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MP3: Dev Toolchain

MP3 is intended to introduce you to a modern web development toolchain in which you structure and deploy an app which includes external dependencies. In this project, you will learn how to install libraries, run a local development server, bundle your code, and deploy your app.

Initial submission deadline: Tuesday, 21 February, before class. Submit a link to your writeup via the Canvas assignment.

You can choose one of three tracks for this project. This project is mainly about practicing developing an app using modern development tools, and I hope that it can be an opportunity for you to explore a topic or particular library you are interested in. I will check in with you about your project direction in class.

  1. A game. Since we have just worked with p5, the obvious choice would be to use the library. However, I have provided links to other game frameworks if you are interested in exploring them.
  2. An interactive data visualization. A number of you indicated that you were interested in learning or practicing D3 in the introductory survey.
  3. Something else. If you have an idea for another mini project, ask me in class or send me a message on Discord. I will likely approve it, but I would like to check in with you about it first. For example, you could explore development with a component framework such as React.

Project Requirements

  • Your code must be in its own public Github repository.
  • Your project must combine at least two libraries that are installed with NPM and recorded in your package.json.
    • NOTE: Due to the issues installing P5/ with NPM, installing your project libraries (e.g. P5 and with NPM is no longer a requirement and you are instead allowed to link to a CDN in your index.html in order to import them. You still are required to install the dev dependencies (dev server, bundler, and deployment tool) with NPM. See my messages in Discord for more information, and ask any questions there.
  • Your code must be bundled for deployment. You can continue to use rollup, but you are allowed (and encouraged) to explore other tools such as Webpack.
  • Your project must be deployed. You can deploy to Github Pages with the gh-pages tool, but you are allowed (and encouraged) to explore other deployment options such as Firebase.
  • Your package.json must include start, build, and deploy scripts, which run your dev server, build tool, and deploy tool, respectively.
  • Your main Github branch must not include your node_modules or dist folders. (They should be ignored in a .gitignore)


  1. Do the in-class activity in order to walk through how to set up your own development toolchain.
  2. Check in with Hannah (in-class on Thursday Feb 9) about your project direction.
  3. Create a new public repository on Github and clone it to your computer.
  4. Set up your development environment, following instructions in the dev toolchain activity. In short:
    • initialize a package.json with npm
    • install a local dev server and create a start script
    • add index.html and index.js files
    • start working on your app, using your dev server
    • install additional libraries with npm as you need them
    • write a .gitignore that ignores files in your node_modules/ and dist folders
    • Commit and push your work to github regularly
    • Install a bundling tool, e.g. rollup, and create a configuration file and build script
    • Install a deployment tool, e.g. gh-pages, and use it to deploy your project using a deploy script
  5. Regularly commit and push your code to Github. Additionally, regularly try to build and deploy your app. Do not wait until the last minute to work on deployment.

What to submit

In addition to building your project, you should (as usual) complete a writeup following the writeup guidelines. Your writeup should link to your deployed project.

DO NOT submit a link to a writeup that does not exist with the intent to edit it later. Canvas takes screenshots of any website link you submit, so the state of your writeup at time of submission is recorded. Additionally, we can see your entire git commit history, with timestamps and can easily tell what the status of your writeup was at time of submission.

Game Resources

If you are creating a game, your game should have an end condition. Anyone who plays your game should know when the game is over. For example, this could be a high score representing the number of enemies killed or the time the player spends alive.

Allison Parrish's examples demonstrate's core features. It is likely that a basic example for any feature you want to add to your game can be found on this page. The reference is an excellent resource that will supplement the base p5 documentation. Their demos show a series of simple concepts and games that you can use to get started.

If you would like a step-by-step introduction, this tutorial walks you through how to use to create an endless runner.. This Atari Breakout tutorial also shows a simple P5 game.

I made you an example that shows what your game repository should look like.

Some additional resources that might be helpful:

Data Viz Resources

You are allowed to use any charting library you wish. There is a nice list here. However, I have experience with D3 and will be able to best help you with it. If you are new to D3, D3.js - a practical introduction is a great overview video that walks you through the basic functionality of the library. I also recommend going through this excellent tutorial series from Michael Opperman. In particular, the Intro to D3 post has everything you need to know to get started.

I have made a basic example that loads data fr0m a CSV and draws rectangles based on the contents.

Your have two options for getting the data that you visualize:

  1. Download a dataset from some source and add it to your repository. Note: be mindful of the size of your dataset.
  2. Use the JavaScript fetch API to request data from an API.
    • if you are using D3, D3 also has a d3-fetch library that you can use. Example here

Some resources:



Check your P5/ versions!

I noticed some people were using very outdated versions of P5 (version 0.7.2 or something, when the latest is something like 1.5.) Keep an eye out for this, especially if you are building off things you find online that might have been posted a long time ago! Features can vary greatly across versions of libraries, and deprecated features might not work in the way you expect. These are the links that my example game uses, which you are free to copy and paste into your index.html file:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Copying folders to dist/ with rollup

If a rollup.config.js file which copies index.html to the dist folder looks like this:

import copy from "rollup-plugin-copy";

module.exports = {
  input: "index.js",
  output: {
    dir: "dist",
  treeshake: false,
  plugins: [
      targets: [{ src: "index.html", dest: "dist" }]

Making it also copy a folder called images would look like this:

import copy from "rollup-plugin-copy";

module.exports = {
  input: "index.js",
  output: {
    dir: "dist",
  treeshake: false,
  plugins: [
      targets: [{ src: ["index.html", "images"], dest: "dist" }]

Adding things to .gitignore after they were committed

When you list files/directories in your .gitignore, any changes to them are ignored by default. They won't be deleted if they already exist somewhere. This means that if you add files to your local .gitignore which already exist on Github, it won't delete them. You'll need to delete the directories on Github manually:

  1. On the Github site for your repo, navigate into the folder you want to delete.
  2. Click the top right corner button that says . . .
  3. Click "delete directory"
  4. Important: Scroll to the bottom to press the button that commits your changes.