2018-08-08 Tracking the most popular Github repos that are generated within:
- google/filament: Filament is a physically based rendering engine for Android, Windows, Linux and macOS
- haskellcamargo/sclack: The best CLI client for Slack, because everything is terrible!
- ra1028/DifferenceKit: 💻 A fast and flexible O(n) difference algorithm framework for Swift collection.
- drcmda/mauerwerk: ⚒ A react-spring driven masonry-like grid with enter/exit and shared element transitions
- Picovoice/stt-benchmark: speech-to-text benchmark framework
- jbloch/effective-java-3e-source-code: The source code from the third edition of Effective Java, with minor additions as necessary to make it runnable.
- bangoc123/learn-machine-learning-in-two-months: Những kiến thức cần thiết để học tốt Machine Learning trong vòng 2 tháng. Essential Knowledge for learning Machine Learning in two months.
- rootVIII/proxy_requests: a class that uses scraped proxies to make an http GET/POST request (Python requests)
- runkids/Imagvue: 🎑 Imagvue is an image component for Vue.js
- zeeshanu/dumper.js: A better and pretty variable inspector for your Node.js applications
- eonist/FlowLayout: Bi-directional layout framework for iOS
- jiaruncao/Readers: Neural Network Readers
- TheSecondSun/Bashark: Bash post exploitation toolkit
- sujan-s/code-blue: A carefully concocted dark theme made of subtle blues and bright hues that’s easy on the eyes for focused coding.
- xenv/gushici: 一言·古诗词 API (Hitokoto API),随机返回一条古诗词名句。采用 Vert.x + Redis 全异步开发,毫秒级稳定响应。
- tb0yd/rootfinder: Arabic root finder with neural nets!
- google/filament: Filament is a physically based rendering engine for Android, Windows, Linux and macOS
- 4jy/Source-SnapChat: Source Code for SnapChat
- i5xx/Source-SCCamera: None
- whoareyou0401/python1808homework: 八班项目(作业)
- F8LEFT/FUPK3: 演示视频https://pan.baidu.com/s/1HH_-TQGca1NLoSqzvOPB3Q 密码:izm3
- code-uni-workshops/recipe-collection: None
- jbloch/effective-java-3e-source-code: The source code from the third edition of Effective Java, with minor additions as necessary to make it runnable.
- Laboratoria/cdmx-2018-06-bc-core-pm-foodmap: Ejercicio de foodmap
- masterUNG/LaosUnSeen: Workshop Firebase at Laos
- bangoc123/learn-machine-learning-in-two-months: Những kiến thức cần thiết để học tốt Machine Learning trong vòng 2 tháng. Essential Knowledge for learning Machine Learning in two months.
- lemonsuan/qf-python: python测试
- bradtraversy/wordbeater: Simple speed typing game written in JS
- uber-fox-2018/mongoose-crud: None
- xenv/gushici: 一言·古诗词 API (Hitokoto API),随机返回一条古诗词名句。采用 Vert.x + Redis 全异步开发,毫秒级稳定响应。
- nss-day-cohort-27/Errors-Debugging: None
- campusexperts-india/git-workshop-vit: None
- GoogleChromeLabs/ndb: ndb is an improved debugging experience for Node.js, enabled by Chrome DevTools
- faressoft/terminalizer: 🦄 Record your terminal and generate animated gif images
- fuckcqcs/fuckcqcs: 14小时
- dylanbeattie/rockstar: The Rockstar programming language specification
- jxnblk/mdx-deck: MDX-based presentation decks
- google/filament: Filament is a physically based rendering engine for Android, Windows, Linux and macOS
- apexcharts/apexcharts.js: 📊 Interactive and Modern SVG Charts
- rtr7/router7: pure-Go small home internet router
- vaneenige/phenomenon: ⚡️ A fast 2kB low-level WebGL API.
- BlindMindStudios/StarRuler2-Source: 4X Space Strategy game Star Ruler 2's open source distribution.
- chinedufn/percy: A modular toolkit for building isomorphic web apps with Rust + WebAssembly
- haskellcamargo/sclack: The best CLI client for Slack, because everything is terrible!
- perlin-network/life: A secure WebAssembly VM catered for decentralized applications.
- DesignRevision/shards-dashboard: 🔥A beautiful Bootstrap 4 admin dashboard templates pack.
- aweijnitz/recipe-el_fuego_viviente: Fermented Chili Sauce
- oncebot/pushbar.js: Tiny javascript plugin for creating sliding drawers in web apps
- fuckcqcs/fuckcqcs: 14小时
- LambdaSchool/Sprint-Challenge--User-Interface: This is the sprint challenge for the User Interface and Git sprint
- gradescope/fsdl-text-recognizer-project: Full Stack Deep Learning Bootcamp Project (Public)
- Microsoft/join-dev-design: Join Microsoft Developer Design
- BlindMindStudios/StarRuler2-Source: 4X Space Strategy game Star Ruler 2's open source distribution.
- google/filament: Filament is a physically based rendering engine for Android, Windows, Linux and macOS
- faressoft/terminalizer: 🦄 Record your terminal and generate animated gif images
- coolstar/electra1131: Electra for iOS 11.0 - 11.3.1
- 4jy/Source-SnapChat: Source Code for SnapChat
- GoogleChromeLabs/ndb: ndb is an improved debugging experience for Node.js, enabled by Chrome DevTools
- LambdaSchool/Lambda-Hello: Introductions to the Lambda Community
- bendangnuksung/Image-OutPainting: Keras Implementation of Painting outside the box
- yandex-shri-2018/entrance-task-1-2: Задание "найди ошибки" — ШРИ, Москва, Санкт-Петербург, Симферополь, осень 2018
- fivethirtyeight/russian-troll-tweets: None
- dylanbeattie/rockstar: The Rockstar programming language specification
- reedhong/fomo3d_clone: clone fomo3d contract source
- danistefanovic/build-your-own-x: 🤓 Build your own (insert technology here)
- denoland/deno: A secure TypeScript runtime on V8
- adam-golab/react-developer-roadmap: Roadmap to becoming a React developer in 2018
- dylanaraps/pure-bash-bible: 📖 A collection of pure bash alternatives to external processes.
- DovAmir/awesome-design-patterns: A curated list of software and architecture related design patterns.
- FiloSottile/mkcert: A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like.
- GoogleChromeLabs/ndb: ndb is an improved debugging experience for Node.js, enabled by Chrome DevTools
- thedaviddias/Front-End-Performance-Checklist: 🎮 The only Front-End Performance Checklist that runs faster than the others
- Netflix/pollyjs: Record, Replay, and Stub HTTP Interactions.
- nbedos/termtosvg: Record terminal sessions as SVG animations
- Avik-Jain/100-Days-Of-ML-Code: 100 Days of ML Coding
- jesseduffield/lazygit: simple terminal UI for git commands
- sebastianruder/NLP-progress: Repository to track the progress in Natural Language Processing (NLP), including the datasets and the current state-of-the-art for the most common NLP tasks.
- mimecorg/vuido: Native desktop applications using Vue.js.
- faressoft/terminalizer: 🦄 Record your terminal and generate animated gif images
- fuckcqcs/fuckcqcs: 14小时
- danistefanovic/build-your-own-x: 🤓 Build your own (insert technology here)
- fuckcqcs/fuckcqcs: 14小时
- Avik-Jain/100-Days-Of-ML-Code: 100 Days of ML Coding
- wangshub/Douyin-Bot: Python 抖音机器人,论如何在抖音上找到漂亮小姐姐?😍
- sebastianruder/NLP-progress: Repository to track the progress in Natural Language Processing (NLP), including the datasets and the current state-of-the-art for the most common NLP tasks.
- vipshop/vjtools: The vip.com's java coding standard, libraries and tools
- adam-golab/react-developer-roadmap: Roadmap to becoming a React developer in 2018
- 1millionwomentotech/toolkitten: A toolkit for #1millionwomentotech community.
- zeit/now-github-starter: Starter project to demonstrate a project whose pull requests get automatically deployed
- michaelliao/learngit: 教程→ http://t.cn/zQ6LFwE 赞助→ http://t.cn/R5bhVpf 推送请使用UTF-8编码
- DovAmir/awesome-design-patterns: A curated list of software and architecture related design patterns.
- facebookresearch/DensePose: A real-time approach for mapping all human pixels of 2D RGB images to a 3D surface-based model of the body
- dylanaraps/pure-bash-bible: 📖 A collection of pure bash alternatives to external processes.
- SteamDatabase/SalienCheat: 👽 Cheating Salien minigame, the proper way
- XiaoMi/mace: MACE is a deep learning inference framework optimized for mobile heterogeneous computing platforms.
- selfagency/microsoft-drop-ice: Tell Microsoft to drop ICE as a client or lose us as GitHub users