The examples in this folder show how to use a custom embedder that is not included in biotrainer.
Example models:
- ESM-2 large model from Lin et al. 2022: Language models of protein sequences at the scale of evolution enable accurate structure prediction (
Requires the esm package:
pip install fair-esm
All models need to inherit the following class from
from numpy import ndarray
from typing import Iterable, List, Generator, Optional
from .embedder_interfaces import EmbedderInterface
class CustomEmbedder(EmbedderInterface):
# Embedder name, used to create the directory where the computed embeddings are stored
name = "custom_embedder"
def embed_many(
self, sequences: Iterable[str], batch_size: Optional[int] = None
) -> Generator[ndarray, None, None]:
Method to embed all sequences from the provided iterable.
This is the function that should be overwritten by most custom embedders, because it allows full control
over the whole embeddings generation process. Other functions are optional to use and overwrite, except
reduce_per_protein (if necessary).
Yields embedding for one sequence at a time.
:param sequences: List of proteins as AA strings
:param batch_size: For embedders that profit from batching, this is maximum number of AA per batch
:return: A list object with embeddings of the sequences.
raise NotImplementedError
def reduce_per_protein(embedding: ndarray) -> ndarray:
Reduces per-residue embeddings to per-protein embeddings by any chosen method (like mean/max).
Must be overwritten if the embedder should be capable of creating such embeddings.
raise NotImplementedError
def _preprocess_sequences(sequences: Iterable[str]) -> List[str]:
raise NotImplementedError
def _embed_batch(self, batch: List[str]) -> Generator[ndarray, None, None]:
raise NotImplementedError
def _embed_single(self, sequence: str) -> ndarray:
raise NotImplementedError