Implemented Maze Solver, a program in Java that helps a robot solve a maze by finding a path from the start node to the goal node.
A class project with skeleton code was provided. I implemented the AI search algorithms BFS and A-star search. I implemented the following methods: boolean search() boolean search() ArrayList getSuccessors(boolean[][] explored, Maze maze)
A maze will be given in a text file as a matrix in which the start position is indicated by “S”, the goal position is indicated by “G”, walls are indicated by “%”, and empty positions where the robot can move are indicated by “ “. The outer border of the maze, i.e., the entire first row, last row, first column and last column will always contain “%” characters. A robot is allowed to move only horizontally or vertically, not diagonally.
The program outputs the following:
- the maze with a “.” in each square that is part of the solution path
- the length of the solution path
- the number of nodes expanded (i.e., the number of nodes removed from Frontier, including the goal node)
- the maximum depth searched
- the maximum size of Frontier at any point during the search.
To compile and run: $java FindPath maze search-method -> where 'search-method' can be either 'bfs' or 'astar'. 'maze' is the input file.
Example: java FindPath input.txt bfs (sample input and output files provided for testing)