All changes must be done in a separate branch. As soon as the changes are done please open a PR. A Github Action runs with every commit to a branch and checks if the documentation can be built (including a broken links check).
PRs should be in draft status while being actively worked or have a clear written status in the description or comment. Removing a PR from draft status indicates that it is ready for review (by a technical writer).
PRs should be labeled to help the Documentation Team quickly triage, review, and merge PRs according to urgency and priority.
Labels include identifiers for teams/components, minor and alpha releases, support engagements, etc. When opening a PR or issue, do your best to use labels that communicate the component, version, and or priority.
PRs can be labeled “hold” for any reason, including ongoing conversations, coordination across teams or departments, or anything that’s not obvious within the discussion or description of the PR.
PRs and issues without labels may be at risk for slow triage.
Adding a deploy
label to a PR will trigger its deployment to a preview site, which will be linked in the PR description. We recommend using the deploy
label for large or complex docs changes.
In the spirit of "Always Progress," if you are confident you know what change needs to be made, a separate issue on the topic is not required. However, if you have an idea that needs to go into the backlog, creating an issue instead of a PR is the best way to go.
- Name markdown files according to the title. This makes it easier to find a file. Example: Introduction to Camunda 8 -->
. Avoid non-alphanumeric characters in titles. Use the file name as an internal document ID to reference in the appropriate sidebars file. - Subcategories have to be placed in their own sub-directories. Example:
>Get started with Spring
can be found in/guides/
Due to a difference in version numbers, the documentation is split into multiple Docusaurus "instances":
- Optimize documentation lives in the
instance. - Each API with an interactive explorer based on an OpenAPI spec lives in its own instance.
- The remaining documentation lives in the main
The Optimize and Docs instances of the documentation each contain documentation for multiple versions:
Instance | Version(s) | Source path |
docs |
Next | /docs/ |
docs |
8.7, 8.6, 8.5, ... | /versioned_docs/version-*/ |
optimize |
Next | /optimize/ |
optimize |
3.15.0, 3.14.0, 3.13.0, ... | /optimize_versioned_docs/version-*/ |
When edits are intended to apply to both the current version and beyond, they should be made in both the most recent versioned folder and the "Next" version folder.
Specific Optimize versions are aligned with Camunda versions as follows:
Camunda version | Optimize version |
8.8 | 3.16.0 |
8.7 | 3.15.0 |
8.6 | 3.14.0 |
8.5 | 3.13.0 |
8.4 | 3.12.0 |
8.3 | 3.11.0 |
The instances associated with an interactive API Explorer only contain one version. Each of these instances live in the /api/
root folder, in a folder named for the API.
Sidebar navigation of the documentation is managed in the sidebars files. Each instance of the documentation has its own sidebars file:
Instance | Version(s) | Sidebars path |
docs |
Next | /docs/sidebars.js |
docs |
8.7, 8.6, 8.5, ... | /versioned_sidebars/version-*-sidebars.json |
optimize |
Next | /optimize/sidebars.js |
optimize |
3.15.0, 3.14.0, 3.13.0, ... | /optimize_versioned_sidebars/version-*-sidebars.json/ |
The large object in each sidebars file contains two different types of items:
- Items within the same documentation instance are linked by the path to the target .md file:
- Items in the opposite documentation instance are linked by an object containing the title and URL of the target document:
{ "type": "link", "label": "What is Optimize?", "href": "/optimize/components/what-is-optimize/" },
Note The "next" versions of the docs are JavaScript rather than JSON. As such, cross-instance sidebar items in these files call a helper function instead of emitting the entire cross-instance object for each item.
Several sections of the sidebar navigation are shared across the Optimize and main sections of the docs: Components, Self-Managed, and APIs & Clients. For these sections, the structure of the sidebars should always match across instances. When they drift, it appears to the user as differences in the sidebar navigation depending on which page they're viewing.
Any PRs that make a structural change to one of the instance's sidebars file in a shared section should make the same structural change to the other instance's sidebars file. This typically appears as a link to the target .md file in one file, and an object containing the target title and URL in the other file.
Note Changes outside of the shared sections do not need to be synchronized to the corresponding Optimize sidebars file.
When linking internally from one document to another, follow these guidelines:
- If the source and target document are within the same instance (i.e. both are in
or both are inoptimize
):- Use a relative path to the target markdown file if it is in the same subtree as the source file. See example.
- Use an absolute path to the target markdown file if it is in a different subtree than the source file. See example.
- Always include the
extension in the path. - Refrain from using
when preceding a link. For example, use/components/
rather than/docs/next/components/
, unless you are intentionally linking to a particular version of the documentation.
- If the source and target document are in different instances (i.e. one is in
and the other is inoptimize
):- If the source is in
and the target is inoptimize
, use the$optimize$
token to prefix the URL. See example. - If the source is in
and the target is indocs
, use the$docs$
token to prefix the URL. See example. - Use the browser-facing URL to the target document, instead of the path to the target's
file. - Do not include the
extension on the target path.
- If the source is in
- Select the corresponding directory.
- Add the document id to the corresponding sidebars file. Example:
" components/components-overview",
- If the doc is in one of the shared sections, add a parallel change to the other instance's corresponding sidebars file. Example:
{ "type": "link", "label": "Overview Components", "href": "/docs/components/" },
- Identify the page, pages, or directory and relocate it in the file structure.
- Update the corresponding sidebars file(s) to fit the new location.
- If the doc is in one of the shared sections, update the opposite instance's corresponding sidebars file(s).
- Add necessary redirect/rewrite rules to the top of
See Redirect rules for information on testing .htaccess
- Identify the page, pages, or directory and delete it in the file structure.
- Update the corresponding sidebars file(s).
- If the doc is in one of the shared sections, update the opposite instance's corresponding sidebars file(s).
- Add necessary redirect/rewrite rules to the top of
to redirect users to appropriate relevant content on another page.
See Redirect rules for information on testing .htaccess
The build-docs
workflow of each PR runs a step to verify that all links present in the production sitemap are still valid. If your build fails on a link validation step, it likely means you moved a doc and did not add a redirect rule that matches the original path. See the Guide to Writing Redirect Rules for information on writing and testing redirect rules.
When adding BPMN files, place these files in the static/bpmn
folder and reference them in your documentation appropriately. If a dedicated folder does not yet exist in the static/bpmn
folder for the section of documentation you want to add BPMN files to, create one.
For example, a BPMN diagram in the APIs & tools section is placed in static/bpmn/apis-tools
and referenced in the documentation as /bpmn/apis-tools/gettingstarted_quickstart_advanced.bpmn
In an effort to automate screenshots across Camunda 8 documentation, the following teams execute uniform steps when incorporating images and diagrams:
:::note Given the following procedures, teams will respond to screenshot updates and suggestions from community members by manually adjusting appropriate screenshots. :::
:::note When generating screenshots, remove any personal identifiable information. If a username must be included, ensure this is "My organization". :::
Modeler Visit the Modeler screenshot automation repo for details on updating screenshots and scripting new screenshots.
Currently, Zeebe diagrams are stored as BPMN in a repository, and as diagrams within Google Drive. This Google Drive is organized according to the structure of documentation in camunda-docs
:::note When saving diagrams, do not take manual screenshots. Rather, incorporate diagrams directly by clicking Download > PNG image (.png). :::
Keep the following guidelines in mind when creating Zeebe diagrams:
- The standardized font is Arial. Font size may vary based on diagram size.
- The standardized colors for diagrams are
and orange with the default background color of white. - Rectangular diagrams should be around 500x1200px, and square diagrams should be around 500x500px.
- There should be no more than nine elements per diagram. Otherwise, complex processes may be broken into more than one diagram.
Find automation code here. These test files must be adjusted to change screenshots.
A new screenshot run can be triggered manually using GitHub actions. The screenshots can then be downloaded from the workflow.
Tasklist Tasklist screenshot automation is currently in the backlog.
Optimize Most of the screenshots in the user guide can be updated automatically:
- Check out the camunda-optimize repository.
- In the
directory of thecamunda-optimize
repository, start the frontend development setup by runningyarn run start-backend
andyarn start
. - Wait for the data to be generated and imported and then run
yarn run screenshots
On a technical level, the Optimize team takes screenshots within their end-to-end test cases.
After the proposed change is finished, open a GitHub PR and assign reviewers based on your PR template. Most PRs require a technical writing review and a review from the relevant engineering team.
If unsure about who to pick, choose one of the corresponding team representatives, and they will take care of delegating the issue:
- Console: @ultraschuppi
- Desktop Modeler: @camunda/modeling-dev
- Web Modeler: @marcosbarbero @wollefitz
- Zeebe: @npepinpe
- Operate: @ThorbenLindhauer
- Tasklist: @camunda/human-task-orchestration
- Optimize: @RomanJRW
- Connectors: @camunda/connectors
- Self-Managed/Distribution: @camunda/distribution
- InfEx: @camunda/infrastructure-experience
- Identity: @kevinCamunda
- DevEx: @akeller
- Product Management:
- Core Orchestration and Core Platform topics: @felix-mueller
- Task Automation: @crobbins215
- Business Application Integration: @toco-cam
- Embedded Intelligence, Onboarding and Migration: @bastiankoerber
- Fallback: @bastiankoerber
- Documentation: @camunda/tech-writers
- Documentation infrastructure: @pepopowitz
- Fallback: @akeller
As a reviewer, feel free to merge any PR you feel comfortable with after your review. If you have questions or concerns or feel that you are not the right person to review the PR, please make this transparent to the PR author so they can clarify.