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+++ b/README.md
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-#Persisted sanitized pattern mapping
+#Extended Routing Aspects
## What does it do?
-Enables the possibility generating sanitized URL parts from persisted patterns.
-The default PersistedPatternAspect takes e.g. database values and uses them "as they are",
-including umlauts, special characters and spaces, which will return them into your url and
-result in unexpected behaviours.
+Adds some more Mappers for Routing Aspects feature in TYPO3.
-This PersistedSanitizedRoutingAspect encodes and decodes the database part and
-will make better readable URL parts.
## How does it work?
+With four new Routing aspects you can handle more possibilities for advanced routing in TYPO3.
+## The mappers
+### DateTimeMapper
+Allows you to create customized url parts including localization to get DateTime values inspeaking parts
+without using a dataset with defined slug.
+ type: Extbase
+ extension: News
+ plugin: Archive
+ routes:
+ - routePath: '/{day}'
+ _controller: 'Archive::list'
+ _arguments:
+ day: day
+ defaultController: 'Archive::list'
+ aspects:
+ day:
+ type: DateTimeMapper
+ format: Y-m-d
+ localeFormat:
+ -
+ locale: 'de_.*'
+ format: d-m-Y
+### PersistedSanitizedPatternMapper
Adds a new routing aspect extending the PersistedPatternMapper from TYPO3 core with sanitized URL parts.
+Localization is respected, if needed.
@@ -38,9 +66,67 @@ aspects:
field: tr_name_en
-As you can see, localization is respected, if needed.
+### PersistedDisabledAliasMapper
+Allows creating full URLs for disabled elements by TCA enablecolumns. Helpful, if you have to create the URLs
+before publishing the record.
+Usage as the default PersistedAliaMapper.
+ type: Extbase
+ extension: News
+ plugin: news
+ routes:
+ -
+ routePath: '/{title}'
+ _controller: 'News::single'
+ _arguments:
+ title: news
+ aspects:
+ title:
+ type: PersistedDisabledliasMapper
+ tableName: tx_news_domain_model_news
+ routeFieldName: path_segment
+### PersistedNullableAliasMapper
+Allows a default value for normally aliased URL path segment. For example, a news without category, but
+URL part is defined with category.
+ type: Extbase
+ extension: News
+ plugin: News
+ routes:
+ -
+ routePath: '/{category}/{title}'
+ _controller: 'News::single'
+ _arguments:
+ category: category
+ title: news
+ aspects:
+ category:
+ type: PersistedNullableAliasMapper
+ default: 'no-category'
+ tableName: tx_news_domain_model_category
+ routeFieldName: path_segment
+ title:
+ type: PersistedAliasMapper
+ tableName: tx_news_domain_model_news
+ routeFieldName: path_segment
## Installation
-Only install the extension and configure your persisted pattern mappers as described above fitting your needs.
-The |sanitized part will respect the field you want to sanitize.
+Possible via extensions.typo3.org, ZIP upload or composer.
+### Extension Repository
+[a link]https://extensions.typo3.org/extension/extended_routing
+### Composer
+composer require calien/extended-routing
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