diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 93785f2..6f48854 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
## Overview
-*Have you ever changed a dbt model only to later find it broke a downstream table or dashboard? 💔*
+_Have you ever changed a dbt model only to later find it broke a downstream table or dashboard? 💔_
We've created a GitHub Action to help you out — putting Atlan's impact analysis right into your pull request. So now, before merging the PR, you can see the potential downstream impact of your changes.
@@ -19,44 +19,94 @@ Here's what it looks like 👇
## Configure the action
1. Create [repository secrets](https://github.com/Azure/actions-workflow-samples/blob/master/assets/create-secrets-for-GitHub-workflows.md#creating-secrets) in your repository:
- - `ATLAN_INSTANCE_URL` with the URL of your Atlan instance.
- - `ATLAN_API_TOKEN` with the value of the API token.
+ - `ATLAN_INSTANCE_URL` with the URL of your Atlan instance.
+ - `ATLAN_API_TOKEN` with the value of the API token.
2. Add the GitHub Action to your workflow:
- 1. Create a workflow file in your repository: `.github/workflows/atlan-dbt.yml`
- 2. Add the following code to the workflow file:
- ```yaml
- name: Atlan dbt action
- on:
- pull_request:
- types: [opened, edited, synchronize, reopened, closed]
- jobs:
- get-downstream-impact:
- name: Get Downstream Assets
- runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- steps:
- - name: Run Action
- uses: atlanhq/dbt-action@v1
- with:
- ```
+ 1. Create a workflow file in your repository: `.github/workflows/atlan-dbt.yml`
+ 2. Add the following code to the workflow file:
+ ```yaml
+ name: Atlan dbt action
+ on:
+ pull_request:
+ types: [opened, edited, synchronize, reopened, closed]
+ jobs:
+ get-downstream-impact:
+ name: Get Downstream Assets
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Run Action
+ uses: atlanhq/dbt-action@v1
+ with:
+ ```
## Test the action
-To test the action, after you've completed the configuration above create a pull request with a changed dbt model file. You should see the Atlan
-GitHub action running and then adding comments in your pull request.
+After you've completed the configuration above, create a pull request with a changed dbt model file to test the action. You should see the Atlan GitHub action running and then adding comments in your pull request:
+- The GitHub workflow will add and update a single comment for every file change.
+- The impacted assets in the comment will be displayed in a collapsible section and grouped by source and asset type.
+- The comment will include some metadata for your impacted assets — such as descriptions, owners, and linked glossary terms.
+- View the impacted assets in Atlan or open the source URL — for example, view an impacted Looker dashboard directly in Looker.
## Inputs
-| Name | Description | Required |
-| `GITHUB_TOKEN` | Needed to write comments on PRs to print all the downstream assets. https://dev.to/github/the-githubtoken-in-github-actions-how-it-works-change-permissions-customizations-3cgp | true |
-| `ATLAN_INSTANCE_URL` | Needed for making API requests to the user's tenant. | true |
-| `ATLAN_API_TOKEN` | Needed for authenticating API requests to the user's tenant. https://ask.atlan.com/hc/en-us/articles/8312649180049 | true |
+| Name | Description | Required | Default |
+| ----------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- | ------- |
+| `GITHUB_TOKEN` | Needed to write comments on PRs to print all the downstream assets. https://dev.to/github/the-githubtoken-in-github-actions-how-it-works-change-permissions-customizations-3cgp | true |
+| `ATLAN_INSTANCE_URL` | Needed for making API requests to the user's tenant. | true |
+| `ATLAN_API_TOKEN` | Needed for authenticating API requests to the user's tenant. https://ask.atlan.com/hc/en-us/articles/8312649180049 | true |
+| `DBT_ENVIRONMENT_BRANCH_MAP` | A mapping of dbt environments to branches separated by newlines. For example,
beta: Wide World Importers PE1
test-action: Wide World Importers PE1 | false |
+| `IGNORE_MODEL_ALIAS_MATCHING` | If set to true, the action will ignore model alias matching if there is an alias set in the config of a model SQL. | false | false |
+## FAQs
+### Action does not get the model from the correct environment?
+In case there are multiple dbt models in your Atlan instance with the same name but in different environments, the action may get the wrong model. To fix this, you can use the `DBT_ENVIRONMENT_BRANCH_MAP` input to map dbt environments to branches. For example, if you have a dbt environment called `main` and a branch called `Production`, you can add the following to your workflow file:
+ get-downstream-impact:
+ name: Get Downstream Assets
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Run Action
+ uses: atlanhq/dbt-action@v1
+ with:
++ main: Production
++ beta: Development
+### Action gets model by alias and not by model name?
+In case there is a model in your dbt project with an alias set in the config, the action will get the model by the alias and not the model name. To fix this, you can set the `IGNORE_MODEL_ALIAS_MATCHING` input to true. For example:
+ get-downstream-impact:
+ name: Get Downstream Assets
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Run Action
+ uses: atlanhq/dbt-action@v1
+ with: