diff --git a/share/model.go b/share/model.go
index 56d4609..ac65af2 100644
--- a/share/model.go
+++ b/share/model.go
@@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ type PublicLink struct {
 type ShareState struct {
-	Share Share
+	ShareID uint  `gorm:"foreignKey:ShareID;references:ID"` // Define the foreign key field
+	Share   Share // Define the association
 	// Can not be uid because of lw accs
 	User   string
 	Synced bool
diff --git a/share/sql/sql.go b/share/sql/sql.go
index dd8d443..81c86f7 100644
--- a/share/sql/sql.go
+++ b/share/sql/sql.go
@@ -201,10 +201,10 @@ func (m *mgr) getByKey(ctx context.Context, key *collaboration.ShareKey, checkOw
 		Where("shared_with_is_group = ?", key.Grantee.Type == provider.GranteeType_GRANTEE_TYPE_GROUP).
 		Where("share_with = ?", strings.ToLower(shareWith))
-	if checkOwner {
-		uid := conversions.FormatUserID(appctx.ContextMustGetUser(ctx).Id)
-		query = query.
-			Where("uid_owner = ? or uid_initiator = ?", uid, uid)
+	uid := conversions.FormatUserID(appctx.ContextMustGetUser(ctx).Id)
+	// In case the user is not the owner (i.e. in the case of projects)
+	if checkOwner && owner != uid {
+		query = query.Where("uid_initiator = ?", uid)
 	res := query.First(&share)
@@ -319,14 +319,6 @@ func (m *mgr) isProjectAdmin(u *userpb.User, path string) bool {
 			if g == adminGroup {
 				// User belongs to the admin group, list all shares for the resource
-				// TODO: this only works if shares for a single project are requested.
-				// If shares for multiple projects are requested, then we're not checking if the
-				// user is an admin for all of those. We can append the query ` or uid_owner=?`
-				// for all the project owners, which works fine for new reva
-				// but won't work for revaold since there, we store the uid of the share creator as uid_owner.
-				// For this to work across the two versions, this change would have to be made in revaold
-				// but it won't be straightforward as there, the storage provider doesn't return the
-				// resource owners.
 				return true
@@ -364,65 +356,67 @@ func (m *mgr) ListShares(ctx context.Context, filters []*collaboration.Filter) (
 func (m *mgr) ListReceivedShares(ctx context.Context, filters []*collaboration.Filter) ([]*collaboration.ReceivedShare, error) {
 	user := appctx.ContextMustGetUser(ctx)
-	query := m.db.Model(&model.Share{}).
-		Where("orphan = ?", false)
+	// We need to do this to parse the result
+	// Normally, GORM would be able to fill in the Share that is referenced in ShareState
+	// However, in GORM's docs: "Join Preload will loads association data using left join"
+	// Because we do a RIGHT JOIN, GORM cannot load the data into shareState.Share (in case that ShareState is empty)
+	// So we load them both separately, and then set ShareState.Share = Share ourselves
+	var results []struct {
+		model.ShareState
+		model.Share
+	}
+	query := m.db.Model(&model.ShareState{}).
+		Select("share_states.*, shares.*").
+		Joins("RIGHT OUTER JOIN shares ON shares.id = share_states.share_id").
+		Where("shares.orphan = ?", false)
 	// Also search by all the groups the user is a member of
-	innerQuery := m.db.Where("share_with = ? and shared_with_is_group = ?", user.Username, false)
+	innerQuery := m.db.Where("shares.share_with = ? and shares.shared_with_is_group = ?", user.Username, false)
 	for _, group := range user.Groups {
-		innerQuery = innerQuery.Or("share_with = ? and shared_with_is_group = ?", group, true)
+		innerQuery = innerQuery.Or("shares.share_with = ? and shares.shared_with_is_group = ?", group, true)
 	query = query.Where(innerQuery)
 	// Append filters
 	m.appendFiltersToQuery(query, filters)
-	// Get the shares
-	var shares []model.Share
-	res := query.Find(&shares)
+	// Get the shares + states
+	res := query.Find(&results)
 	if res.Error != nil {
 		return nil, res.Error
-	// Now that we have the shares, we fetch the share state for every share
 	var receivedShares []*collaboration.ReceivedShare
-	for _, s := range shares {
-		shareId := &collaboration.ShareId{
-			OpaqueId: strconv.FormatUint(uint64(s.ID), 10),
-		}
-		shareState, err := m.getShareState(ctx, shareId, user)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, err
-		}
+	// Now we parse everything into the CS3 definition of a CS3ReceivedShare
+	for _, res := range results {
+		shareState := res.ShareState
+		shareState.Share = res.Share
+		granteeType, _ := m.getUserType(ctx, res.Share.ShareWith)
-		granteeType, _ := m.getUserType(ctx, s.ShareWith)
-		receivedShares = append(receivedShares, s.AsCS3ReceivedShare(shareState, granteeType))
+		receivedShares = append(receivedShares, res.Share.AsCS3ReceivedShare(&shareState, granteeType))
 	return receivedShares, nil
-func (m *mgr) getShareState(ctx context.Context, shareId *collaboration.ShareId, user *userpb.User) (*model.ShareState, error) {
+// shareId *collaboration.ShareId
+func (m *mgr) getShareState(ctx context.Context, share *model.Share, user *userpb.User) (*model.ShareState, error) {
 	var shareState model.ShareState
 	query := m.db.Model(&shareState).
-		Where("share_id = ?", shareId.OpaqueId).
+		Where("share_id = ?", share.ID).
 		Where("user = ?", user.Username)
 	res := query.First(&shareState)
 	if res.RowsAffected == 0 {
-		shareIdInt, err := strconv.Atoi(shareId.OpaqueId)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, errors.New("Failed to fetch shareState, and failed to create one (share_id is not an int)")
-		}
 		// If no share state has been created yet, we create it now using these defaults
 		shareState = model.ShareState{
-			ShareID: uint(shareIdInt),
-			Hidden:  false,
-			Synced:  false,
-			User:    user.Username,
+			Share:  *share,
+			Hidden: false,
+			Synced: false,
+			User:   user.Username,
 		// Does not really matter if it fails, next time the user
 		// lists his shares this will just be called again
@@ -439,7 +433,7 @@ func (m *mgr) getReceivedByID(ctx context.Context, id *collaboration.ShareId, gt
 		return nil, err
-	shareState, err := m.getShareState(ctx, id, user)
+	shareState, err := m.getShareState(ctx, share, user)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
@@ -455,11 +449,7 @@ func (m *mgr) getReceivedByKey(ctx context.Context, key *collaboration.ShareKey,
 		return nil, err
-	shareId := &collaboration.ShareId{
-		OpaqueId: strconv.Itoa(int(share.ID)),
-	}
-	shareState, err := m.getShareState(ctx, shareId, user)
+	shareState, err := m.getShareState(ctx, share, user)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
@@ -496,12 +486,23 @@ func (m *mgr) UpdateReceivedShare(ctx context.Context, share *collaboration.Rece
 	user := appctx.ContextMustGetUser(ctx)
-	rs, err := m.GetReceivedShare(ctx, &collaboration.ShareReference{Spec: &collaboration.ShareReference_Id{Id: share.Share.Id}})
+	rs, err := m.getReceivedByID(ctx, share.Share.Id, user.Id.Type)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	shareId, err := strconv.Atoi(share.Share.Id.OpaqueId)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
-	shareState, err := m.getShareState(ctx, share.Share.Id, user)
+	shareState, err := m.getShareState(ctx, &model.Share{
+		ProtoShare: model.ProtoShare{
+			Model: gorm.Model{
+				ID: uint(shareId),
+			},
+		},
+	}, user)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
diff --git a/share/sql/sql_test.go b/share/sql/sql_test.go
index c85d5a3..dbe738a 100644
--- a/share/sql/sql_test.go
+++ b/share/sql/sql_test.go
@@ -363,6 +363,7 @@ func TestListReceivedShares(t *testing.T) {
 	if len(receivedShares) != 1 {
 		t.Errorf("Expected 1 received share, got %d", len(receivedShares))
+		t.FailNow()
 	if receivedShares[0].Share.Id.OpaqueId != res.Id.OpaqueId {