A tutorial for the alignment module of BioJava.
This tutorial is split into several chapters.
Chapter 1 - Quick Installation
Chapter 2 - Global alignment - Needleman and Wunsch algorithm
Chapter 3 - Local alignment - Smith-Waterman algorithm
Chapter 4 - Multiple Sequence alignment
Chapter 5 - Reading and writing of multiple alignments
Chapter 6 - BLAST - why you don't need BioJava for parsing BLAST
The content of this tutorial is available under the CC-BY license, available here.
BioJava 5: A community driven open-source bioinformatics library
Aleix Lafita, Spencer Bliven, Andreas Prlić, Dmytro Guzenko, Peter W. Rose, Anthony Bradley, Paolo Pavan, Douglas Myers-Turnbull, Yana Valasatava, Michael Heuer, Matt Larson, Stephen K. Burley, & Jose M. Duarte
PLOS Computational Biology (2019) 15 (2):e1006791.
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