Check for the presence of a binary in $PATH.
checks if a binary is available in PATH. If the
binary is not avaible, it invites to install the corresponding package.
Check for the presence of one or more binaries in PATH. If more than one binary is looked for, output the first found binary absolute path and exit without error. If no looked-for binary is avaible, display an invite to install the corresponding package and exit with error.
source "${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}/libs/biapy-bashlings/src/check-binary.bash"
check-binary "wget;curl" "wget" >'/dev/null' || exit 1
- $1 (string): A semicolon separated list of binary names.
- $2 (string): The binary's package name.
- 0: If binary is found in PATH.
- 1: If less or more than 2 arguments provided.
- 1: If binary is not found in PATH.
- The first found binary absolute path, as outputted by
command -v
- Error if number of arguments is not 2.
- Error if no binary found, recommending the installation of