Easy Clinic is a hybrid app written in React Native and Node.js for dealing with simple clinic records.
Please refer to ../screenshots for screenshots of the app.
- Installed Node.js .
- Prepared an Android/IOS device or emulator.
- Use the package manager npm to install Expo CLI :
npm install -g expo-cli
- Install XAMPP to set up the local SQL database.
- If you are using an Android Device, please install the Expo app from Google Play Store.
- If you are using an IOS Device, please install the Expo Client app from App Store.
- If you are using your an Android device / IOS simulator: change the IP Address to your computer's IP Address in axios.post() in /screens/login.js, ../screens/registration.js, /screens/clinic.js, and /screens/createRecord.js .
- Turn on XAMPP, start Apache and MySQL (You can press the admin button of MySQL to open the phpMyAdmin page).
- Start the EXPO CLI and run on an Android device/emulator :
expo start
- Open another terminal and cd to the backend directory and start the back-end server(Node.js) :
cd backend
nodemon app.js
For IOS device, instead of typing the "a" command, please scan the QR code on the command prompt or the Expo Developer Tool after executing expo start.