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Custom Authority Templates

MichelSantos edited this page Nov 14, 2019 · 8 revisions


This document is intended to assist with the use of custom authorities (CA) per BSIP 40 Specifications in the 4.0.0 Consensus Release.

Custom Authority Templates
Authorized Restricted Transfers
Authorized Unrestricted Trading
Authorized Feed Publishing by an Account
Authorized Feed Publishing by a Key
Authorized Account Registration

Custom Authority JSON Templates

One way for an account to create a custom authority is with the CLI Wallet's add_operation_to_builder_transaction command. This command is used as one step of the of "builder transaction" sequence.

add_operation_to_builder_transaction <builder_handle> [54, <JSON_template>]
set_fees_on_builder_transaction <builder_handle> 1.3.0
preview_builder_transaction <builder_handle>
sign_builder_transaction <builder_handle> true

where the <builder_handle> is the integer "handle" output (e.g. 0, 1, 2, etc.) from the first command in the sequence begin_builder_transaction. <JSON_template> is the JSON encoding of the custom_authority_create_operation (Operation 54) that can be broadcast to the network.

Different authorizations require different templates. This section contains the JSON-encoded templates for various authorizations. Each of the templates have validity period from valid_from through valid_to that should be tailored for your use case and which must be compatible with the existing limitations on custom authorites (custom_authority_options) that may be queried by invoking the get_global_properties command in the CLI Wallet or on an RPC-API node.

CA Template: Authorized Transfers

Alice (1.2.19) authorizes Bob (1.2.20) to transfer any amount of any asset from her account to Charlie's account (1.2.21). transfer_operation is Operation 0.


CA Template: Authorized Unrestricted Trading

Alice (1.2.17) authorizes Bob (1.2.18) to create limit orders for her account without any restrictions. limit_order_create_operation is Operation 1.


Alice (1.2.17) authorizes Bob (1.2.18) to cancel limit orders for her account without any restrictions. limit_order_cancel_operation is Operation 2.


CA Template: Authorized Feed Publishing by an Account

A feed publisher (1.2.16) authorizes/delegates Bob (1.2.17) to publish feeds for an asset. asset_publish_feed_operation is Operation 19.


CA Template: Authorized Feed Publishing by a Key

A feed publisher (1.2.16) authorizes/delegates a public key (BTS74YKubbAGUpihj1BP9cCNfdtUbiAhathRs92Ai5EvEQegbpTm8) to publish feeds for an asset. asset_publish_feed_operation is Operation 19.


CA Template: Authorized Account Registration

A faucet account (1.2.16) authorizes a public key (BTS74YKubbAGUpihj1BP9cCNfdtUbiAhathRs92Ai5EvEQegbpTm8) to register accounts on its behalf. account_create_operation is Operation 5.

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