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bfchip: Brainf*** CPU

Gary Bailey
Spring 2023 Final Tapeout Project
18-224: Special Topics in Chip Design


This project implements a simple CPU (written in SystemVerilog) which interprets the esoteric programming language Brainf*** (BF) as its machine code. The version of BF implemented by this project actually contains one extension: in addition to the eight standard BF instructions +-<>[].,, a ninth instruction \0 (0-byte) is implemented, which halts the CPU. Architecturally, this CPU is similar to the Harvard architecture, with separate 16-bit program and data address spaces.

How it Works

This project consists mainly of two modules: BF (dev/src/, the BF core, which actually implements the CPU core, and my_chip (dev/src/, the bus interface, which translates the BF core's bus protocol.

BF Core

The BF core itself contains four registers:

  • pc, the program counter
  • cursor, the address of the currently selected cell
  • acc, the accumulator
  • depth, the nested loop depth of the current instruction when jumping forward or backward

These registers each have a set of operations which are defined in These operations are packed into the microinstruction word, which is output by each state in the main FSM.

The FSM has 33 states in total. Its overall logical strucure is as follows. I've also included the alphabetic names used to refer to each instruction within the source code. (here, "instruction" refers to the byte in program memory at the program counter, and "cell" refers to the byte in data memory at the cursor)

  • Fetch/decode: Fetch instruction, increment pc, then:
    • if the instruction is one of the recognized instructions, go to that instructions's stage
    • otherwise, return to Fetch/decode
  • Inc (+): Fetch cell, load cell into acc, store acc+1 into cell, return to Fetch/decode
  • Dec (-): Fetch cell, load cell into acc, store acc-1 into cell, return to Fetch/decode
  • Right (>): Increment cursor, return to Fetch/decode
  • Left (<): Decrement cursor, return to Fetch/decode
  • Print (.): Fetch cell, load cell into acc, write acc to I/O, return to Fetch/decode
  • Read (,): Fetch I/O, load I/O into acc, store acc into cell, return to Fetch/decode
  • Brz ([): Fetch cell, clear depth, then:
    • if cell is nonzero, return to Fetch/decode
    • (loop) if cell is zero, fetch instruction and increment pc:
      • if the instruction is [, increment depth and loop
      • if the instruction is ]:
        • if depth is zero, return to Fetch/decode
        • if depth is nonzero, decrement depth and repeat loop
      • otherwise, loop
  • Brnz (]): Fetch cell, clear depth, then:
    • if cell is zero, return to Fetch/decode
    • if cell is nonzero, decrement pc twice, then
    • (loop) fetch instruction and decrement pc:
      • if the instruction is ], increment depth and loop
      • if the instruction is [:
        • if depth is zero, increment pc twice and return to Fetch/decode
        • if depth is nonzero, decrement depth and loop
      • otherwise, loop
  • Halt (\0): Do nothing and repeat

Bus Interface

There is a secondary module which translates the 24-output, 8-input bus of the BF core into a multiplexed, 11-output, 8-input bus to fit within the port constraints of our tapeout. This consists of a very simple FSM which detects when the BF core makes a memory or IO request. When this occurs, it disables the core and successively sends the bus opcode, two address bytes, and written byte (if applicable) on the output bus, and then waits for an external memory/IO controller to assert op_done before continuing execution. See Hardware Peripherals for more info about this protocol.



Input Assignment
0 bus_in[0]
1 bus_in[1]
2 bus_in[2]
3 bus_in[3]
4 bus_in[4]
5 bus_in[5]
6 bus_in[6]
7 bus_in[7]
8 op_done
9 enable
10 (NC)
11 (NC)


The bus input value to be passed to the BF core.


Asserted by the memory/IO controller to indicate that the requested operation is complete.


Full system-wide enable. When deasserted, the clock has no effect.


Output Assignment
0 bus_out[0]
1 bus_out[1]
2 bus_out[2]
3 bus_out[3]
4 bus_out[4]
5 bus_out[5]
6 bus_out[6]
7 bus_out[7]
8 state[0]
9 state[1]
10 state[2]
11 halted


The bus output value to be handled by the memory controller. The meaning of its value is determined by the value of state.


The "bus state". Defines what is currently being sent an received from bus_out and bus_in. Has the following possible values:

state Name Meaning
3'b000 IoNone bus_out and bus_in ignored
3'b001 IoOpcode bus_out[2:0] is the bus opcode
3'b010 IoAddrHi bus_out is addr[15:8]
3'b011 IoAddrLo bus_out is addr[7:0]
3'b100 IoReadWrite bus_out is the value being written by the BF core, if any, and bus_in is passed to the BF core as input

The bus opcode can have the following values (the first 5 bits of bus_out are ignored during the opcode step):

opcode Name Operation
3'b000 BusNone No operation
3'b010 BusReadProg Read from the program memory
3'b100 BusReadData Read from the data memory
3'b101 BusWriteData Write to the data memory
3'b110 BusReadIo Read from I/O
3'b111 BusWriteIo Write to I/O

See Hardware Peripherals for more info.


When asserted, the BF core has halted.

Clock and reset

This chip uses active-high, synchronous reset. The clock speed is not strict.

Hardware Peripherals

In order for the BF core to operate, the bus_out, bus_in, state, and op_done lines must be connected to a memory/IO controller which implements the following protocol:

  • When state == IoOpcode, store bus_out to opcode on clock
  • When state == IoAddrHi, store bus_out to addr[15:8] on clock
  • When state == IoAddrLo, store bus_out to addr[7:0] on clock
  • When state == IoReadWrite:
    • If opcode == BusReadProg, set bus_in to the byte of program memory at address addr, then assert op_done
    • If opcode == BusReadData, set bus_in to the byte of data memory at address addr, then assert op_done
    • If opcode == BusWriteData, store bus_out to the byte of data memory at address addr on the clock, then assert op_done
    • If opcode == BusReadIo, set bus_in to the first-in byte of the input stream, then assert op_done, and on the clock remove that byte from the queue
    • If opcode == BusWriteIo, write bus_out to the output stream on the clock, then assert op_done

The exact implementation/layout of the memory and I/O interfaced with the CPU is up to the designer of the memory/IO controller. Reasonable options would be a SPI flash interface for the program memory, SPI SRAM for the data memory, and a UART interface connected to a terminal for the I/O. Beyond the interface itself, the controller must make sure to zero-out the data memory before program execution begins.

Design Testing / Bringup

The BF core itself is tested in simulation with CocoTB and is known to work on the Icarus backend. Running make test in dev/ will run the test suite, which can be found in dev/src/tests/. The test suite consists of example BF programs. Some of the tests are skipped by default due to taking too long to execute in simulation, but they can be manually run using make TESTCASE=<case> test

The dev/src/ script, when connected to the debug interface, will act as the memory/IO controller and run a program on the CPU. It needs to be passed a TOML file containing a program, inputs, and expected outputs. Several of these programs can be found in dev/src/tests/.

To test the design after manufacture, implement a memory/IO interface as defined in Hardware Peripherals, and use it to run BF test programs on the CPU, such as those included in dev/src/tests/.


Hello World program successfully running on FPGA, using the debug interface:
Screenshot of bfchip successfully running Hello World on FPGA

Test suite passing:
Screenshot of bfchip passing the test suite, except for the "quine" test
Screenshot of bfchip passing the "quine" test