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{"version":3,"sources":["webpack:///./node_modules/@narative/gatsby-theme-novela/src/components/Navigation/Navigation.Paginator.tsx"],"names":["Paginator","maxPages","count","props","pageCount","current","index","pageRoot","pathPrefix","getFullPath","n","render","this","previousPath","nextPath","hasNext","hasPrevious","rel","href","Frame","PageButton","to","getPageLinks","MobileReference","aria-hidden","previousPage","pagesRange","range","truncatedRange","slice","unshift","splice","length","push","Set","map","page","i","Spacer","key","PageNumberBUtton","style","opacity","className","Component","paginationItemMixin","p","css","theme","colors","primary","mediaqueries","desktop_up","Link","tablet"],"mappings":"oPAuBMA,E,oJACJC,SAAW,E,EACXC,MAAQ,EAAKC,MAAMC,U,EACnBC,QAAU,EAAKF,MAAMG,M,EACrBC,SAAW,EAAKJ,MAAMK,W,EAwFtBC,YAAc,SAACC,GACb,MAAsB,MAAlB,EAAKH,SACM,IAANG,EAAU,EAAKH,SAAW,EAAKA,SAAW,QAAUG,EAE9C,IAANA,EAAU,EAAKH,SAAW,EAAKA,SAAW,SAAWG,G,sCAIhEC,OAAA,WACE,IAAMT,EAAQU,KAAKV,MACbG,EAAUO,KAAKP,QAErB,GAAIH,GAAS,EAAG,OAAO,KAEvB,IAAMW,EAAeD,KAAKC,aACpBC,EAAWF,KAAKE,SAChBC,EAAUH,KAAKP,QAAUO,KAAKV,MAC9Bc,EAAcJ,KAAKP,QAAU,EAEnC,OACE,gCACE,cAAC,SAAD,KACGW,GAAe,sBAAMC,IAAI,OAAOC,KAAML,IACtCE,GAAW,sBAAME,IAAI,OAAOC,KAAMJ,KAErC,cAACK,EAAD,KACGH,GAAe,cAACI,EAAD,CAAYC,GAAIR,GAAhB,QACfD,KAAKU,aACN,cAACC,EAAD,CAAiBC,cAAY,QAC3B,wBAAKnB,GADP,OAC8BH,GAE7Ba,GAAW,cAACK,EAAD,CAAYC,GAAIP,GAAhB,W,mCArHpB,WACE,OAAOF,KAAKH,YAAYG,KAAKP,QAAU,K,wBAGzC,WACE,OAAOO,KAAKH,YAAYG,KAAKP,QAAU,K,wBAMzC,WAAmB,WACXA,EAAUO,KAAKP,QACfH,EAAQU,KAAKV,MACbD,EAAWW,KAAKX,SAKhBwB,EAA2B,IAAZpB,EAAgBA,EAAUA,EAAU,EAGnDqB,EAAaC,YAAMF,EAAcvB,EAAQ,EAAIuB,GAI7CG,EAAuCF,EAAWG,MAAM,EAAG5B,GAqCjE,OA9BIyB,EAAW,GAAK,GAClBE,EAAeE,QAAQ,MAGrBJ,EAAW,GAAK,GAClBE,EAAeE,QAAQ,GAMrBJ,EAAW,GAAK,IAAMxB,GAASwB,EAAW,GAAK,EAAI,GACrDE,EAAeG,OACbL,EAAWM,OAAS,EAAI/B,EACxB,EACAyB,EAAW,GAAK,GAMhBA,EAAW,GAAKzB,EAAWC,GAC7B0B,EAAeK,KAAK,MAIlBP,EAAW,GAAKzB,EAAW,EAAIC,GACjC0B,EAAeK,KAAK/B,GAGf,YAAI,IAAIgC,IAAIN,IAAiBO,KAAI,SAACC,EAAqBC,GAAtB,OAC7B,OAATD,EAEE,cAACE,EAAD,CAAQC,IAAG,wBAA0BF,EAAKb,eAAa,IAGvD,cAACgB,EAAD,CACED,IAAG,iBAAmBH,EACtBf,GAAI,EAAKZ,YAAY2B,GACrBK,MAAO,CAAEC,QAASrC,IAAY+B,EAAO,EAAI,IACzCO,UAAU,uBAETP,U,GAjFaQ,aAkIT5C,MAEf,IAAM6C,EAAsB,SAAAC,GAAC,OAAIC,cAAJ,uBAElBD,EAAEE,MAAMC,OAAOC,QAFG,kIAWzBC,IAAaC,WAXY,+NA2BvBhC,EAAa,YAAOiC,OAAP,qBAAH,8DAIL,SAAAP,GAAC,OAAIA,EAAEE,MAAMC,OAAOC,UAJf,IAKZL,EALY,0DAcVL,EAAmB,YAAOa,OAAP,qBAAH,8DAIX,SAAAP,GAAC,OAAIA,EAAEE,MAAMC,OAAOC,UAJT,IAKlBL,EALkB,0DAchBP,EAAS,oBAAH,mBAAG,CAAH,eAERO,EAFQ,8BAQNtB,EAAkB,oBAAH,mBAAG,CAAH,mBAEjBsB,EAFiB,WAGV,SAAAC,GAAC,OAAIA,EAAEE,MAAMC,OAAOC,UAHV,gCAOR,SAAAJ,GAAC,OAAIA,EAAEE,MAAMC,OAAOC,UAPZ,MAWf/B,EAAQ,mBAAH,mBAAG,CAAH,oGAOPgC,IAAaG,OAPN,iGAQiBhB,GARjB,IAYPa,IAAaC,WAZN,2FAcL7B,GAdK","file":"5adfd937054d18aa90c3653907d1d43da6549296-0fc58975f36d55fac8f3.js","sourcesContent":["import React, { Component } from \"react\";\nimport styled from \"@emotion/styled\";\nimport { css } from \"@emotion/core\";\nimport { Link } from \"gatsby\";\nimport { Helmet } from \"react-helmet\";\n\nimport mediaqueries from \"@styles/media\";\nimport { range } from \"@utils\";\n\nimport { IPaginator } from \"@types\";\n\n/**\n * <Paginator />\n *\n * 1 2 3 ... final page NEXT\n * Component to navigate between different pages on a series of blog post, for example.\n *\n * We're using a <nav> element here so make sure to put the pagination component\n * INSIDE of a section to make sure the markup stays contextually relevant\n *\n * Receives the gatsby-paginator props\n */\n\nclass Paginator extends Component<IPaginator, {}> {\n maxPages = 3;\n count = this.props.pageCount;\n current = this.props.index;\n pageRoot = this.props.pathPrefix;\n\n get nextPath() {\n return this.getFullPath(this.current + 1);\n }\n\n get previousPath() {\n return this.getFullPath(this.current - 1);\n }\n\n /**\n * Utility function to return a 1 ... 5 6 7 ... 10 style pagination\n */\n get getPageLinks() {\n const current = this.current;\n const count = this.count;\n const maxPages = this.maxPages;\n\n // Current is the page we're on\n // We want to show current - 1, current, current + 1\n // Of course if we're on page 1, we don't want a page 0\n const previousPage = current === 1 ? current : current - 1;\n\n // Now create a range of numbers from the previousPage to the total pages (count)\n const pagesRange = range(previousPage, count + 1 - previousPage);\n\n // We might need to truncate that pagesRange if it's\n // more than the max pages we wish to display (3)\n const truncatedRange: Array<number | null> = pagesRange.slice(0, maxPages);\n\n // Throughout this function we might add a null to our pages range.\n // When it comes to rendering our range if we find a null we'll add a spacer.\n\n // We might need a spacer at the start of the pagination e.g. 1 ... 3 4 5 etc.\n // If we're after the second page, we need a ... spacer (3 and up)\n if (pagesRange[0] > 2) {\n truncatedRange.unshift(null);\n }\n // If we're after the first page, we need page 1 to appear (2 and up)\n if (pagesRange[0] > 1) {\n truncatedRange.unshift(1);\n }\n\n // If we're on the final page, then there won't be a \"next\" page and\n // the pagination will end up looking a bit short (e.g. on 8 pages ... 7, 8)\n // Push to the end an extra page maxPages from the end\n if (pagesRange[0] + 1 === count && pagesRange[0] - 1 > 0) {\n truncatedRange.splice(\n pagesRange.length - 1 - maxPages,\n 0,\n pagesRange[0] - 1,\n );\n }\n\n // We might need a spacer at the end of the pagination e.g. 4 5 6 ... 8\n // If we're before the penultimate page, we need a ... spacer\n if (pagesRange[0] + maxPages < count) {\n truncatedRange.push(null);\n }\n\n // If we're before the last page, we need page <last> to appear\n if (pagesRange[0] + maxPages - 1 < count) {\n truncatedRange.push(count);\n }\n\n return [...new Set(truncatedRange)].map((page: number | null, i) =>\n page === null ? (\n // If you find a null in the truncated array then add a spacer\n <Spacer key={`PaginatorPage_spacer_${i}`} aria-hidden={true} />\n ) : (\n // Otherwise render a PageButton\n <PageNumberBUtton\n key={`PaginatorPage_${page}`}\n to={this.getFullPath(page)}\n style={{ opacity: current === page ? 1 : 0.3 }}\n className=\"Paginator__pageLink\"\n >\n {page}\n </PageNumberBUtton>\n ),\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Utility to turn an index in to a page path.\n * All it really does is glue the page path to the front,\n * but note there's special behaviour for page 1 where the URL should be / not /page/1\n */\n getFullPath = (n: number) => {\n if (this.pageRoot === \"/\") {\n return n === 1 ? this.pageRoot : this.pageRoot + \"page/\" + n;\n } else {\n return n === 1 ? this.pageRoot : this.pageRoot + \"/page/\" + n;\n }\n };\n\n render() {\n const count = this.count;\n const current = this.current;\n\n if (count <= 1) return null;\n\n const previousPath = this.previousPath;\n const nextPath = this.nextPath;\n const hasNext = this.current < this.count;\n const hasPrevious = this.current > 1;\n\n return (\n <>\n <Helmet>\n {hasPrevious && <link rel=\"prev\" href={previousPath} />}\n {hasNext && <link rel=\"next\" href={nextPath} />}\n </Helmet>\n <Frame>\n {hasPrevious && <PageButton to={previousPath}>Prev</PageButton>}\n {this.getPageLinks}\n <MobileReference aria-hidden=\"true\">\n <em>{current}</em> of {count}\n </MobileReference>\n {hasNext && <PageButton to={nextPath}>Next</PageButton>}\n </Frame>\n </>\n );\n }\n}\n\nexport default Paginator;\n\nconst paginationItemMixin = p => css`\n line-height: 1;\n color: ${p.theme.colors.primary};\n padding: 0;\n width: 6.8rem;\n height: 6.8rem;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: center;\n font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums;\n\n ${mediaqueries.desktop_up`\n display: block;\n width: auto;\n height: auto;\n padding: 2rem;\n\n &:first-of-type {\n padding-left: 0;\n }\n\n &:last-child {\n padding-right: 0;\n }\n `}\n`;\n\nconst PageButton = styled(Link)`\n font-weight: 600;\n font-size: 18px;\n text-decoration: none;\n color: ${p => p.theme.colors.primary};\n ${paginationItemMixin}\n\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n opacity: 1;\n text-decoration: underline;\n }\n`;\n\nconst PageNumberBUtton = styled(Link)`\n font-weight: 400;\n font-size: 18px;\n text-decoration: none;\n color: ${p => p.theme.colors.primary};\n ${paginationItemMixin}\n\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n opacity: 1;\n text-decoration: underline;\n }\n`;\n\nconst Spacer = styled.span`\n opacity: 0.3;\n ${paginationItemMixin}\n &::before {\n content: \"...\";\n }\n`;\n\nconst MobileReference = styled.span`\n font-weight: 400;\n ${paginationItemMixin}\n color: ${p => p.theme.colors.primary};\n\n em {\n font-style: normal;\n color: ${p => p.theme.colors.primary};\n }\n`;\n\nconst Frame = styled.nav`\n position: relative;\n z-index: 1;\n display: inline-flex;\n justify-content: space-between;\n align-items: center;\n\n ${mediaqueries.tablet`\n .Paginator__pageLink, ${Spacer} { display: none; }\n left: -15px;\n `}\n\n ${mediaqueries.desktop_up`\n justify-content: flex-start;\n ${MobileReference} { display: none; }\n `}\n`;\n"],"sourceRoot":""}