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Generalize the Window Command

Bastien Dejean edited this page Nov 23, 2015 · 17 revisions

The purpose of this draft is to examine how we might generalize the window command to handle internal tree nodes.


Format: [DESKTOP_SEL:](/DIR)+.


	focused node

	first child

	second child



	left, right, up or down edge or child


window -e right RATIO would be written window /right/edge -r RATIO removing the need for an --edge option.

/root/first/second/brother/up/edge selects the up edge of the brother node of the second child of the first child of the root.



  • Clear the input focus.
  • Perform the border drawing instructions on all the leaves of the subtree.
  • Don't perform any stacking operation.
  • Behavior of focus_follows_pointer?


Instead of drawing the preselected region on the window border (which won't make sense if more that one window is focused) we will create preselection windows and draw to the background of those windows.



Other Selectors:

Path based

Basically, treat the window tree as a filesystem (actually, you could make the interface a virtual filesystem but that's probably overkill...

|-- 1
|   |-- brother -> ../2
|   |-- dir
|   |   `-- right -> ../../2
|   `-- edges
|       |-- down
|       |-- left
|       |-- right
|       `-- up
|-- 2
|   |-- brother -> ../1
|   |-- dir
|   |   `-- left -> ../../1
|   `-- edges
|       |-- down
|       |-- left
|       |-- right
|       `-- up
|-- dir
`-- edges
    |-- down
    |-- left
    |-- right
    `-- up
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