- Fixed URL resolving for same URL in browser
- Fixed sharing URL resolver for not available URLs
- Reverted to the original
package, moving away from@foliojs-fork
- Update pdfkit to 0.16.0
- Fixed a potential issue in the minimized library when detecting the orientation of JPEG images
- Fixed big size pdfmake bundle for browser
- Update pdfkit to 0.15.2
- Fixed speed in Node.js if is fetching URL for image or font redirected
- Fixed aspect ratio for image with exif orientation tag
- Fixed font size calculation for watermark if is page orientation is changed
- Added support PDF/A and PDF/UA (see documentation)
- Added support
for SVG - Update pdfkit to 0.15.1
- Fixed bug with how page breaks provoked by cells with rowspan were handled
- Fixed find where previous cell started with row span and col span combination
- Fixed calculating correctly the 'y' at the end of a rowSpan with dontBreakRows
- Fixed drawing top horizontal line of the table with page break
- Drop support Internet Explorer 11 (Microsoft will not support from 2022)
- Minimal supported version Node.js 18 LTS
- Update Roboto font (version 3.010)
- Fixed page break in a column group
- Fixed saving margins in an unbreakable block
- Fixed fillColor items in unbreakable blocks
- Fixed calculating correctly the 'y' at the end of a rowSpan with dontBreakRows
- Fixed margins (top/bottom) of nodes and row height are considered for breaking page
- Fixed margins after page break
- Fixed margins of nodes with relativePosition or absolutePosition are ignored and don't interfere with the regular flow of the layout
- Fixed and validates input values headerRows and keepWithHeaderRows
- Fixed numbering nested ordered lists
- Speed up StyleContextStack.autopush() for large tables
- Fixed widths of table columns with percentages
- Fixed storing the correct context in the ending cell of a row span when there were nested column groups (columns or tables)
- Removed unused brfs dependency
- Minimal supported version Node.js 16 LTS
- Added padding option for QR code
- Allow the document language to be specified
- Fixed cover image size inside table
- Fixed "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'bottomMost')" if table contains too few rows
- Fixed invalid source-maps in built js file
- Update pdfkit to 0.14.0
- Update Roboto font (version 3.008)
- Fixed document buffer size. Node.js 18+ allow max 1 GiB.
- Minimal supported version Node.js 14 LTS
- Fixed theoretical vulnerability CVE-2022-46161 (It was never part of version released as npm package or cdnjs or bower or packagist!)
- Updated Roboto font (version 3.005)
- Fixed calculating auto page height
- Fixed TrueType Collection loading from URL
- Fixed refetching fonts from URL
- Attachments embedding
- Support passing headers to request for loading font files and images via URL addresses
- Port code base to ES6+
- Unify interface for node and browser (breaking change)
- All methods return promise instead of using callback (breaking change)
- Change including virtual font storage in client-side (breaking change)
- Change parameters of
function (breaking change) - Support for loading font files and images via URL adresses (https:// or http:// protocol) in Node.js (client and server side now)