Releases: bbalganjjm/natural_js
Releases · bbalganjjm/natural_js
Natural-CORE v0.8.8.10
- N.event.disable : Changed the error handling to not display an error message for an invalid error.
Natural-ARCHITECTURE v0.8.2.2
- N.comm : Added the feature to display a warnning message when the response was stopped by the urlSync option.
Natural-DATA v0.8.2.32
- : Added a feature to recognize the string conditional (by column name) and improve the performance by changes $.grep command.
Natural-UI v0.8.20.37
- Optimized the N.ui.iteration.render function to improve the binding speed of N.grid and N.list by 3 to 5 times.
- : Fixed a bug that enabled when touching(not clicking) a disabled tab.
- : Fixed a bug where the preload option on all tabs would cause the first tab content to open and immediately close.
- : Fixed a bug where calling the add method immediately after calling the remove method on did not load the first tab content due to URL synchronization feature(urlSync option of N.comm).
- : Fixed a bug that caused tabs to not function correctly when calling the open method continuously after initialization.
Natural-UI.Shell v0.8.1.23
- : Added logic to remove events and memory references for content being removed in the remove method.
- : Fixed a bug where calling the add method immediately after calling the remove method resulted in an error or the previous content remains transparent.
- Added multilingual messages related to
- Changed default value of N.context.attr("ui").grid.misc.fixedcolBodyBindHeigh property.
- Edited a AOP related comments and default setting values.
For more information on added and changed features, refer to the API manual(
Natural-ARCHITECTURE v0.8.2.2
- N.cont : Improved the accuracy of logic for the separate the pages when exist the two or more child pages with the same page-id in the parent page.
Natural-UI v0.8.20.27
- N.alert : Fixed a bug where scrolling moves to the top if the height of the popup overs the size of the browser window.
- N.popup : Added opener option to define opener manually.
- N.form : Added the event namespace to the "format" and "unformat" event of the bind function.
- N.form : Added event items (format.formatter, unformat.formatter) to be removed from the unbind method.
- N.form : Moved the location of this.revertData object to this.options.revertData.
- N.form : Added autoUnbind option to automatically call the unbind method when calling the bind and add methods more than once.
- Added the this.options.state variable to store the state of what method was executed first, even if the bind function is called internally. That property related bind method.
- N.form : Removed the logic that makes this.options.row value to -1 in the unbind method.
- N.form : Removed getRadioNCheckBoxSelectorStr function.
- N.grid, N.list : Fixed a bug where the addSelect option was not applied, and changed the default value to false.
- N.grid, N.list : Added the addScroll option that disable the feature for automatically scroll to added rows when calling the add method.
- N.grid, N.list : Added the selectScroll option that disable the feature for automatically scroll to added rows when calling the select method.
- N.grid, N.list : Added the checkScroll option that disable the feature for automatically scroll to added rows when calling the check method.
- N.grid, N.list : Added the validateScroll option that disable the feature for automatically scroll to rows that exist the input element that failed validation when calling the validate method.
- N.grid : Changed the horizontal scroll to always be displayed because of problems related to overflow(css) and position(css) of mobile browsers when applying fixedcol option.
Natural-UI.Shell v0.8.1.20
- : Added msgContext option to define the area where the prompt message is displayed.
- : Added addLast option to decide whether to add page tabs backward or forward.
- : Added tabScroll option to scroll tabs left and right.
- If the tabScroll option is true, the menu selected when clicking a menu in the menu list will be only selected without going to the front. Invisible tabs are automatically scrolled to that tab.
- : Added entireLoadExcludeURLs option that register exclude URLs for onBeforeEntireLoad and onEntireLoad events.
- Modified .tab__>ul.tab_scroll__.effect__ style.
- Added .docs__>.docs_tab_context__>ul.docs_tabs__.effect__ style.
- Added .popup__.alert__.block_overlay_msg__ .msg_box__ > .view_context__ style to prevent style inheritance on iOS.
For more information on added and changed features, refer to the API manual(
Natural-CORE v0.8.8.9
- : Fixed a bug where iOS was not detected and safari has been complemented to better detect the browser.
- Moved N.element.disable and N.element.windowScrollLock, N.element.getMaxDuration, N.element.whichAnimationEvent, N.element.whichTransitionEvent
functions into the N.event object and modify function path for all parts that use it - Added N.debug function to display console.debug message.
- Change N.log and function logic
- N.error : Changed to show stack trace from where error occurred.
- Applied log level to the N.debug, N.log,, N.warn functions.
- Set logging level("debug"|"log"|"info"|"warn"|"off") to N.context.attr("core").consoleLogLevel property of natural.config.js
Natural-ARCHITECTURE v0.8.2.1
- : Fixed JSON.stringify related error in IE8
Natural-DATA v0.8.2.31
- N.ds : Edited the error message.
- : Fixed a bug that the validation was not worked normally according to the value of the property.
Natural-UI v0.8.20.0
- N.form : Improved processing speed by 10 to 15 times by optimizes the logic of the bind method and the val, unbind, add, and update methods.
- In addition, the bind, val, and update methods of N.grid and N.list that work with N.form have been improved by 10 to 15 times.
- N.form : Fixed a error message of remove method.
- N.form : Removed the remove method(This is the wrong code).
- N.grid, N.list : Fixed a bug that caused an error depending on the state of the argument when the remove method argument was array.
- N.grid, N.list : Fixed a bug where when the remove method was called after calling the add method, an error occur if focused on the input element.
- N.grid, N.list : Added error messege(Row index is out of range) to remove method
- N.grid, N.list : Added select option related warnning message to select method.
- N.grid : Fixed a bug where the show and hide methods and the sortable, filter, and data-rowspan options did not work correctly when cells were complexly composed of rowspan and colspan.
- N.grid : Now.. show, hide also supports grids with tfoot.
- N.grid : Changed the logic for calculate the colspan count of displayed td cell when there is no data to be queried.
- N.grid : Added a message to the tableCells function to display a warnning message if the rowspan property is incorrectly defined.
- N.grid : Improved the accuracy of the removeColgroup function.
- N.grid : Added more condition to change background color of rowSpan function.
- N.grid : Fixed a bug where sorting column icons were duplicated when quickly clicking multiple times when sorting.
- N.grid : Fixed a bug where sorting icons are shown in columns that do not have data bound.
- N.grid : Added misc.fixedcolHeadMarginLeft and misc.fixedcolBodyMarginLeft options.
- N.list : Fixed a bug where function and bind, add, data, select, check, remove, revert, validate, val, and update methods did not work properly depending on the situation. And improved performance of those functions.
- N.list : Fixed a bug where and fixHeader, "more" functions and the bind, add, data, select, check, remove, revert, validate, val methods did not worked correctly when exist a tbody tag inside the tbody tag. And improved the performance of those functions.
- N.alert : Fixed a bug that the onCancel event did not fire when the ESC key was pressed.
- N.alert : Fixed a bug where the overlay remained when adjusting the window size when one or more alert dialogs were shown overlapping.
- N.alert : If the width or height of the window is less than the pop-up element, the pop-up will not overflow and the pop-up will scroll as the browser scrolls.
- N.alert : Improved performance.
- N.alert : If the N.context.attr("ui").alert.container value is specified incorrectly display an error message to console.
- N.popup : Fixed a bug that enter an infinite loop when N.popup to initialize in an anonymous function and to depending on the function configuration.
- N.popup : Fixed a logic that find opener.
- N.datepicker : Changed the feature to keep the previously selected date even if you change the month.
- N.datepicker : If the context(input element) has a readonly or disable attribute, the Datepicker has been prevented from running.
- N.datepicker : Added context method.
- N.datepicker : Fixed a bug where the onHide event did not fire when another Datepicker element was selected with the Datepicker dialog box displayed.
- : Added a feature that prevents click the tabs while scrolling the tabs.
- : Fixed a bug that tabs are not clicked when tabScroll option is enabled on touch devices.
- : Added the feature that scroll to the opened tab when call the open method.
- N.button : Added context method.
- function change location to
- function change location to UI.scroll.paging.
- Fixed a bug where touchend and touchstart event handlers would stop running when function was called from mobile.
- Added UI.draggable.moveX function.
- Added UI.draggable.moveY function.
- Added clientX, clientY, offsetX and offsetY arguments to startHandler and moveHandler callbacks of function.
Natural-UI.Shell v0.8.1.14
- N.notify : If does not exist position property in N.context.attr("").notify property of natural.config.js, occured thr error when initializing.
- : Fixed a bug where on iOS or OSX did not close the tab occasionally or the tab was closed and the next tab was not selected.
- Added multilingual message about N.grid.
- Fixed a bug where the shape is broken when using column fix feature in IE and Firefox by modifying the N.context.attr("ui").grid.misc value.
- Added N.context.attr("core").consoleLogLevel property to set logging level.
- Removed -webkit-overflow-scrolling style due to bug related to -webkit-overflow-scrolling in N.grid column fix.
For more information on added and changed features, refer to the API manual(
Natural-ARCHITECTURE v0.8.2.1
- N.comm.request.param : Fixed a bug where the first 1 character of first parameter name was truncated.
Natural-DATA v0.8.2.29
- N.formatter : Modify the css-positon related logic of the "date" rule.
Natural-UI v0.8.19.53
- All components : Fixed a bug where ignore the default value of options when options's attribute value type is object.
that default value was replaced with the value of N.config or user-specified option value. - All components : Improved consistency with related to applying and extending options.
- N.grid : Added the misc.fixedcolRootContainer option that can correct the broken shape of the grid in mobile browsers when exist the element with dynamically adjust-height on the Grid when fixing a columns by specifying the "fixedcol" option.
- N.form : Fixed a bug that the focusout.form.format event was accumulated every time the bind method was called and the value of the element to which the formatter was applied was not updated.
- N.form : Removed the code that unbind the keyup.form.dataSync event.
Natural-UI.Shell v0.8.1.10
- N.notify : Fixed a bug where ignore the default value of options when options's attribute value type is object.
that default value was replaced with the value of N.config or user-specified option value. - : Added a feature that If the second argument of the remove method is true, the function will close the page unconditionally.
- Added N.context.attr("ui").grid.misc.fixedcolRootContainer property and that's description.
For more information on added and changed features, refer to the API manual(
Natural-UI v0.8.19.44
- : Fixed a bug that val method was return null value when selected first option.
- N.form : Improved consistency with event bind order about radio and checkbox input element in bind method.
- N.grid, N.list : You can add it to the last line with the move and copy methods.
Natural-ARCHITECTURE v0.8.2.1
- N.comm : Fixed a bug that modulate the parameter object when input parameter object to arguments[0]
Natural-UI v0.8.19.40
- N.datepicker : Fixed a bug that does not return the N.datepicker instnace when initialize the component.
- N.datepicker : Fixed a bug that if it does not input nothing to argument occurred the error when initialize the component.
- N.list, N.grid : Added "move" method that can move the row.
- N.list, N.grid : Added "copy" method that can copy the row.
For more information on added and changed features, refer to the API manual(
Natural-UI v0.8.19.20
- N.popup : Fixed a bug that did not call "onOpen" event handler method when second open the popup.
- N.form : bind and val method support the "tel" type input element.
Natural-DATA v0.8.2.28
- N.formatter : support the "tel" type input.
Natural-UI v0.8.19.17
- N.form : fixed a bug that bind method does not bind click event to radio and checkbox when dynamic changed select options
Natural-CORE v0.8.8.0
- Added N.event.isNumberRelatedKeys function that evaluate if the key is related to numeric input.
Natural-ARCHITECTURE v0.8.2.0
- Added N.comm.resetFilterConfig function : reload filter config
Natural-DATA v0.8.2.24
- N.formatter : Added a fourth argument to specify the datepicker options in the "date" rule.
- N.formatter : You can specify a formatting rule such as Ymd as the second argument of the "date" rule.
- N.formatter : I changed the execution logic of the "time" rule.
Natural-UI v0.8.19.16
- N.grid, N.list : Added a feature that scrolls to the last selected row when call the select or check function.
- N.grid, N.list : Fixed a bug where rowHandler was executed when rowHandlerBeforeBind event handler was defined.
- N.datepicker : Fixed bugs where non-numeric characters were not keydowned and the date was not immediately displayed on the first time input and was not validated.
- N.datepicker : Added a feature that closes the Datepicker dialog when the Enter key is pressed on the context element.
- N.datepicker : Performance improvements.
- N.datepicker : Appended multilingual messages
- N.datepicker : Moved the execution point of onBeforeShow event to before the date element is automatically selected.
- N.datepicker : Fixed a bug that behaved abnormally when the context element with the shareEle option applied and the context element without the shareEle option existed together.
- N.form : The bind method removes the logic that unbinds the event before binding it, and changed it to bind only when there are no related events.
Natural-UI.Shell v0.8.1.8
- Added N.comm.resetFilterConfig excution logic.
- Added N.datepicker related multilingual messages
For more information on added and changed features, refer to the API manual(
Natural-CORE v0.8.7.0
- Added N().events method that get the event object bound to the element.
- N.string.byteLength : Added argument(charByteLength) to set the default length of Korean and etc. characters excluding English and numbers.
- Added Array.indexOf polyfill
- N.gc : Added logic by adding the "more" option to N.grid.
- Mask JavaScript API (v0.4b)(Processor for "generic" and "numeric" format rule) : Added recognize the Hangul and changed allow the "" character and space (the existing "" character is changed to "~" character).
Natural-ARCHITECTURE v0.8.1.15
- N.comm : Add "beforeInit" event to filter and change the filter configuration set to be only once when loading the Natural-ARCHITECTURE package.
Natural-DATA v0.8.2.24
- N.formatter : Added kcn(Korean Corporation Number) rule, Deprecated "cno" rule
- N.validattor : Deprecated "cno", "cpno" rules,
- N.validator : Change the "frn_rrn" rule validation logic
- N.validator : Added parameters to "maxbyte", "minbyte", "rangebyte" rules that can set the default lengths of korean, special charactor and etc. except for english and numbers.
Natural-UI v0.8.19.3
- N.grid : Added the feature to fix the columns.
- N.grid : Added features to hide and show columns.
- N.grid : Added more option : Automatic generate the detail retrieve popup and display the dialog for hide and show the columns.
- N.grid : Added contextHead method.
- N.grid : Added contextBodyTemplate method.
- N.grid : Add Grid.tableMap and Grid.tableCells function that define the cells structure of table.
- N.grid : Removed the Grid.cellCnt function.
- N.grid : Improve performance of the column resize feature.
- N.alert : Fixed a bug where the onCancel event did not fire when the message dialog was closed by clicking on the message overlay.
- N.alert : Fixed a bug where the animations were sometimes displayed reversed when the dialog was displayed.
- N.datepicker : Fixed a bug where the animations were sometimes displayed reversed when the dialog was displayed.
- N.datepicker : Fixed a bug that Datepicker dialog sometimes displayed incorrectly.
- N.datepicker : Fixed a bug where the dialog was not displayed in the context of the popup after that is closed with the closeMode option set to "remove".
- N.form : The bind method has added arguments(arguments [2] ... arguments [n]) that allow you to bind and select only the columns you want.
- N.form : Fixed a bug where data was not generated when a value was specified with the val method when the element value is not bound because there is no column data matching the id attribute of the element.
- N.form : Remove logic that focusing the first input element that failed validate.
- N.form, N.grid, N.list : Fixed a bug the message tooltip is immediately hidden intermittently when the validate method was called.
- N.form : Fixed a bug where the update method intermittently fell into an infinite loop.
- N.list : Added contextHead method.
- N.list, N.grid : Improve the validate funtion's perfomance.
- N.list, N.grid : If you put an array type argument into the remove and revert functions, process multiple rows at once.
- N.list, N.grid : Added the feature to scroll to the position of the last element that failed validate
- : If no argument is given to the open method, the selected tab-index and tab element, tab-content element, and N.cont's object is returned.
- N.datepicker : Fixed a bug that the DatePicker dialog box was not displayed intermittently when the shareMode option was set to true in the popup with the closeMode option set to "remove".
- N.datepicker : Improved performance and consistency
- N.alert, N.popup : Added feature that If "onOk", "onCancel" event handler is return the 0, does not close the dialog.
- N.popup : Fixed a bug that caused an error if did not specify any options at popup initialization.
- N.tree : Added val value class("tree_" + data[val] + "__") to node element(li).
- N.grid : Cleaning the dataFilter function Prevents garbage events to window.document object
- Changed the internal function name to
- Added N.context.attr("core").charByteLength property that is set the default length of Korean and etc. characters excluding English and numbers.
- Edit N.validator related messages.
- Added multilingual messages related N.grid's more option.
- Modified the style of .tbody_wrap__, .tab__>div.hidden__, .tab__>div.visible__ classes.
- Added the style of .context_wrap__ class.
- Added N.grid's more option related classes.