This project demonstrates how one might implement Cookie Authentication using Blazor server.
This sample application is built to use SQL Server. Additionally, it uses EF Core, so you'll need the ef core tools installed. You can do that by running the following in your terminal:
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
First start by cloning this repo:
git clone [email protected]:brooklynDev/BlazorServerCookieAuthDemo.git
Then, navigate to {application_root}/BlazorServerAuthDemo/BlazorServerAuthDemo.Web
and create a new file called appsettings.local.json
and paste the following bit of json:
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "{your sql server connection string goes here};"
Then, navigate to {application_root}/BlazorServerAuthDemo/BlazorServerAuthDemo.Data
and run the following:
dotnet ef database update
This will create the database and run the migrations using EF.
Once that's done, navigate back to {application_root}/BlazorServerAuthDemo/BlazorServerAuthDemo.Web
and run:
dotnet run
This will launch the application at https://localhost:5001