diff --git a/types & grammar/apA.md b/types & grammar/apA.md index 67e85237c..bdf4c966d 100644 --- a/types & grammar/apA.md +++ b/types & grammar/apA.md @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ The one thing they *share* is the single `global` object (`window` in the browse So, if one `script` element defines a global function `foo()`, when a second `script` later runs, it can access and call `foo()` just as if it had defined the function itself. -But global variable scope *hoisting* (see the *"Scope & Closures"* title of this series) does not occur across these boundaries, so the following code would not work (because `foo()`'s declaration isn't yet declared), regardless of if they are (as shown) inline `` elements or externally loaded `` files: +But global variable scope *hoisting* (see the *Scope & Closures* title of this series) does not occur across these boundaries, so the following code would not work (because `foo()`'s declaration isn't yet declared), regardless of if they are (as shown) inline `` elements or externally loaded `` files: ```html diff --git a/types & grammar/ch1.md b/types & grammar/ch1.md index bcb4ca157..b12bb8b15 100644 --- a/types & grammar/ch1.md +++ b/types & grammar/ch1.md @@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ if (typeof atob === "undefined") { } ``` -**Note:** If you're defining a "polyfill" for a feature if it doesn't already exist, you probably want to avoid using `var` to make the `atob` declaration. If you declare `var atob` inside the `if` statement, this declaration is hoisted (see the *"Scope & Closures"* title of this series) to the top of the scope, even if the `if` condition doesn't pass (because the global `atob` already exists!). In some browsers and for some special types of global built-in variables (often called "host objects"), this duplicate declaration may throw an error. Omitting the `var` prevents this hoisted declaration. +**Note:** If you're defining a "polyfill" for a feature if it doesn't already exist, you probably want to avoid using `var` to make the `atob` declaration. If you declare `var atob` inside the `if` statement, this declaration is hoisted (see the *Scope & Closures* title of this series) to the top of the scope, even if the `if` condition doesn't pass (because the global `atob` already exists!). In some browsers and for some special types of global built-in variables (often called "host objects"), this duplicate declaration may throw an error. Omitting the `var` prevents this hoisted declaration. Another way of doing these checks against global variables but without the safety guard feature of `typeof` is to observe that all global variables are also properties of the global object, which in the browser is basically the `window` object. So, the above checks could have been done (quite safely) as: @@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ function doSomethingCool() { ```js // an IIFE (see "Immediately Invoked Function Expressions" -// discussion in the *"Scope & Closures"* title of this series) +// discussion in the *Scope & Closures* title of this series) (function(){ function FeatureXYZ() { /*.. my XYZ feature ..*/ } diff --git a/types & grammar/ch2.md b/types & grammar/ch2.md index c4f0ba415..011c0b746 100644 --- a/types & grammar/ch2.md +++ b/types & grammar/ch2.md @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ var arr = Array.from( arguments ); ... ``` -**Note:** `Array.from(..)` has several powerful capabilities, and will be covered in detail in the *"ES6 & Beyond"* title of this series. +**Note:** `Array.from(..)` has several powerful capabilities, and will be covered in detail in the *ES6 & Beyond* title of this series. ## Strings diff --git a/types & grammar/ch3.md b/types & grammar/ch3.md index c97d5521a..221fbc92a 100644 --- a/types & grammar/ch3.md +++ b/types & grammar/ch3.md @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Object.prototype.toString.call( true ); // "[object Boolean]" In this snippet, each of the simple primitives are automatically boxed by their respective object wrappers, which is why `"String"`, `"Number"`, and `"Boolean"` are revealed as the respective internal `[[Class]]` values. -**Note:** The behavior of `toString()` and `[[Class]]` as illustrated here has changed a bit from ES5 to ES6, but we cover those details in the *"ES6 & Beyond"* title of this series. +**Note:** The behavior of `toString()` and `[[Class]]` as illustrated here has changed a bit from ES5 to ES6, but we cover those details in the *ES6 & Beyond* title of this series. ## Boxing Wrappers @@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ Confused? Yeah. Here's roughly how it works. `apply(..)` is a utility available to all functions, which calls the function it's used with but in a special way. -The first argument is a `this` object binding (covered in the *"this & Object Prototypes"* title of this series), which we don't care about here, so we set it to `null`. The second argument is supposed to be an array (or something *like* an array -- aka an "array-like object"). The contents of this "array" are "spread" out as arguments to the function in question. +The first argument is a `this` object binding (covered in the *this & Object Prototypes* title of this series), which we don't care about here, so we set it to `null`. The second argument is supposed to be an array (or something *like* an array -- aka an "array-like object"). The contents of this "array" are "spread" out as arguments to the function in question. So, `Array.apply(..)` is calling the `Array(..)` function and spreading out the values (of the `{ length: 3 }` object value) as its arguments. @@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ For example, all string objects, and by extension (via boxing) `string` primitiv None of the methods modify the string *in place*. Modifications (like case conversion or trimming) create a new value from the existing value. -By virtue of prototype delegation (see the *"this & Object Prototypes"* title in this series), any string value can access these methods: +By virtue of prototype delegation (see the *this & Object Prototypes* title in this series), any string value can access these methods: ```js var a = " abc "; diff --git a/types & grammar/ch4.md b/types & grammar/ch4.md index 01bd5f630..c707bb8a3 100644 --- a/types & grammar/ch4.md +++ b/types & grammar/ch4.md @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ To convert to this primitive value equivalent, the `ToPrimitive` abstract operat If neither operation can provide a primitive value, a `TypeError` is thrown. -As of ES5, you can create such a noncoercible object -- one without `valueOf()` and `toString()` -- if it has a `null` value for its `[[Prototype]]`, typically created with `Object.create(null)`. See the *"this & Object Prototypes"* title of this series for more information on `[[Prototype]]`s. +As of ES5, you can create such a noncoercible object -- one without `valueOf()` and `toString()` -- if it has a `null` value for its `[[Prototype]]`, typically created with `Object.create(null)`. See the *this & Object Prototypes* title of this series for more information on `[[Prototype]]`s. **Note:** We cover how to coerce to `number`s later in this chapter in detail, but for this next code snippet, just assume the `Number(..)` function does so. diff --git a/types & grammar/ch5.md b/types & grammar/ch5.md index 6ea2989b2..4aa8b5080 100644 --- a/types & grammar/ch5.md +++ b/types & grammar/ch5.md @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ The general idea is to be able to treat statements as expressions -- they can sh For now, statement completion values are not much more than trivia. But they're probably going to take on more significance as JS evolves, and hopefully `do { .. }` expressions will reduce the temptation to use stuff like `eval(..)`. -**Warning:** Repeating my earlier admonition: avoid `eval(..)`. Seriously. See the *"Scope & Closures"* title of this series for more explanation. +**Warning:** Repeating my earlier admonition: avoid `eval(..)`. Seriously. See the *Scope & Closures* title of this series for more explanation. ### Expression Side Effects @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ obj.a; // undefined The result value of the `delete` operator is `true` if the requested operation is valid/allowable, or `false` otherwise. But the side effect of the operator is that it removes the property (or array slot). -**Note:** What do we mean by valid/allowable? Nonexistent properties, or properties that exist and are configurable (see Chapter 3 of the *"this & Object Prototypes"* title of this series) will return `true` from the `delete` operator. Otherwise, the result will be `false` or an error. +**Note:** What do we mean by valid/allowable? Nonexistent properties, or properties that exist and are configurable (see Chapter 3 of the *this & Object Prototypes* title of this series) will return `true` from the `delete` operator. Otherwise, the result will be `false` or an error. One last example of a side-effecting operator, which may at once be both obvious and nonobvious, is the `=` assignment operator. @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ a = b = c = 42; Here, `c = 42` is evaluated to `42` (with the side effect of assigning `42` to `c`), then `b = 42` is evaluated to `42` (with the side effect of assigning `42` to `b`), and finally `a = 42` is evaluated (with the side effect of assigning `42` to `a`). -**Warning:** A common mistake developers make with chained assignments is like `var a = b = 42`. While this looks like the same thing, it's not. If that statement were to happen without there also being a separate `var b` (somewhere in the scope) to formally declare `b`, then `var a = b = 42` would not declare `b` directly. Depending on `strict` mode, that would either throw an error or create an accidental global (see the *"Scope & Closures"* title of this series). +**Warning:** A common mistake developers make with chained assignments is like `var a = b = 42`. While this looks like the same thing, it's not. If that statement were to happen without there also being a separate `var b` (somewhere in the scope) to formally declare `b`, then `var a = b = 42` would not declare `b` directly. Depending on `strict` mode, that would either throw an error or create an accidental global (see the *Scope & Closures* title of this series). Another scenario to consider: @@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ What happens if we remove the `var a =` part of the above snippet? A lot of developers assume that the `{ .. }` pair is just a standalone `object` literal that doesn't get assigned anywhere. But it's actually entirely different. -Here, `{ .. }` is just a regular code block. It's not very idiomatic in JavaScript (much more so in other languages!) to have a standalone `{ .. }` block like that, but it's perfectly valid JS grammar. It can be especially helpful when combined with `let` block-scoping declarations (see the *"Scope & Closures"* title in this series). +Here, `{ .. }` is just a regular code block. It's not very idiomatic in JavaScript (much more so in other languages!) to have a standalone `{ .. }` block like that, but it's perfectly valid JS grammar. It can be especially helpful when combined with `let` block-scoping declarations (see the *Scope & Closures* title in this series). The `{ .. }` code block here is functionally pretty much identical to the code block being attached to some statement, like a `for`/`while` loop, `if` conditional, etc. @@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ But on the second line, `{}` is interpreted as a standalone `{}` empty block (wh ##### Object Destructuring -Starting with ES6, another place that you'll see `{ .. }` pairs showing up is with "destructuring assignments" (see the *"ES6 & Beyond"* title of this series for more info), specifically `object` destructuring. Consider: +Starting with ES6, another place that you'll see `{ .. }` pairs showing up is with "destructuring assignments" (see the *ES6 & Beyond* title of this series for more info), specifically `object` destructuring. Consider: ```js function getData() { @@ -1042,7 +1042,7 @@ Interestingly, while `typeof` has an exception to be safe for undeclared variabl ## Function Arguments -Another example of a TDZ violation can be seen with ES6 default parameter values (see the *"ES6 & Beyond"* title of this series): +Another example of a TDZ violation can be seen with ES6 default parameter values (see the *ES6 & Beyond* title of this series): ```js var b = 3; @@ -1119,7 +1119,7 @@ foo(); // undefined (not linked) It's almost certainly a bad idea to ever rely on any such linkage, and in fact the linkage itself is a leaky abstraction that's exposing an underlying implementation detail of the engine, rather than a properly designed feature. -Use of the `arguments` array has been deprecated (especially in favor of ES6 `...` rest parameters -- see the *"ES6 & Beyond"* title of this series), but that doesn't mean that it's all bad. +Use of the `arguments` array has been deprecated (especially in favor of ES6 `...` rest parameters -- see the *ES6 & Beyond* title of this series), but that doesn't mean that it's all bad. Prior to ES6, `arguments` is the only way to get an array of all passed arguments to pass along to other functions, which turns out to be quite useful. You can also mix named parameters with the `arguments` array and be safe, as long as you follow one simple rule: **never refer to a named parameter *and* its corresponding `arguments` slot at the same time.** If you avoid that bad practice, you'll never expose the leaky linkage behavior. @@ -1211,7 +1211,7 @@ for (var i=0; i<10; i++) { The `console.log(i)` statement runs at the end of the loop iteration, which is caused by the `continue` statement. However, it still runs before the `i++` iteration update statement, which is why the values printed are `0..9` instead of `1..10`. -**Note:** ES6 adds a `yield` statement, in generators (see the *"Async & Performance"* title of this series) which in some ways can be seen as an intermediate `return` statement. However, unlike a `return`, a `yield` isn't complete until the generator is resumed, which means a `try { .. yield .. }` has not completed. So an attached `finally` clause will not run right after the `yield` like it does with `return`. +**Note:** ES6 adds a `yield` statement, in generators (see the *Async & Performance* title of this series) which in some ways can be seen as an intermediate `return` statement. However, unlike a `return`, a `yield` isn't complete until the generator is resumed, which means a `try { .. yield .. }` has not completed. So an attached `finally` clause will not run right after the `yield` like it does with `return`. A `return` inside a `finally` has the special ability to override a previous `return` from the `try` or `catch` clause, but only if `return` is explicitly called: diff --git a/types & grammar/foreword.md b/types & grammar/foreword.md index 5b004dd10..537685e82 100644 --- a/types & grammar/foreword.md +++ b/types & grammar/foreword.md @@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ I still remember my first high school website project. The task was to create an I tell that story because I did back then what many developers are doing today: I copied and pasted chunks of JavaScript code into my project without having a clue what's actually happening. The widespread use of JavaScript toolkits like jQuery have, in their own small way, perpetuated this pattern of nonlearning of core JavaScript. -I'm not disparaging JavaScript toolkit use; after all, I'm a member of the MooTools JavaScript team! But the reason JavaScript toolkits are as powerful as they are is because their developers know the fundamentals, and their "gotchas," and apply them magnificently. As useful as these toolkits are, it's still incredibly important to know the basics of the language, and with books like Kyle Simpson's *"You Don't Know JS"* series, there's no excuse not to learn them. +I'm not disparaging JavaScript toolkit use; after all, I'm a member of the MooTools JavaScript team! But the reason JavaScript toolkits are as powerful as they are is because their developers know the fundamentals, and their "gotchas," and apply them magnificently. As useful as these toolkits are, it's still incredibly important to know the basics of the language, and with books like Kyle Simpson's *You Don't Know JS* series, there's no excuse not to learn them. -*"Types and Grammar"*, the third installment of the series, is an excellent look at the core JavaScript fundamentals that copy and paste and JavaScript toolkits don't and could never teach you. Coercion and its pitfalls, natives as constructors, and the whole gamut of JavaScript basics are thoroughly explained with focused code examples. Like the other books in this series, Kyle cuts straight to the point: no fluff and word-smithing -- exactly the type of tech book I love. +*Types and Grammar*, the third installment of the series, is an excellent look at the core JavaScript fundamentals that copy and paste and JavaScript toolkits don't and could never teach you. Coercion and its pitfalls, natives as constructors, and the whole gamut of JavaScript basics are thoroughly explained with focused code examples. Like the other books in this series, Kyle cuts straight to the point: no fluff and word-smithing -- exactly the type of tech book I love. Enjoy Types and Grammar and don't let it get too far away from your desk!