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Releases: canjs/can-view-scope

Handle undefined values on not found key warning

23 Aug 18:43
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This fixes the not found key warning when a property is not defined in the scope:

var scope = new Scope({});

var scopeKeyData = scope.computeData("foo.length", {
   warnOnMissingKey: true
});;  // -> Unable to find key "foo.length".


Improve the “unable to find key” warning

19 Aug 15:11
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Improves the missing key warning by logging of the property that can read for example:

var context = { foo: true };

var scope = new Scope(context);
var scopeKeyData = scope.computeData("foo.length", {
   warnOnMissingKey: true
});;  // -> Unable to find key "foo.length". Found "foo" with value: true

Add links to scope.root deprecation warning

19 Aug 14:35
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Implement can.setElement symbol

14 Aug 14:54
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Removing unnecessary properties from LetContext.prototype

09 Jul 16:35
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Previously the LetContext had properties like one that would prevent you from ever using these keys in a Scope. This removes properties that are not needed from LetContext.prototype and only leaves required properties and Symbols.


QUNIT2 upgrade

28 May 20:23
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This updates the tests to use [email protected].



07 Dec 02:52
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scope.args added as a "fixed" version of scope.arguments

initialValue should not emit ObservationRecords

29 Nov 21:04
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Issue: #198

scopeKeyData.initialValue //-> should not emit a observationRecord 

Lazy Initialization and supporting primitive reads

28 Nov 03:05
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#197 fixes someProperty.split('').reverse().join()

#196 new ScopeKeyData can be passed a warnOnMissingKey option. This will warn if a value is missing. Also, ScopeKeyData is lazy now.

Handle reads during queue execution

02 Nov 20:22
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Issue: #194

There was a problem with a two-way binding where the parent was undefined and the child had a value:

<my-child childValue:bind="parentValue"/>

A semaphore warning was being produced.