the StepExecution Object, which contains failure type, failure stage as well as other failure related information for a failed step.
- AWS Organizations APIs that return an Account object now include the email address associated with the account's root user.
- Releasing new DeleteBotVersion, DeleteIntentVersion and DeleteSlotTypeVersion APIs.
- Add a new API to allow customers to describe their account limits, such as load balancer limit, target group limit etc.
- This change includes documentation updates for Amazon Workspaces and AWS CodeStar
- Support for UpdateFunctionCode DryRun option
- AWS Marketplace Entitlement Service enables AWS Marketplace sellers to determine the capacity purchased by their customers.
Updated model classes to match AWS Organizations API specification. This includes the following updates to the model objects:
renamed toAWSOrganizations.enableAllFeatures
- Previously this operation would never have completed successfully.
- Exceptions Removed:
- Exceptions Added:
(new to model)HandshakeAlreadyInStateException
(new to model)ConcurrentModificationException
- Exceptions Removed:
- Exception Added:
(new to model)
- Exception Added:
- Exception Added:
(new to model)
- Exception Added:
- Exception Removed:
- Exception Added:
- Exception Removed:
- Exception Added:
- Exception Added:
- Exception Added:
- Exception Added:
- Exceptions Removed:
- Exception Added:
- Exceptions Removed:
- Exception Removed:
- Exception Added:
- Exception Removed:
- Exception Removed:
- Exception Added:
- Exception Removed:
- Exception Added:
- Exception Added:
The following exceptions are no longer in use and have been deprecated:
property onOrganization
object renamed tofeatureSet
property onCreateOrganizationRequest
object renamed tofeatureSet
- Enum
values renamed:ENABLE_FULL_CONTROL
- Enum
- Exposes container instance registration time in ECS:DescribeContainerInstances.
- Fixed the DBInstanceAvailable waiter. Previously it would always throw a NullPointerException.
- Added the ability to specify a filter to
- Added the ability to specify a filter to
- Fixed possible security issue in
operation where files could be downloaded to a directory outside the destination directory if the key contained relative paths.
- Fixed possible security issue in
- API update for CloudFormation: New optional parameter ClientRequestToken which can be used as an idempotency token to safely retry certain operations as well as tagging StackEvents.
- The Snowball API has a new exception that can be thrown for list operation requests.
- Fix for missing file type check
- The DescribeDBClusterSnapshots API now returns a SourceDBClusterSnapshotArn field which identifies the source DB cluster snapshot of a copied snapshot.
- Adding server-side encryption (SSE) support to SQS by integrating with AWS KMS; adding new queue attributes to SQS CreateQueue, SetQueueAttributes and GetQueueAttributes APIs to support SSE.
- With Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) running MySQL or Amazon Aurora, you can now authenticate to your DB instance using IAM database authentication.
- Added the ability to override the proxy authentication methods used for requests.
- The new feature named "Default Internet Access" will enable Internet access from AppStream 2.0 instances - image builders and fleet instances. Admins will check a flag either through AWS management console for AppStream 2.0 or through API while creating an image builder or while creating/updating a fleet.
- Adds a new waiter, StreamNotExists, to Kinesis.
- Fix bug to make standard AmazonS3ClientBuilder use S3CredentialsProviderChain instead of DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain.
- API Update for AWS Device Farm: Support for Deals and Promotions
- Documentation updates for AWS Direct Connect.
- Doc-only update for Key Management Service (KMS): Update docs for GrantConstraints and GenerateRandom
- SDK documentation now includes examples for ChangeResourceRecordSets for all types of resource record set, such as weighted, alias, and failover.
- Adding examples and other documentation updates.
- Adding LoadBalancersDeleted waiter for Elasticloadbalancingv2
- AWS CodeStar is a cloud-based service for creating, managing, and working with software development projects on AWS. An AWS CodeStar project creates and integrates AWS services for your project development toolchain. AWS CodeStar also manages the permissions required for project users.
- This changes introduces a new IAM role type, Service Linked Role, which works like a normal role but must be managed via services' control.
- Lambda integration with AWS X-Ray service to enable customers to enable tracing for the Lambda functions and send trace information to the AWS X-Ray service.
- Add support for "embed" property.
- Adds support for creating an Amazon FPGA Image (AFI) from a specified design checkpoint (DCP).
- Amazon Lex is a service for building conversational interfaces into any application using voice and text.
- API Update for Amazon Polly: Add support for speech marks
- Given an image, the API detects explicit or suggestive adult content in the image and returns a list of corresponding labels with confidence scores, as well as a taxonomy (parent-child relation) for each label.
- You can use tags to group and filter your Lambda functions, making it easier to analyze them for billing allocation purposes. For more information, see Tagging Lambda Functions. You can now write or upgrade your Lambda functions using Python version 3.6. For more information, see Programming Model for Authoring Lambda Functions in Python. Note: Features will be rolled out in the US regions on 4/19.
- API Update for AWS Batch: Customer provided AMI for MANAGED Compute Environment
- Cloudwatch Logs agent configuration can now be attached to OpsWorks Layers using CreateLayer and UpdateLayer. OpsWorks will then automatically install and manage the CloudWatch Logs agent on the instances part of the OpsWorks Layer.
- API Gateway request validators
- Allows developers to utilize an improved workflow when calling our Queues API and introduces a new feature that allows developers to specify a maximum allowable latency per Queue.
Fix a race condition that can occur with multiple calls to
that can cause an infinite loop inAbstractTransfer#waitForCompletion
.This fixes #1102
- This update adds the GetClusterCredentials API which is used to get temporary login credentials to the cluster. AccountWithRestoreAccess now has a new member AccountAlias, this is the identifier of the AWS support account authorized to restore the specified snapshot. This is added to support the feature where the customer can share their snapshot with the Amazon Redshift Support Account without having to manually specify the AWS Redshift Service account ID on the AWS Console/API.
- Adds support for a new host-header condition in CreateRule and ModifyRule
- ElastiCache added support for testing the Elasticache Multi-AZ feature with Automatic Failover.
- Amazon Web Services announced the immediate availability of two additional alarm configuration rules for Amazon CloudWatch Alarms. The first rule is for configuring missing data treatment. Customers have the options to treat missing data as alarm threshold breached, alarm threshold not breached, maintain alarm state and the current default treatment. The second rule is for alarms based on percentiles metrics that can trigger unnecassarily if the percentile is calculated from a small number of samples. The new rule can treat percentiles with low sample counts as same as missing data. If the first rule is enabled, the same treatment will be applied when an alarm encounters a percentile with low sample counts.
- Adds support to PostContent for speech input
- ListObjectAttributes now supports filtering by facet.
- Adding paginators for ListExports and ListImports
- Resource Groups Tagging APIs can help you organize your resources and enable you to simplify resource management, access management, and cost allocation.
- File gateway mode in AWS Storage gateway provides access to objects in S3 as files on a Network File System (NFS) mount point. Once a file share is created, any changes made externally to the S3 bucket will not be reflected by the gateway. Using the cache refresh feature in this update, the customer can trigger an on-demand scan of the keys in their S3 bucket and refresh the file namespace cached on the gateway. It takes as an input the fileShare ARN and refreshes the cache for only that file share. Additionally there is new functionality on file gateway that allows you configure what squash options they would like on their file share, this allows a customer to configure their gateway to not squash root permissions. This can be done by setting options in NfsOptions for CreateNfsFileShare and UpdateNfsFileShare APIs.
- Amazon CloudFront now supports user configurable HTTP Read and Keep-Alive Idle Timeouts for your Custom Origin Servers
- Customers can now provide a retryStrategy as part of the RegisterJobDefinition and SubmitJob API calls. The retryStrategy object has a number value for attempts. This is the number of non successful executions before a job is considered FAILED. In addition, the JobDetail object now has an attempts field and shows all execution attempts.
- Customers can now tag their Amazon EC2 Instances and Amazon EBS Volumes at the time of their creation. You can do this from the EC2 Instance launch wizard or through the RunInstances or CreateVolume APIs. By tagging resources at the time of creation, you can eliminate the need to run custom tagging scripts after resource creation. In addition, you can now set resource-level permissions on the CreateVolume, CreateTags, DeleteTags, and the RunInstances APIs. This allows you to implement stronger security policies by giving you more granular control over which users and groups have access to these APIs. You can also enforce the use of tagging and control what tag keys and values are set on your resources. When you combine tag usage and resource-level IAM policies together, you can ensure your instances and volumes are properly secured upon creation and achieve more accurate cost allocation reporting. These new features are provided at no additional cost.
- Updated validation rules for SendCommand and RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindow APIs.
- Doc-only Update for CloudTrail: Add required parameters for GetEventSelectors and PutEventSelectors
- Application AutoScaling is launching support for a new target resource (AppStream 2.0 Fleets) as a scalable target.
- Adds export configuration options to the AWS Discovery Service API.
- Adds support for new runtime Node.js v6.10 for AWS Lambda service
- Adding waiters for Elastic Load Balancing V2
- Deprecated DescribeConnectionLoa, DescribeInterconnectLoa, AllocateConnectionOnInterconnect and DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnect operations in favor of DescribeLoa, DescribeLoa, AllocateHostedConnection and DescribeHostedConnections respectively.
- This update adds a new data set, us_sales_and_use_tax_records, which enables AWS Marketplace sellers to programmatically access to their U.S. Sales and Use Tax report data.
s encountered during XML response parsing that are caused byIOException
are now wrapped inIOException
before being thrown so that they are passed to the configured retry policies.This fixes #1068.
- Fix a bug that forced all requests to have an
header value ofapplication/json
- Fix a bug that forced all requests to have an
- Deprecated no-args
method onAmazonEC2
which will always fail. Fixes #1059.
- Deprecated no-args
Amazon Pinpoint User Segmentation * Added ability to segment endpoints by user attributes in addition to endpoint attributes.
Amazon Pinpoint Event Stream Preview * Added functionality to publish raw app analytics and campaign events data as events streams to Kinesis and Kinesis Firehose * The feature provides developers with increased flexibility of exporting raw events to S3, Redshift, Elasticsearch using a Kinesis Firehose stream or enable real time event processing use cases using a Kinesis stream.
- Add the
property toS3ObjectEntity
. - Correctly unwraps nested levels of ExecutionException. Fixes #1046.
- Remove unnecessary call to
. This avoids leaking memory during long running applications that useAmazonS3EncryptionClient#uploadObject
- Add the
- Deprecate the
S3ObjectEntity(String key, Long size, String eTag, String versionId)
constructor in favor ofS3ObjectEntity(String key, Long size, String eTag, String versionId, String sequencer)
- Deprecate the
to service waiters so that runningExecutorService
can be shutdown from the client. Fixes #1056. For example :final AmazonEC2 ec2 = AmazonEC2ClientBuilder.defaultClient(); try { ec2.waiters().instanceExists().runAsync( new WaiterParameters<>(new DescribeInstancesRequest()), new WaiterHandler() {...} ); } finally { ec2.shutdown(); //this will now shutdown the waiters as well as the client }
- Network shaping allows users to simulate network connections and conditions while testing their Android, iOS, and web apps with AWS Device Farm.
- This update extends Target Data Type for configuring Target behavior during invocation.
- This release includes support for instance fleets in Amazon EMR.
- API Gateway has added support for ACM certificates on custom domain names. Both Amazon-issued certificates and uploaded third-part certificates are supported.
- Introduces a new Cloud Directory API that enables you to retrieve all available parent paths for any type of object (a node, leaf node, policy node, and index node) in a hierarchy.
- Removing @JsonIgnore annotation introduced in 1.11.101 from Enum helper setters on models (eg https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-java/blob/master/aws-java-sdk-ecs/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ecs/model/PortMapping.java#L351) as this caused a regression that affected some waiters.
- The service models are no longer included with individual SDK client modules. This reduces the overall size of the SDK JARs as they can be quite large. For users wishing to inspect them, the model files may still be found in the aws-java-sdk-models module.
- Fixed an issue where a ChoiceState with no Default transition was throwing a NPE during validation.
- (New Service) The Administrative SDKs for Amazon WorkDocs provides full administrator level access to WorkDocs site resources, allowing developers to integrate their applications to manage WorkDocs users, content and permissions programmatically
- Add support to using encrypted clusters as cross-region replication masters.
- Update CopyDBClusterSnapshot API to support encrypted cross region copy of Aurora cluster snapshots.
- When creating or editing a budget via the AWS Budgets API you can define notifications that are sent to subscribers when the actual or forecasted value for cost or usage exceeds the notificationThreshold associated with the budget notification object. Starting today, the maximum allowed value for the notificationThreshold was raised from 100 to 300. This change was made to give you more flexibility when setting budget notifications.
- OpsWorks for Chef Automate has added a new field "AssociatePublicIpAddress" to the CreateServer request, "CloudFormationStackArn" to the Server model and "TERMINATED" server state.
- Add improved detection of end-of-stream for object input streams and improved logging when the stream is aborted.
- Fix a bug in
where the Requester Pays flag set on aCopyObjectRequest
was not being preserved in the multipart copy or upload requests if the original request was promoted to multipart.
- Fix a bug in
- (New Service) AWS Organizations is a web service that enables you to consolidate your multiple AWS accounts into an organization and centrally manage your accounts and their resources.
- Time to Live (TTL) is a feature that allows you to define when items in a table expire and can be purged from the database, so that you don't have to track expired data and delete it manually. With TTL enabled on a DynamoDB table, you can set a timestamp for deletion on a per-item basis, allowing you to limit storage usage to only those records that are relevant.
- This release adds support for AWS Organizations service control policies (SCPs) to SimulatePrincipalPolicy operation. If there are SCPs associated with the simulated user's account, their effect on the result is captured in the OrganizationDecisionDetail element in the EvaluationResult.
- (New Service) Amazon Mechanical Turk is a web service that provides an on-demand, scalable, human workforce to complete jobs that humans can do better than computers, for example, recognizing objects in photos.
- Added three new API calls to existing Amazon Elasticsearch service to expose Amazon Elasticsearch imposed limits to customers
- Fixed bug reported in Issue #1018 where CRC32 was not always calculated correctly.
- New EC2 I3 instance type
- Elastic Beanstalk adds support for creating and managing custom platform.
- ListObjectAttributes documentation updated based on forum feedback
- Allow developers to configure global queues for creating GameSessions. Allow PlayerData on PlayerSessions to store player-specific data.
- Added support for operations CreateVPCAssociationAuthorization and DeleteVPCAssociationAuthorization to throw a ConcurrentModification error when a conflicting modification occurs in parallel to the authorizations in place for a given hosted zone.
- Major refactoring of marshallers for all JSON based services. This may have different performance characteristics than previous releases.
- Added the billingProduct parameter to the RegisterImage API.
- This update will introduce the ability for Direct Connect customers to take advantage of Link Aggregation (LAG). This allows you to bundle many individual physical interfaces into a single logical interface, referred to as a LAG. This makes administration much simpler as the majority of configuration is done on the LAG while you are free to add or remove physical interfaces from the bundle as bandwidth demand increases or decreases. A concrete example of the simplification added by LAG is that customers need only a single BGP session as opposed to one session per physical connection.
- AWS Config now supports a new test mode for the PutEvaluations API. Set the TestMode parameter to true in your custom rule to verify whether your AWS Lambda function will deliver evaluation results to AWS Config. No updates occur to your existing evaluations, and evaluation results are not sent to AWS Config.
- Allow createIdentityPool and updateIdentityPool API to set server side token check value on identity pool.
- This release of AWS Key Management Service introduces the ability to tag keys. Tagging keys can help you organize your keys and track your KMS costs in the cost allocation report. This release also increases the maximum length of a key ID to accommodate ARNs that include a long key alias.
- Fixing Issue #979 by including the jmespath-java module in the OSGi bundle.
- Introduce
. This builder allows using references toAmazonGlacier
and AmazonSQS` rather than the concrete implementations.
- Introduce
- Deprecate all constructors for
- Deprecate all constructors for
- Adds support for the new Modify Volumes apis.
- File gateway mode in AWS Storage gateway provides access to objects in S3 as files on a Network File System (NFS) mount point. This is done by creating Nfs file shares using existing APIs CreateNfsFileShare. Using the feature in this update, the customer can restrict the clients that have read/write access to the gateway by specifying the list of clients as a list of IP addresses or CIDR blocks. This list can be specified using the API CreateNfsFileShare while creating new file shares, or UpdateNfsFileShare while update existing file shares. To find out the list of clients that have access, the existing API DescribeNfsFileShare will now output the list of clients that have access.
- This feature allows customers to associate an IAM profile to running instances that do not have any.
- DetectFaces and IndexFaces operations now return an estimate of the age of the face as an age range.
- (NewService) Amazon Lex is a service for building conversational interactions into any application using voice or text.
Fix a bug in
where theTransferManager#copy
method was retrieving the metadata for the latest version of the source object even when supplying a specific version viaCopyObjectRequest#withSourceVersionId
.This fixes Issue #1009.
Fix an integer overflow bug in
. Note that this class is deprecated and users are discouraged from using it.This fixes Issue #1008.
- This release of AWS CodeDeploy introduces support for blue/green deployments. In a blue/green deployment, the current set of instances in a deployment group is replaced by new instances that have the latest application revision installed on them. After traffic is rerouted behind a load balancer to the replacement instances, the original instances can be terminated automatically or kept running for other uses.
- Initial release of a fluent builder API to create state machine JSON documents.
- (New Service) Amazon Cloud Directory is a component of the AWS Directory Service that simplifies the development and management of cloud-scale web, mobile and IoT applications. This guide describes the Cloud Directory operations that you can call programatically and includes detailed information on data types and errors. For information about AWS Directory Services features, see AWS Directory Service and the AWS Directory Service Administration Guide.
- Adds instance health check functionality to replace unhealthy EC2 Spot fleet instances with fresh ones.
- Snapshot Engine Version Upgrade
- Adding builder for AmazonS3EncryptionClient.
- Adding
option to TransferManagerBuilder.
- Constructors on the AmazonS3EncryptionClient have been deprecated in favor of using the AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder.
- Cross Region Read Replica Copying
- Application Load Balancers now support native Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). With this ability, clients can now connect to the Application Load Balancer in a dual-stack mode via either IPv4 or IPv6.
- Now includes the option to view the differences between a commit and its parent commit.
Adding ability to set custom endpoint and signing region on client builders. For example
AmazonSNS client = AmazonSNSClientBuilder.standard().withEndpointConfiguration(new EndpointConfiguration("http://sns-custom-endpoint.amazon.com", "us-east-1")).build();
NB: This should only be used if a custom endpoint is required, the recommended approach for configuring a client is via set/withRegion on the builder
Bundled dependency of AWS SDK jar available as a new maven module 'aws-java-sdk-bundle'. This module includes all service and dependent JARs with third-party libraries relocated to different namespaces.
, clients should be created via their builder implementation for example:AmazonSNSClientBuilder.standard().withRegion(region).build();
Deprecating client constructors & mutation methods on clients (eg
) in favor of creating a client via the client builders. The following mechanism for creating clients is deprecated:AmazonSNSClient client = new AmazonSNSClient(clientConfiguration); //client constructor is deprecated client.setRegion(RegionUtils.getRegion("us-east-1")); //mutating the client via setRegion is deprecated
Clients should now be constructed using the builder:
AmazonSNS client = AmazonSNSClientBuilder.standard().withClientConfiguration(clientConfiguration).withRegion("us-east-1").build();
- Now supports a state for container instances that can be used to drain a container instance in preparation for maintenance or cluster scale down.
Deprecating constructors and mutable methods (eg
) on TransferManager in favor of creating via the builder for example:TransferManager tm = TransferManagerBuilder.standard().withS3Client(s3Client).build();
- Updated response elements for DescribeCertificate API in support of managed renewal.
- Deprecating waitForActiveOrDelete and waitForAllActiveOrDelete methods in Table class which can give incorrect results if they are called immediatedly after creating or deleting a table. This is due to dynamoDb operations being eventually consistent and might take a few seconds to propagate the new status. Use waitForActive and waitForDelete instead.