- Wookmark layouting won't break when container isn't visible at the start. But you should call 'refreshWookmark' after making it visible.
- Added 'possibleFilters' option. With this you can have filter even when no items fit. Patch by Aakash Goel. Thanks!
- Fix when filtering and no items match. Patch by Gabriel Kaam. Thanks!
- Enabled option 'direction'. This was an internal setting and can now be overriden to order the items from one direction but align them to a different side.
- 'flexibleWidth' now works as expected when it's greater than 50% or more than half of the containers width in pixels.
- New option 'outerOffset'. Optional offset to the sides of the tiles. The old 'offset' will only be used between tiles.
- New option 'comparator'. A comparison function which can be used to sort the items before they are positioned in the layout.
- Offset for first column is now correctly set when align is 'left' or 'right'.
- Column count behaviour improved, when browser window is resized.
- New option 'ignoreInactiveItems'. When set to 'false' inactive items will still be shown when filtered. This can be used to fade out filtered items. See the example-filter/fade.html example.
- New option 'fillEmptySpace' which creates placeholders at the bottom of the columns to create an even layout. See 'example-placeholder' on how to use it.
- FIX: layout now checks if active item count has changed and does a full relayout when that happens
- ADD: Wookmark can now be loaded as amd module
- FIX: Using load images function in all examples, so no specific load images example has been removed
- CHG: Some refactoring and cleanup in all examples
- ADD: Include filtering capability, see the examples in the example-filter folder
- FIX: Error when the layout tries to render less than 1 column