diff --git a/es6 & beyond/ch2.md b/es6 & beyond/ch2.md index 9f07cb2c2..621313645 100644 --- a/es6 & beyond/ch2.md +++ b/es6 & beyond/ch2.md @@ -2533,7 +2533,7 @@ var s1 = "abc\u0301d", [...s3.normalize()][2]; // "𝒞" ``` -**Warning:** Reminder of an earlier warning: constructing and exhausting an iterator each time you want to get at a single character is... very not ideal, performance wise. Let's hope we get a built-in and optimized utility for this soon, post-ES6. +**Warning:** Reminder of an earlier warning: constructing and exhausting an iterator each time you want to get at a single character is... not very ideal, performance wise. Let's hope we get a built-in and optimized utility for this soon, post-ES6. What about a Unicode-aware version of the `charCodeAt(..)` utility? ES6 gives us `codePointAt(..)`: