This is a sign-up sheet to be part of DEDIS' ByzCoin deployment. The DEDIS ByzCoin deployment is an experimental network for running a decentralized public ledger available open to the internet. You can be part of it by agreeing to the terms in this file, signing it, and sending it to [email protected].
The purpose of the ...
I, the owner of the server running the new node, agree to the following terms:
- I will invest time to keep the node running, specifically:
- make sure it's started automatically after a server reboot
- make sure it's started automatically if it fails
- allocating it enough harddisk-space (10GB)
- allocating it enough RAM (2GB)
- allocating it enough CPU (2 x 2GHz)
- running it with a fixed, public, IP
- update to new versions within 24h
- I follow the personhood-channel, either on slack or on matrix, and read it at least once per day.
- I give notice of at least 30 days in advance if I want to remove my node.
- I agree that my node will be removed from the network if I miss on any of these engagements
- I agree that DEDIS can remove my node at any time
As a reward for running a node, you will get:
- access to our matrix instance
- tokens to create and manage new users
- support for creating new apps
The following tasks will be done in a near future - hopefully 2020:
- automatic update of nodes
- improvement of ByzCoin performance
- switching from permissioned to proof-of-personhood
I, the owner of this node, accept the above engagements: