This document highlights the overall file structure of the Stellar Design System project, along with some guidelines of creating components and naming to keep everything as consistent as possible.
|-- build/
|-- src/
|-- assets/
|-- fonts/
|-- icons/
|-- logos/
|-- components/
|-- Component/
|-- index.tsx
|-- styles.scss
|-- utils
|-- Component/
|-- index.tsx
|-- styles.scss
|-- index.ts
|-- types/
|-- entry.ts
|-- fonts.scss
|-- global.scss
|-- icons.ts
|-- index.ts
|-- logos.ts
|-- normalize.scss
|-- ...config files and docs
Optimized, production ready output of the design system.
Assets used in the project.
All font files we use in the Stellar Design System are in this folder. They need
to be imported in /fonts.scss
SVG files of icons we use. Make sure SVG files don’t have color on them because
it should be set in CSS. They need to be imported in /icons.ts
The file name should be in lowercase and words separated with dashes
). Do not prefix the file name with icon-
SVG files of logos we use. If possible, remove the color from the SVG files so
that it can be set in CSS. They need to be imported in /logos.ts
The file name should be in lowercase and words separated with dashes
). Do not prefix the file name with logo-
All components have their own folder named after the component
). Inside the folder there are index.tsx
and styles.scss
The contents of the index.tsx
file should be in the following order.
import React from "react";
import "./styles.scss";
Export enum
named [Component]Variant
). Use variant names
that are based on functionality and not appearance.
export enum ButtonVariant {
primary = "primary",
secondary = "secondary",
Interface named [Component]Props
interface InputProps extends React.InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement> {
id: string;
label?: string;
rightElement?: string;
note?: React.ReactNode;
error?: string;
- Export component directly (do not use export default).
- Use BEM naming convention (except, capitalize block element, which should
match the component name):
- block: the same as the component name (
), - element:
), - modifier:
- block: the same as the component name (
- Use only classes for styling (do not use IDs or
attributes). - Do not add a class to an HTML element if it can be styled without it (for
should have default styling but can be changed for this component as needed). - Use global classes (
) instead of creating a modifier.
<div className="Input">
{label && <label htmlFor={id}>{label}</label>}
<div className="Input__container">
<div className="Input__wrapper" data-disabled={props.disabled}>
<input id={id} aria-invalid={!!error} {...props} />
{rightElement && (
<div className="Input__element--right">{rightElement}</div>
{error && <div className="Input__note error">{error}</div>}
{note && <div className="Input__note">{note}</div>}
- Root element is the component class.
.Input {
/* all component styles go here */
- Use Sass parent selector
to name child classes and other selectors.
.Input {
width: 100%;
/* Turns into .Input__container */
&__container {
width: 100%;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
Always use colors defined in
(to make sure themes will always look good), and other variables as much as possible. -
For consistency, use
for the outermost container, and__wrapper
for anything that is inside of it. The analogy would be a candy box is a container, and every candy has a wrapper. -
Use as few wrapping elements as possible (use CSS selectors, flex, grid, etc. to achieve the same result).
Helper components, which are not part of the Design System. The component structure should be the same as the main components.
All components are listed in this file.
export * from "./Button";
export * from "./Checkbox";
Global types go here.
Main project file used to generate distribution file in Webpack. It is separated
from index.ts
file because we don’t want to validate or compile entry.ts
can include external files).
import "configurable-date-input-polyfill";
import "./global.scss";
import "./fonts.scss";
export * from "./index";
CSS file that contains all font files.
// Basic Latin chars
@font-face {
font-family: "IBM Plex Sans";
src: url("./assets/fonts/IBMPlexSans-Regular-Latin1.woff") format("woff"),
url("./assets/fonts/IBMPlexSans-Regular-Latin1.woff2") format("woff2");
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 400;
unicode-range: U+0000, U+000D, U+0020-007E, U+00A0-00A3, U+00A4-00FF, U+0131,
U+0152-0153, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+2013-2014, U+2018-201A, U+201C-201E,
U+2020-2022, U+2026, U+2030, U+2039-203A, U+2044, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2122,
U+2212, U+FB01-FB02;
font-display: block;
Main CSS file that has all the global styles shared among all components.
:root {
// Colors and other variables
All SVG icon files are listed here. The exported icon components should be named
export { ReactComponent as IconCalendar } from "./assets/icons/calendar.svg";
Exports all React components, including icons and logos.
export * from "./components";
export * from "./icons";
export * from "./logos";
All SVG logo files are listed here. The exported logo components should be named
export { ReactComponent as LogoStellar } from "./assets/logos/stellar.svg";
Normalize CSS to make UI more consistent in all browsers.