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Casey Youngflesh edited this page Oct 10, 2017 · 30 revisions


0.9.0 update:

Function to preserve dimensionality of output

  • specify parameters of interest and function of interest

  • outputs a list - each element is a different param - some matrices, some vectors, some scalars

  • stitch proper dimensionality together based on position of variable - specified as output (for instance mu[1,4])


MCMCnewfun(coda.object, func = mean)

> list(B.matrix = round(matrix(rnorm(9, 1.5), nrow = 3), digits = 2), mu = rnorm(5), alpha = rnorm(1, 10))

MCMCnewfun(coda.object, params = 'B.matrix', func = mean)

> list(B.matrix = round(matrix(rnorm(9), nrow = 3), digits = 2))

Add instructions or examples to README on github

MCMCsummary - quantiles arg to function

  • default set as quantiles = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975) if NA, no quantiles displayed
  • accept varying lengths for argument - if length of quantiles arg = 1, display only one quantiles column

MCMCsummary - scientific notation if too many 0s

  • digits would be sig digits instead of digits to round to

MCMCtrace - some way to visualize posterior on top of prior

  • may need to specify priors in a particular way rnorm(NUM_SAMPLE_DRAWS, PRIOR_MU, PRIOR_TAU)
  • put priors in a coda object
  • display degree of overlap (metric) between prior and posterior beneath plot

MCMCchains - arg to output in same dimensions as param in model with samples in Nth dim with an NxN array

  • format = flat or multidimensional
  • could simply grab the [1,1] format and make a cube or whatever, just as with the jags.pbject type function

0.8.1 update

  • round function columns output to digits
  • Rhat always round to 2 digits
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