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File metadata and controls

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//this will return an integer label for this builder transaction

add_operation_to_builder_transaction (label from above) [ 24,{ "fee": { "amount": 200000, "asset_id": "1.3.0" }, "fee_paying_account": "1.2.(your id)", "using_owner_authority": false, "proposal": "1.10.(proposal to delete)", "extensions": [] }]

// so for example if I wanted to delete proposal 1.10.50 and the builder transaction label was 0 I would.

// add_operation_to_builder 0 [ 24,{ "fee": { "amount": 200000, "asset_id": "1.3.0" }, "fee_paying_account": "1.2.1191", "using_owner_authority": false, "proposal": "1.10.50", "extensions": [] }]

propose_builder_transaction2 (label from above) (account name) (experation time) (review period) true

// to broadcast this builder transaction as a proposal that will expire on January 12th at 12 noon, and be in reveiw for one hour I would

// propose_builder_transaction2 0 "dele-puppy" "20160112T120000" "3600" true