Detector controller running on Raspberry Pi (archlinuxarm), controlling a gamma detector and a GPS device.
Acquisitions and position are merged, saved to sqlite database and transferred over a UDP connection to Gamma Analyzer.
This software is part of a drone project at Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA)
- Python 2
- Python Twisted
- gpsd
The directory config_files contains four config files that can be used to configure devices and enable auto login. Some of these files contain system specific directories, user names and symbolic links to python binaries, so make sure to modify them accordingly.
Copy this file to
/etc/systemd/system/[email protected]/override.conf
to enable auto login. -
Copy this file to
to configure device names -
Copy this file to
and enable it using systemctl:
$ systemctl --user enable numsys.service
This should start when logging in.
Copy this file to
to configure the gps.
Given a successful configuration, will be listening on UDP port 9999 after booting up the system.
Sessions will be stored locally under the directory $(HOME)/gc
Note that the python scripts and contains Shebang references to python2, this may need to be changed when running on other systems than ArchlinuxARM.
Plugin used to acquire measurements from a Osprey gamma detector
- Canberra Osprey SDK V1.0.1 (Proprietary)
The Osprey SDK contains a "DataTypes" directory with the python modules used to manage a Canberra Osprey detector. For the osprey plugin to work, copy this directory to the parent directory of the gamma-collector source, so that will find it as "../DataTypes" The Osprey API is also expected to be available at IP address
Plugin used to acquire measurements from a Kromek detector
- Kromek Spectrometer USB Software Driver (Proprietary)
Build and load the kromekusb.ko module as described in the software package. Build and install the and the libraries as described in the software package. Install the 90-kromek.rules file that comes with the software package to auto generate the device files when hot-plugging Kromek detectors.