+ Are you sure you want to disable the seller account for {sellerName}?
+ This action will change their role to buyer.
Current Role: {user.Role.name}
+!column.isImage && handleSort(column.key)} + className={`pl-4 py-4 text-left text-sm font-bold text-[#6B7280] uppercase tracking-wider ${!column.isImage ? 'cursor-pointer' : ''}`} + > + {column.label} + {!column.isImage && sortColumn === column.key && {sortDirection === 'asc' ? ' ▲' : ' ▼'}} + | + ))} +
+ {renderCell(item, column)} + | + ))} +
!column.isImage && handleSort(column.key)} + className={`pl-4 py-4 text-left text-sm font-bold text-[#6B7280] uppercase tracking-wider ${!column.isImage ? 'cursor-pointer' : ''}`} + > + {column.label} + {!column.isImage && sortColumn === column.key && {sortDirection === 'asc' ? ' ▲' : ' ▼'}} + | + ))} +
+ {renderCell(item, column)} + | + ))} +
+ Oops! ... Looks like this page does not exist in MAVERICKS +