Please use a comma to separate groups of thousands. For example, ten thousand dollars should be written as $10,000.
(1-12 months, 12 being the max)
What is it? What are its goals?
What are the key deliverables? What are the core milestones towards accomplishing the deliverables?
MOSS funds technologists that are working to broaden access, increases security, and empower users. On which of these areas does your project focus? [Please select one]
How will your proposed project impact this focus area? How will you know you have succeeded in having this impact?
- Broaden access
- Increase security <-- this??
- Empower users
- Not applicable
List key budget categories, the amount requested per category, and an explanation of how you calculated the total requested per category.
The MOSS committee will only consider projects which are released publicly under a license that is either a free software license according to the FSF or an open source license according to the OSI. Projects which are not licensed for use under an open source license are not eligible for MOSS funding.