— full bootstrapping with autotests on Windows with Microsoft Visual C++ and GNU C++.
— full bootstrapping with autotests on Ubuntu, macOS and MSys mocking POSIX environment with GNU C++ and Clang.
This is translation of README.md from Russian.
Refal-5λ language is the exact superset of Refal-5 the main extension of which are higher order functions.
Refal-5λ compiler is an optimizing compiler, which allows compilation both into the intermediate interpretive code and the source code in C++. The key feature of the compiler is the user-friendly interface with C++ language.
Objectives are given in order of priority. In other words, for example, if there is some contradiction between the first and the third objectives, the first one has priority.
- The language is the exact superset of classic Refal-5.
- Any correct classic Refal-5 program must be run identically in Refal-5λ.
- Сonsequence: syntax is the exact superset of the language.
- Сonsequence: support for all built-in functions with official implementation, including their undocumented semantics.
- The language and the compiler for everyday coding.
- Syntax extensions should allow writing more expressive code with no harm to efficiency (e.g. assignment syntax instead of conditions as assignments).
- Efficient optimization on different levels (syntax tree transformation, intermediate imperative code, the direct code generation capability).
- Predictable performance – classic list structure doesn’t hide time expenditures into the garbage collection phase.
- Compiler portability-the capability of using it both with any C++ compiler and without.
- Extensive enough standard library (in comparison with classic Refal-5
library). Alongside with all the Refal-5 capabilities
provides the binary input/output, LibraryEx – handy utility functions and higher order functions:Map
, hybridMapAccum
which significantly simplify the looping constructs writing. - Encapsulation: named brackets support – abstract data types. The content of such brackets is available only in that compilation unit where they are designed.
- Encapsulation: static boxes. Unlike the classic Refal-5 global stack,
static box can be placed in the local scope which is not available from
the outside (by the way, the bank is implemented upon such a static box
in the
). rlmake
utility that allows monitoring dependency between the source codes.- Target file compilation – executable system file. No other interpreter is needed for running.
- The compiler has to be a tutorial for the Compiler design course
- The compiler architecture and algorithms should be simple enough and clear.
- Students who are often not familiar with Refal will deal with compiler, that’s why the language has to be programming-friendly and have low learning curve.
- The code should be organized so that when making a change just a small number of elements need to be learnt and changed.
- Classic list structure is used as far as it’s the simplest (e.g. no garbage collection is needed )
- The compiler is self-usable first of all, because the immersion in domain is becoming unavoidable (it gains a better understanding and hereby upgrades performance quality), secondly, bootstrap technique design is more interesting and informative.
- The compiler should be easy to port-should be assembled in any machine
with any C++98 compiler.
- At least Windows, Linux and macOS operating systems should be supported.
- It’s better not to make assumptions about which utilities (IDE, make, CMake, autotools…) exist in the developer’s machine. That’s why the assembly for Windows is command files-based, for UNIX-like – bash-scripts-based (the last one, as a rule, exists in all modern UNIX-like systems).
- It has to be limited with the Standard C++ subset, equally implemented on the vast majority of platforms. “#ifdef-nightmare” should be avoided.
- Throughout the current architecture the compiler consumes a lot of memory (30mB). Adjusting it to DOS having saved an easy compilation for other platforms will cause a lot of work and will complicate the compiler and the runtime. That’s why DOS is not supported.
- The maximum number of different C++98 compilers should be supported, plus both library code and generated code should be assembled with the minimum number of warnings.
- The compiler needs to be the back end for the Module Refal compiler.
- The language should be expressive enough to express the Module Refal tools effectively. For this reason, for example, there are abstract data types and static boxes.
- Some tools which aren’t used in the compiler can be described in the runtime. The thing is that they are used in Module Refal.
- Some Module Refal objectives can be used for Simple Refal as well, for example, the capability of working on slow computers.
The initial objective was to write a minimal compiler which could generate
codes in imperative language (exactly-C++). Programming convenience and the
purity, clearness and maintainability of the code didn’t have priority. That’s
why such artifacts as the pre-announcement necessity, empty functions instead
of identifiers and not well-written Library.cpp
appeared. The consequence of
the objective was that each language entity is compiled in equivalent
environment. C++: $EXTERN
– into function declarations,
functions – into function definitions, empty functions-into function with the
only operator return refalrts::cRecognitionImpossible;
Later a new objective appeared: a compiler should become one of the Module Refal back ends. Consequently, new tools were added in the language: static boxes, identifiers and abstract data types. They were added within the concept of independent translation: static boxes (which are special types of functions) are compiled in special functions, identifiers (which also need pre-announcement) – in a tricky construction in C++.
The objective to provide the maximum portability has never been declared but it was implied.
Despite the fact that a compiler as a tutorial has been used for a long time (approx. since 2009), I’ve built up the apparent aim just recently when I realized that’s it’s quite difficult for students to work with the current language and the compiler. It may be considered that the commitments starting from April 2015 were all oriented towards this aim.
At the moment the initial objective (minimal Refal compiler in imperative code) is outdated, the code will be gradually cleared from its remainder.
Later, the objective was changed again. First of all, the Simple Refal dialect stopped being simple, secondly, as an independent, incompatible with anything dialect it’s no more needed. It was decided to converge towards the classic Refal-5, which is close to it.
The language and the implementation provide a range of extra capabilities which do not exist in classic Refal-5.
They were the ones that gave the name to the dialect – as we know, nested nameless functions are called lambda in slang. Refal-5 allowed symbols set was updated with a closure symbol, which can be both a link for the global named function and an object of nameless function.
*$FROM LibraryEx
PrintEachLine {
(e.Line) = <Prout e.Line>;
$ENTRY PrintLines-1 {
e.Lines = <Map &PrintEachLine e.Lines>;
$ENTRY PrintLines-2 {
e.Lines = <Map { (e.Line) = <Prout e.Line>; } e.Lines>;
Such function can be called using Mu or writing the variable right after the angle bracket:
Map-1 {
s.Func t.Item e.Items = <Mu s.Func t.Item> <Map-1 s.Func e.Items>;
s.Func /* пусто */ = /* пусто */;
Map-2 {
s.Func t.Item e.Items = <s.Func t.Item> <Map-1 s.Func e.Items>;
s.Func /* empty */ = /* empty */;
(In fact, Map
function from LibraryEx
is more expressive)
Block (even a range of blocks) is allowed after any result expression, in condition as well.
Foo {
An example
, condition
: { …block 1… }
: { …block 2… }
: condition example
= resultant expression;
In fact, block is said to be the syntax sugar and the record
Result : { …A… } : { …B… } : { …C… }
Is an equivalent for
<{ …C… } <{ …B… } <{ …A… } Result>>>
so just a simple composition of nested functions.
Assignment unlike the classic condition is written with symbol =
(instead of ,
) and doesn’t allow rollback to the left side or to the next
sentence. For the sentence
PatA , ResB : PatC = ResD : PatE , ResF : PatG = ResH;
Match fail in PatC
will lead to the rollback to PatA
or the next sentence.
Fail in PatE
will abort the program. Fail in PatG
will rollback either to
or (if PatE
doesn’t allow other match) will abort the program as well.
Assignments are syntax sugar as well, they’re equivalent to the blocks from one sentence. The previous example is exactly equivalent to the next classic Refal sentence:
PatA , ResB : PatC , ResD : { PatE , ResF : PatG = ResH; };
Or Refal-5λ (note the equal mark):
PatA , ResB : PatC = ResD : { PatE , ResF : PatG = ResH; };
The main advantage of assignment over condition in the role of assignment is the implementation effectiveness in the list implementation. In making the result condition part variables need to be copied because in case of fail the same function argument will need to be rolled to the next sentence. In assignments rollback isn’t possible which means the compiler must move the variables from the argument.
Using extended constructions (conditions, blocks, assignments) a new entity often comes out of subordinate objects, equivalent to the previous one implicitly. In such a case the previous entity is no more needed. It’s reasonable enough to give it the same variable name but classic Refal-5 syntax doesn’t allow to do it-the variable will become repeated and it will have to have the same value.
For example, parsing is being done using the recursive descent parser method. Let us say we’re writing a function for processing the following rule
Procedure → Header Declarations Body.
Let’s suppose that our non-terminal functions receive a sequence of tokens, return a syntax tree, a list of errors and remainder of token sequence. Then the procedure processing function will look like this
ParseProcedure {
= <ParseHeader e.Tokens>
: (e.FuncName) (e.Parameters) (e.HeaderErrors) e.Tokens1
= <ParseDeclarations e.Tokens1>
: (e.Declarations) (e.DeclErrors) e.Tokens2
= <ParseBody e.Tokens2> : (e.Body) (e.BodyErrors) e.Tokens3
= ((e.FuncName) (e.Parameters) (e.Declarations) e.Body)
(e.HeaderErrors e.DeclErrors e.BodyErrors)
Here in each assignment we have to add the number to the variable e.Tokens1
tokens left after reading the heading, e.Tokens2
– tokens left after reading
the declarations and e.Tokens3
– after reading the body of the procedure.
Refal-5λ makes it possible not to use this numbering. If in the example we put
the sign ^
after the variable name, this variable will hide the homonym linked
before. In this example it will be considered new (not repeated) and in the
remainder of the sentence the variable with this name will be already linked
with a new value (if later it won’t be hidden again). The previous example will
look like this:
ParseProcedure {
= <ParseHeader e.Tokens>
: (e.FuncName) (e.Parameters) (e.HeaderErrors) e.Tokens^
= <ParseDeclarations e.Tokens>
: (e.Declarations) (e.DeclErrors) e.Tokens^
= <ParseBody e.Tokens> : (e.Body) (e.BodyErrors) e.Tokens^
= ((e.FuncName) (e.Parameters) (e.Declarations) e.Body)
(e.HeaderErrors e.DeclErrors e.BodyErrors)
Here everything’s simple enough. Static boxes repeat the homonym Refal-2 concept. Static box is a function which returns the previous argument of its сall when called (returns emptiness in the first call). In other words it’s a global variable which stores an object variable. It’s reading is done alongside with writing – when calling a static box as a function it returns a value which was being stored in it and sets a new one as well.
Syntactically it’s done using $SWAP
directive – static box as a local
function and $ESWAP
– as an entry function (can be referred in other
translation unit using $EXTERN
$SWAP G_LocalState, G_Flags;
$ESWAP G_CommonOptions;
Unlike the stack using static boxes doesn’t require giving a unique name to the
whole program, what’s more, no one beyond the translation unit could delete the
value using <Dgall>
Unlike Classic Refal-5, the language allows creating empty functions not
containing any sentence. Their call always ends up emergency program
stopping. In an earlier version of the language (when it still was Simple
Refal) empty functions quite often were used as identifiers, that’s why the
syntax sugar was added to write them – the keyword $ENUM
for a local function
and $EENUM
for the entry:
/* entry */
$ENUM Opened, Closed;
$EENUM TkNumber, TkName;
/* is equivalent */
Opened {}
Closed {}
$ENTRY TkNumber {}
$ENTRY TkName {}
At the moment, they exist in the language but aren’t used in direct application (identifiers do exist). Except the abstract data types case.
That is the named brackets. That is the square brackets. That is the
encapsulated brackets. It’s kind of structure brackets but just (a) they’re
square, (b) after [
must be the name of the function.
If the function written after [
is considered to be local then the content of
the bracket term will be available only in the translation unit where it was
created (in other files this local function couldn’t be referred to by the
name). In other translation unit this term can be referred to only as
For such function-tag call $ENUM
keyword is preferred.
$ENUM SymTable;
<SymTable-Create> == t.SymTable
$ENTRY SymTable-Create {
= [SymTable];
<SymTable-Lookup t.SymTable e.Name>
== Success e.Value
== Fails
$ENTRY SymTable-Lookup {
[SymTable e.Names-B ((e.Name) e.Value) e.Names-E] e.Name
= Success e.Value;
[SymTable e.Names] e.Name = Fails;
<SymTable-Update t.SymTable (e.Name) e.Value> == t.SymTable
$ENTRY SymTable-Update {
[SymTable e.Names-B ((e.Name) e.OldValue) e.Names-E]
(e.Name) e.NewValue
= [SymTable e.Names-B ((e.Name) e.NewValue) e.Names-E];
[SymTable e.Names] (e.Name) e.Value
= [SymTable e.Names ((e.Name) e.Value)];
Classic Refal-5 implementation (and some other implementation) is closed for extension – a set of primitive nested functions can be extended only be modifying the interpreter.
Unlike it, the Refal-5λ implementation is opened -new capabilities can be added in the language (networking, databases) without changing the initial implementation. The language allows native insertions – code insertion in C++ language. It looks like this:
// this is a native insertion in the global scope
#include <stdio.h>
namespace {
int g_next_number = 0;
$ENTRY NextNumber {
// this is a native insertion inside the function body, in other words the function
// is entirely written in C++.
refalrts::Iter content_b = 0, content_e = 0;
refalrts::Iter pfunc_name =
refalrts::call_left(content_b, content_e, arg_begin, arg_end);
if (! refalrts::empty_seq(content_b, content_e)) {
return refalrts::cRecognitionImpossible;
printf("Generating next number %d\n", g_next_number);
refalrts::reinit_number(arg_begin, g_next_number);
refalrts::splice_to_free_list(pfunc_name, arg_end);
return refalrts::cSuccess;
Translation to English of this hunk of README.md is prepared by Mary Yenokyan [email protected] at 2018-01-23
function was written in C++. In fact, standard language library as
a whole was written on Refal-5λ with such native pastes as arithmetic, input
and output and so on.
Language support $INCLUDE
keyword allowing to include the another text file
content in the current entity (it must've .refi
extension). File name in the
form of composite characters in quotation marks shall be situated after key
$INCLUDE "LibraryEx";
/* later Map, Sort, LoadFile etc. can be used in the code. */
Compiler can be installed into the system by downloading from simple-refal-distrib.git repository, or refal-5-lambda.git. Executable file of compiler will be available to you in the first case (half-compiled like C++ source code), full source code in the second case. In both cases, the installation above will be the same.
Download latest version of Installer and run it.
- Start
. Script will create thec-plus-plus.conf.bat
file in which proposed to mention the C++ compiler used. - Specify С++ compiler in
environment variable with command line prefix and-O3
options et al. InstallPATH
variable there if you need.) - Start
again for building compiler. Script will launch, by default, the complete set of automatic tests it may take several dozen minutes (according to machine and C++ compiler). For starting without tests perform abootstrap.bat --no-tests
. - Add appeared directory
to the directory list an environment variablesPATH
. - You can use
commands compiling programs on Simple Refal. See section 5 user guide for compiler using.
Installation similar to Windows installation except that GCC specifies in the configurations file by default.
- Start the bootstrap.sh for compiler building. GCC compiler building and
running all tests will be implemented. For passing tests use
bootstrap.sh --no-tests
. In both casesc-plus-plus.conf.sh
, configuration file will be created in which will be specify GCC by default. - If you want to use another C++ compiler edit
file and if necessary restart the build. - Add appeared directory
to the directory list an environment variablesPATH
. - You can use
commands compiling programs on simple Refal. See section 5 user guide for compiler using.
The compiler distributed throughout BSD license with a reservation concerning the components of standard library and runtime that may be distributed in binary form without definition of compiler copyrighting. In absence of reservation for compiled programs the compiler copyright would have to be specified. It wasn't rational.
Translation to English of this hunk of README.md is prepared by Anastasia Dudkina [email protected] at 2018-02-08