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{{ "New to code? Check out my resources page for some free learning materials." }}
{%- assign date_format = site.minima.date_format | default: "%b %-d, %Y" -%}
- {{ "2022-08-18" | date: date_format }} {{ "Always close gRPC client connections" | escape }}
- {{ "2022-08-08" | date: date_format }} {{ "How to review software engineering candidates' tech tests" | escape }}
- {{ "2022-05-23" | date: date_format }} {{ "Golangci linter lied to me?!" | escape }}
- {{ "2022-05-18" | date: date_format }} {{ "DHCP, NAT, VLAN, oh my!" | escape }}
- {{ "2022-03-20" | date: date_format }} {{ "Salary transparency scares me" | escape }}
- {{ "2021-12-18" | date: date_format }} {{ "Some things I don't know as of 2022" | escape }}
- {{ "2021-12-17" | date: date_format }} {{ "Building and Shipping a custom Cluster API provider" | escape }}
- {{ "2020-10-31" | date: date_format }} {{ "How to get the most out of your next tech test" | escape }}
- {{ "2020-04-10" | date: date_format }} {{ "How to pair-program remotely and not lose the will to live (or: there has never been a better time to learn Vim)" | escape }}
- {{ "2019-10-14" | date: date_format }} {{ "Envoy Proxy Deadlocked My Cloud" | escape }}
- {{ "2019-03-29" | date: date_format }} {{ "Why is OverlayFS slow now?" | escape }}
- {{ "2018-09-08" | date: date_format }} {{ "The Route to Rootless Containers" | escape }}
- {{ "2018-05-09" | date: date_format }} {{ "A day in the life of a Cloud Foundry engineer" | escape }}
- {{ "2017-09-08" | date: date_format }} {{ "Container Root Filesystems in Production" | escape }}