All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
2.1.0-beta.10 (2023-03-28)
- react: updates React stories for ic-select change (960284d)
- web-components: add check to search isSubmitDisabled for if the value length is too low (436614e), closes #363
- web-components: fixes icChange emitting on every menu item selection (6d20f8d)
- web-components: moved scroll bar calculations to componentDidRender (be33827)
- web-components: updated default value functionality (e24a945)
- react: add option with space to ic-select 'Scroll behaviour' story (e5cc132), closes .#158
- web-components: add new window icon to navigation item (791e8ca)
- web-components: add open in new window functionality and icon to footer link (cb36abe)
- web-components: add quick keyboard navigation to select - selects option based on characters (3d3927d), closes .#158
2.1.0-beta.9 (2023-03-21)
- web-components: add handleMouseDown, add css active selector, add spec test for handleMouseDown (837e336), closes .#213
- web-components: added func to allow default values for searchable variant (6be8255)
- web-components: fix gap appearing under slotted nav items (5e37d18)
- web-components: fixed placement issue in top nav (95b9402)
- web-components: fixes page header z-index issue (fddbd81)
- web-components: fixes z-index on top nav dropdown (7b5a498)
- web-components: updated content aligned behaviour on top navigation (3ce50c6)
- web-components: updated isEmptyString func to deal with undefined and '' (3f17a39)
- web-components: updated top-navigation e2e test (b469e65)
- web-components: updates z-index values for components (80335c6)
- react: add more tabs / nav items to stories for scroll demonstration (925602b), closes .#242
- web-components: create horizontal scroll component and add to tabs and nav items (1a88bd2), closes .#242
- web-components: implement toast component (db455fb)
2.1.0-beta.8 (2023-03-01)
- react: fixes react storybook not running (ab0802c)
- root: updated concurrency step for qa deployments (06235d1)
- web-components: add width and height to chevron svg (d731ab4), closes #444
- web-components: added hidden style to ic-tab-panel (b547ce8)
- web-components: convert px to rem on stepper connect widths (6af22af)
- web-components: fix icon slots for button and side nav where svg is wrapped in an element (41549f9)
- web-components: fixed flickering link hovering (ff522a1)
- web-components: px changed to rem in .css files (003f7de)
- web-components: updated full-width style for select and textfield (3a91e09)
- web-components: updated side navigation z-index (e555442), closes #322
- web-components: updated styling to fix tooltip positioning (63ca112)
- web-components: using isUsedSlot to remove redundant slot from rendering (bc0cd1b)
- react: add story for horizontal radio groups, run audit fix (ef1a7c3), closes #177
- react: adds react storybook example of external filtering (9bd2b05)
- react: update react router story to use router slot for app title (1a7596c)
- react: update react router story to use router slot for app title in side nav (ff392de), closes #376
- web-components: add set focus methods and tests (4dbf9e2), closes #372
- web-components: add the option for radio buttons to be laid out horizonatally. Run audit fix (5151a55), closes #177
- web-components: adds support for external filtering of options (68764bb)
- web-components: allow for use of router links for top nav app title (bba0edb)
- web-components: implement slotted link to app title of side nav (8ae587d), closes #376
- web-components: removed px height and width from SVG (c6632c1)
- root: run audit fix on root dependencies (15e9f08)
2.1.0-beta.7 (2023-02-13)
- web-components: 'Latest announcement' box in ic-hero on xs breakpoint bug (89cdf42)
- web-components: change functionality of reverse order prop (54d26b9), closes #354
2.1.0-beta.6 (2023-02-07)
- web-components: add conditional so validation area only shows when needed (65a1dcf), closes #348
- web-components: update chip to use icDismiss event and deprecate current dismiss event (584420a)
- react: enhances slottedsvg component (d3c0a93)
2.1.0-beta.5 (2023-02-02)
2.1.0-beta.4 (2023-02-01)
- react: adds story for external filtering (d03c294)
- react: fixes react storybook docs (d51bc38)
- web-components: fix for long single-word app titles on top nav (62dc911)
- web-components: fix radio button bug by adjusting width and margins (f8b0128)
- web-components: fixes issues with external filtering in searchbar (4106363)
- web-components: fixes searchbar debounce prop (0dd99ae)
- web-components: remove contentinfo role from classification banner (c2750b3)
- react: add script to copy normalize.css, update React instructions (3f6330a)
- react: add story for long single-word app title on top nav (dac2645)
- react: update card with v2 changes (b5434bf)
- web-components: announced prop added to ic-status-tag (23728be), closes #20
- web-components: export normalize.css separately from core.css, updated instructions (a558daa)
- web-components: update card with v2 changes (556e12f)
2.1.0-beta.3 (2023-01-23)
- web-components: add aria-hidden to tooltip span (ed23d40)
- web-components: changed colour of expand icon on select (5b3d4a8)
- web-components: fix alignment of text fields in data entity, update storybook examples (60f7ae9), closes mi6/ic-design-system#128
- web-components: update menu to be >= so that select is scrollable (3c1ece2)
- react: add chips stories (d50de26), closes #141
- react: add slotted svg component to react library (737af57), closes #280
- react: change buttons in editable data entity story (e2d62c9), closes mi6/ic-design-system#128
- react: update loading indicator & stepper stories (5c14016), closes #140
- react: update tooltips to have disableHover prop that requires a click to display (6eaba1b), closes #243
- web-component: implement chip component (93da762), closes #141
- web-components: add inner label into loading indicator so it can be used by the compact step (084e57d), closes #140
- web-components: enhance functionality of step component (3647f0a), closes #140
- web-components: update tooltip to have disableHover prop that shows tooltip on click (14337de), closes #243
2.1.0-beta.2 (2023-01-10)
- react: import text field into react radio examples (4e4dbdf), closes #221
- react: updated css copy script (b065e98), closes #206
- root: fixed triggering of workflows incorrectly (73dd365)
- web-components: fixed issues with search bar (2b1663b)
- web-components: fixes back to top positioning (94ebac7)
- web-components: fixes console error in linear determinate variant (d15e609)
- web-components: removed chips for a11y testing (25c060a)
- web-components: removed empty validation space when no status is provided (649f040)
- web-components: updated last-of-type styling on footer links (c0d4057)
- web-components: updated side-navigation on lg devices to stick to left hand side (9e77e05), closes #195
2.1.0-beta.1 (2022-12-23)
- react: ic-hero story updated to reflect web-components version (14d78b9), closes #145
- react: remove unnecessary added styles to hero stories (90cd2c1), closes #143
- react: switch storybook to webpack5 (1dd9943), closes #156
- root: added condition to workflow (e727169)
- root: changed trigger criteria (64f3a1f)
- root: remove pull request trigger from add to project workflow (f739d76)
- root: remove unneeded gh action (06f143f)
- web-components: add rgba themes (6425900), closes #4
- web-components: add transparent borders in HCM (cdda416)
- web-components: added styles for WHCM (a285019)
- web-components: added WHCM support for select and search bar (4b7e753)
- web-components: added WHCM support for stepper and made changes to loading indicator (751c5ee)
- web-components: changed text-field when in HC mode (79ec35d)
- web-components: fix components in WHCM (f4f6bd6)
- web-components: fixed console error (ff2d715)
- web-components: fixed hyphenated title link on Safari (0269ff2)
- web-components: fixes issue with nested inputs values on form submit (65fbcd3)
- web-components: fixes styling when javascript disabled (6643bc9)
- web-components: ic-card changes border colour based on theme (9d63018), closes #145
- web-components: remove loading indicator background in buttons (4e1ac52), closes #5
- web-components: remove unnecessary styles from hero stories (dcb9b60), closes #143
- web-components: removed hyphenated title on Safari (4af0b78)
- web-components: switch storybook to webpack5 (47f7b66), closes #156
- web-components: switching out svg for rounded circular determinate indicator (6dc6bce), closes #118
- web-components: updated foreground colour calculations, added colour contrast check (ed946fd)
- web-components: updated stepper and tabs (2a79411)
- root: added workflow to welcome contributors (ba2937e)
- web-components: fixes radio and checkbox in whcm (d4f28ec)
- web-components: fixes textfield display in WHCM (3cd3673)
- web-components: removes required flag for internal props (20c7e01)
- Revert "fix(web-components): fixed hyphenated title link on Safari" (8cd3426)
- root: updated dependabot to not make version change PRs (5621bab)
- root: updated version scope in lerna from independent to fixed (468c8ab)
- web-components: fix light footer link turning blue (65fce93), closes #84
- web-components: fix the width of the hero for mobile devices (fe97d64), closes #78
- web-components: remove clashing button styles from dismissable alert (ce96e41)
- web-components: remove margin left on end component and add max width to value on xs breakpoint (a540147), closes #92
- web-components: remove min-width on the title area that was causing an overflow (43aaa57), closes #77
- web-components: set text field input width to 100% (716cb39), closes #92
- web-components: update alert neutral colour (671df91), closes #88
- react: update react stories to have appearance light for tabs (8c5a3c7), closes #112
- root: add workflow for adding issues to project (9d8021d)
- root: configured dependabot (0c0763f)
- web-components: add "no results" state to search bar variant with disabled filter (43a21a6)
- web-components: add appearance prop to tab panel and switch around appearance light/dark (dc75131), closes #112
- web-components: adds focus borders for high contrast mode (d273596)
- web-components: adds support for form reset event (466b996), closes #80
- web-components: renames entry point for unpkg (a261bf9)
- root: reverted back to 2.0.0 commit due to incorrect versioning (8158022)