diff --git a/src/api/graylogapi.go b/src/api/graylogapi.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3794af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/graylogapi.go
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+package api
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"errors"
+	"strconv"
+	"strings"
+	"fmt"
+	_ "runtime/debug"
+	_ "github.com/yassinebenaid/godump"
+	"github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
+	log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
+	"github.com/bbernhard/signal-cli-rest-api/client"
+type AlertManagerNotification struct {
+	Receiver          string      `json:"receiver"`
+	Status            string      `json:"status"`
+	Alerts            []Alert     `json:"alerts"`
+	GroupLabels       Labels      `json:"groupLabels"`
+	CommonLabels      Labels      `json:"commonLabels"`
+	CommonAnnotations Annotations `json:"commonAnnotations"`
+	ExternalURL       string      `json:"externalURL"`
+	Version           string      `json:"version"`
+	GroupKey          string      `json:"groupKey"`
+	TruncatedAlerts   int64       `json:"truncatedAlerts"`
+	OrgID             int64       `json:"orgId"`
+	Title             string      `json:"title"`
+	State             string      `json:"state"`
+	Message           string      `json:"message"`
+type Alert struct {
+	Status       string      `json:"status"`
+	Labels       Labels      `json:"labels"`
+	Annotations  Annotations `json:"annotations"`
+	StartsAt     string      `json:"startsAt"`
+	EndsAt       string      `json:"endsAt"`
+	GeneratorURL string      `json:"generatorURL"`
+	Fingerprint  string      `json:"fingerprint"`
+	SilenceURL   string      `json:"silenceURL"`
+	DashboardURL string      `json:"dashboardURL"`
+	PanelURL     string      `json:"panelURL"`
+	Values       interface{} `json:"values"`
+	ValueString  string      `json:"valueString"`
+type Annotations struct {
+	Summary string `json:"summary"`
+type Labels struct {
+	Alertname string `json:"alertname"`
+	Instance  string `json:"instance"`
+type GrafanaMessage struct {
+	Number           string   `json:"number"`
+	Recipients       string   `json:"recipients"`
+	Message          string   `json:"message"`
+type GraylogNotification struct {
+	EventDefinitionID          string        `json:"event_definition_id"`
+	EventDefinitionType        string        `json:"event_definition_type"`
+	EventDefinitionTitle       string        `json:"event_definition_title"`
+	EventDefinitionDescription string        `json:"event_definition_description"`
+	JobDefinitionID            string        `json:"job_definition_id"`
+	JobTriggerID               string        `json:"job_trigger_id"`
+	Event                      GraylogEvent  `json:"event"`
+	Backlog                    []interface{} `json:"backlog"`
+type GraylogEvent struct {
+	ID                  string        `json:"id"`
+	EventDefinitionType string        `json:"event_definition_type"`
+	EventDefinitionID   string        `json:"event_definition_id"`
+	OriginContext       string        `json:"origin_context"`
+	Timestamp           string        `json:"timestamp"`
+	TimestampProcessing string        `json:"timestamp_processing"`
+	TimerangeStart      interface{}   `json:"timerange_start"`
+	TimerangeEnd        interface{}   `json:"timerange_end"`
+	Streams             []string      `json:"streams"`
+	SourceStreams       []interface{} `json:"source_streams"`
+	Message             string        `json:"message"`
+	Source              string        `json:"source"`
+	KeyTuple            []string      `json:"key_tuple"`
+	Key                 string        `json:"key"`
+	Priority            int64         `json:"priority"`
+	Alert               bool          `json:"alert"`
+	Fields              Fields        `json:"fields"`
+type Fields struct {
+	Recipients string `json:"recipients"`
+	FromNumber string `json:"fromnumber"`
+	Message    string `json:"message"`
+// @Summary Send a signal message.
+// @Tags Messages
+// @Description Send a signal message. Set the text_mode to 'styled' in case you want to add formatting to your text message. Styling Options: *italic text*, **bold text**, ~strikethrough text~.
+// @Accept  json
+// @Produce  json
+// @Success 201 {object} SendMessageResponse
+// @Failure 400 {object} SendMessageError
+// @Param data body SendMessageV2 true "Input Data"
+// @Router /v2/send [post]
+func (a *Api) SendAlertManagerV2(c *gin.Context) {
+	var req AlertManagerNotification
+	var msg GrafanaMessage
+	base64Attachments := []string{}
+	err := c.BindJSON(&req)
+	if err != nil {
+		c.JSON(400, gin.H{"error": "Couldn't process request - invalid request"})
+		log.Error(err.Error())
+		return
+	}
+	//fmt.Printf(">>>%s\n",[]byte(req.Message))
+	// Unmarshal or Decode the JSON to the interface.
+	json.Unmarshal([]byte(req.Message), &msg)
+//	timestamp, err := a.signalClient.SendV1(msg.Number, msg.Message, msg.Recipients, base64Attachments, msg.IsGroup)
+//	if err != nil {
+//		c.JSON(400, Error{Msg: err.Error()})
+//		return
+//	}
+//	c.JSON(201, SendMessageResponse{Timestamp: strconv.FormatInt(timestamp.Timestamp, 10)})
+        data, err := a.signalClient.SendV2(msg.Number, msg.Message, strings.Split(msg.Recipients,","), base64Attachments, "", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
+        if err != nil {
+                switch err.(type) {
+                case *client.RateLimitErrorType:
+                        if rateLimitError, ok := err.(*client.RateLimitErrorType); ok {
+                                extendedError := errors.New(err.Error() + ". Use the attached challenge tokens to lift the rate limit restrictions via the '/v1/accounts/{number}/rate-limit-challenge' endpoint.")
+                                c.JSON(429, SendMessageError{Msg: extendedError.Error(), ChallengeTokens: rateLimitError.ChallengeTokens, Account: msg.Number})
+                                return
+                        } else {
+                                c.JSON(400, Error{Msg: err.Error()})
+                                return
+                        }
+                default:
+                        c.JSON(400, Error{Msg: err.Error()})
+                        return
+                }
+                c.JSON(400, Error{Msg: err.Error()})
+                return
+        }
+        c.JSON(201, SendMessageResponse{Timestamp: strconv.FormatInt((*data)[0].Timestamp, 10)})
+// @Summary Send a signal message.
+// @Tags Messages
+// @Description Send a signal message. Set the text_mode to 'styled' in case you want to add formatting to your text message. Styling Options: *italic text*, **bold text**, ~strikethrough text~.
+// @Accept  json
+// @Produce  json
+// @Success 201 {object} SendMessageResponse
+// @Failure 400 {object} SendMessageError
+// @Param data body SendMessageV2 true "Input Data"
+// @Router /v2/send [post]
+func (a *Api) SendGraylogNotificationV2(c *gin.Context) {
+        var req GraylogNotification
+        base64Attachments := []string{}
+       // jsonData,err2 := io.ReadAll(c.Request.Body)
+	//if err2 != nil {
+	//	log.Error(err2.Error())
+	//}
+	//fmt.Printf("<<<%s\n",jsonData)
+        err := c.BindJSON(&req)
+        if err != nil {
+                c.JSON(400, gin.H{"error": "Couldn't process request - invalid requestttttt"})
+                log.Error(err.Error())
+		fmt.Printf("<<<%s\n",c.Request.Body)
+                return
+        }
+	data, err := a.signalClient.SendV2(req.Event.Fields.FromNumber, req.Event.Fields.Message, strings.Split(req.Event.Fields.Recipients,","), base64Attachments, "", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
+        if err != nil {
+                switch err.(type) {
+                case *client.RateLimitErrorType:
+                        if rateLimitError, ok := err.(*client.RateLimitErrorType); ok {
+                                extendedError := errors.New(err.Error() + ". Use the attached challenge tokens to lift the rate limit restrictions via the '/v1/accounts/{number}/rate-limit-challenge' endpoint.")
+                                c.JSON(429, SendMessageError{Msg: extendedError.Error(), ChallengeTokens: rateLimitError.ChallengeTokens, Account: req.Event.Fields.FromNumber})
+                                return
+                        } else {
+                                c.JSON(400, Error{Msg: err.Error()})
+                                return
+                        }
+                default:
+                        c.JSON(400, Error{Msg: err.Error()})
+                        return
+                }
+                c.JSON(400, Error{Msg: err.Error()})
+                return
+        }
+        c.JSON(201, SendMessageResponse{Timestamp: strconv.FormatInt((*data)[0].Timestamp, 10)})
diff --git a/src/main.go b/src/main.go
index 37e95ff..70cf031 100644
--- a/src/main.go
+++ b/src/main.go
@@ -285,6 +285,14 @@ func main() {
 			sendV2.POST("", api.SendV2)
+		sendalertmanagerV2 := v2.Group("/sendalertmanager")
+		{
+			sendalertmanagerV2.POST("", api.SendAlertManagerV2)
+		}
+		sendgraylognotificationV2 := v2.Group("/sendgraylognotification")
+		{
+			sendgraylognotificationV2.POST("", api.SendGraylogNotificationV2)
+		}
 	swaggerUrl := ginSwagger.URL("http://" + swaggerIp + ":" + string(port) + "/swagger/doc.json")