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pr: do not merge 🛑
pr: do not merge :stop_sign:
pr: draft ✏️
pr: draft :pencil2:
pr: merge ready 👍
pr: merge ready :+1:
pr: needs changelog 📍
pr: needs changelog :round_pushpin:
pr: needs docs 📃
pr: needs docs :page_with_curl:
pr: needs tests ✔️
pr: needs tests :heavy_check_mark:
pr: release 🚀
pr: release :rocket:
topic: 'check' functionality 📝
topic: 'check' functionality :memo:
Hypothetical functionality to proof objects.inv files
topic: encodings ↔️
topic: encodings :left_right_arrow:
topic: exceptions rework ‼️
topic: exceptions rework :bangbang:
topic: MutableSequence API 🔢
topic: MutableSequence API :1234:
topic: object representation
topic: object representation
topic: objects.inv creation 🏭
topic: objects.inv creation :factory:
topic: performance 🏎️
topic: performance :racing_car:
topic: PyScript compat 🔌
topic: PyScript compat :electric_plug:
topic: suggest scorer plugins 📊
topic: suggest scorer plugins :bar_chart:
topic: typing 🦆
topic: typing :duck:
topic: validation 🔎
topic: validation 🔎
type: bug 🪲
type: bug :beetle:
Something is wrong
type: enhancement ✨
type: enhancement :sparkles:
Something to add
type: maintenance 🔧
type: maintenance :wrench:
Something administrative needs upkeep
type: question ❔
type: question :grey_question:
Something to investigate
type: refactor 🔀
type: refactor :twisted_rightwards_arrows:
Some code needs restructuring