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202 lines (164 loc) · 5.38 KB

File metadata and controls

202 lines (164 loc) · 5.38 KB

export CTX_CLUSTER1=kind-cluster1 export CTX_CLUSTER2=kind-cluster2

istioctl --context $CTX_CLUSTER1 proxy-config endpoint transfer-service-c4df784c4-cf7tp.transfer | grep account istioctl --context $CTX_CLUSTER2 proxy-config endpoint transfer-service-744d569498-ptqkb.transfer | grep account

kubectl --context $CTX_CLUSTER1 label node cluster1-control-plane kubectl --context $CTX_CLUSTER2 label node cluster2-control-plane

kubectl --context="$CTX_CLUSTER1" apply -n account -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: DestinationRule metadata: name: account spec: host: account-service.account.svc.cluster.local trafficPolicy: connectionPool: http: maxRequestsPerConnection: 1 loadBalancer: simple: ROUND_ROBIN localityLbSetting: enabled: true failover: - from: myd to: auh outlierDetection: consecutive5xxErrors: 1 interval: 1s baseEjectionTime: 1m EOF

kubectl --context="$CTX_CLUSTER2" apply -n account -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: DestinationRule metadata: name: account spec: host: account-service.account.svc.cluster.local trafficPolicy: connectionPool: http: maxRequestsPerConnection: 1 loadBalancer: simple: ROUND_ROBIN localityLbSetting: enabled: true failover: - from: myd to: auh outlierDetection: consecutive5xxErrors: 1 interval: 1s baseEjectionTime: 1m EOF

kubectl --context="$CTX_CLUSTER1" apply -n transfer -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: DestinationRule metadata: name: transfer spec: host: transfer-service.tranfer.svc.cluster.local trafficPolicy: connectionPool: http: maxRequestsPerConnection: 1 loadBalancer: simple: ROUND_ROBIN localityLbSetting: enabled: true failover: - from: myd to: auh outlierDetection: consecutive5xxErrors: 1 interval: 1s baseEjectionTime: 1m EOF

kubectl --context="$CTX_CLUSTER1" delete DestinationRule account -n account kubectl --context="$CTX_CLUSTER1" delete DestinationRule transfer -n account

kubectl --context="$CTX_CLUSTER1" delete DestinationRule transfer2 -n account

kubectl --context="$CTX_CLUSTER1" apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: VirtualService metadata: name: transfer-service namespace: transfer spec: hosts: - "" gateways: - istio-system/ingress-gateway http: - match: - uri: prefix: "/transfer" rewrite: uri: / route: - destination: host: transfer-service.transfer.svc.cluster.local port: number: 80

kubectl --context="$CTX_CLUSTER1" apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: VirtualService metadata: name: account-service namespace: account spec: hosts: - "" gateways: - istio-system/ingress-gateway http: - match: - uri: prefix: "/account" rewrite: uri: / route: - destination: host: account-service.account.svc.cluster.local port: number: 80

kubectl --context="$CTX_CLUSTER1" apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: Gateway metadata: name: ingress-gateway namespace: istio-system spec: selector: istio: ingressgateway servers: - port: number: 80 name: http protocol: HTTP hosts: - "" EOF

kubectl --context="$CTX_CLUSTER1" get gateway ingress-gateway -n istio-system -o yaml kubectl --context="$CTX_CLUSTER1" get virtualservice transfer-service -n transfer -o yaml

kubectl --context="$CTX_CLUSTER1" apply -f test/nginx-namespace.yaml kubectl --context="$CTX_CLUSTER1" apply -f test/nginx-deployment.yaml kubectl --context="$CTX_CLUSTER1" apply -f test/nginx-virtualservice.yaml

istioctl --context $CTX_CLUSTER1 proxy-config endpoint transfer-service-7987698867-t7k45.transfer | grep account

istioctl --context $CTX_CLUSTER1 proxy-config all transfer-service-575845f844-br7f7.transfer

istioctl --context $CTX_CLUSTER1 proxy-config endpoints transfer-service-6cf4f5b759-m4czj.transfer --cluster "outbound|80||account-service.account.svc.cluster.local"

kubectl --context $CTX_CLUSTER1 logs transfer-service-6cf4f5b759-m4czj -c istio-proxy -n transfer | grep "outlier"

kubectl --context $CTX_CLUSTER1 logs account-service-87fcb78d4-wfwlk -c istio-proxy -n account | grep "outlier"

kubectl --context $CTX_CLUSTER1 exec transfer-service-6cf4f5b759-m4czj -c istio-proxy -n transfer -- curl http://localhost:15000/stats | grep outlier

deploy kubevirt

Use kubectl to deploy the KubeVirt operator:

export VERSION=$(curl -s

echo $VERSION kubectl create -f "${VERSION}/kubevirt-operator.yaml"

Again use kubectl to deploy the KubeVirt custom resource definitions:

kubectl create -f "${VERSION}/kubevirt-cr.yaml"

Check the deployment:

kubectl get -n kubevirt -o=jsonpath="{.status.phase}"