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88 lines (74 loc) · 4.3 KB


Build Status Coverage Status PyPi Package RTD License: MIT


veranda stands for "vector and raster data access" and is a place for IO related classes and operations dealing with vector and raster data. Currently, there is only one module io, which adds support for GeoTIFF (geotiff) and NetCDF (netcdf) files and their image stack representations (stack).

Limitations and Outlook

Support for vector data is still missing, which could for instance include reading and writing Shape-Files or well-known data formats like CSV for storing point-based in-situ data.

Performant data access is a key-feature for data cubes storing Earth Observation (EO) data. The core-interface between higher-level data cubes (cf. yeoda) and the data stored on disk will be also implemented in veranda, allowing efficient and unambiguous writing and reading of EO data.


The package can be either installed via pip or if you want to work solely with veranda or contribute, we recommend to install it as a conda environment. If you work already with your own environment, please have look at requirements.txt.


To install veranda via pip in your own environment, use:

pip install veranda

ATTENTION: GDAL needs more OS support and has more dependencies then other packages and can therefore not be installed solely via pip. Please have a look at what requirements are needed. Thus, for a fresh setup, an existing environment with a Python and gdal<=3.0.2 installation are expected.


The packages also comes along with one conda environment conda_environment.yml. This is especially recommended if you want to contribute to the project. The following script will install miniconda and setup the environment on a UNIX like system. Miniconda will be installed into $HOME/miniconda.

wget -O
bash -b -p $HOME/miniconda
export PATH="$HOME/miniconda/bin:$PATH"
conda env create -f conda_environment.yml
source activate veranda

This script adds $HOME/miniconda/bin temporarily to the PATH to do this permanently add export PATH="$HOME/miniconda/bin:$PATH" to your .bashrc or .zshrc.

For Windows, use the following setup:

  • Download the latest miniconda 3 installer for Windows
  • Click on .exe file and complete the installation.
  • Add the folder condabin folder to your environment variable PATH. You can find the condabin folder usually under: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Continuum\miniconda3\condabin
  • Finally, you can set up the conda environment via:
    conda env create -f conda_environment.yml
    source activate veranda

After that you should be able to run

python test

to run the test suite.


We are happy if you want to contribute. Please raise an issue explaining what is missing or if you find a bug. We will also gladly accept pull requests against our master branch for new features or bug fixes. If you want to contribute please follow these steps:

  • Fork the veranda repository to your account
  • Clone the veranda repository
  • Make a new feature branch from the veranda master branch
  • Add your feature
  • Please include tests for your contributions in one of the test directories. We use py.test so a simple function called test_my_feature is enough
  • Submit a pull request to our master branch


If you use this software in a publication then please cite it using the Zenodo DOI.


This project has been set up using PyScaffold 3.2.2. For details and usage information on PyScaffold see