- Added Laravel 12 support
- Added PHP 8.4 support
- Added Laravel 11 support (experimental, pre-release)
- Added PHP 8.3 support
- Bumped minimal Laravel version to 8.75
- Fixed issue where CastEnum did not take in account hidden or visible properties from Eloquent
- Added Laravel 10 support
- Added PHP 8.2 support
- Fixed casting behavior so that other mutators defined on field are also being called before passing the value to the enum constructor
- Added Enum v4 support
- Tiny composer.json change for final Laravel 9.0 (removed minimum-stability: dev)
- Added PHP 8.1 support
- Added Laravel 9 support
- Dropped PHP 7.3 and PHP 7.4 support
- Dropped Laravel 6 and Laravel 7 support
- Changed CI from Travis to Github Actions
- Changed coding style to PSR-12 and using strict types across all classes
- Dropped PHP 7.1 & PHP 7.2 support
- Dropped Laravel 5 support
- Added PHP 8 support
- Fixed to array conversion exception when the enum field is not actually present in the model
- Test suite fixes for Composer v2 compatibility (dropped Ocramius Package Manager dev requirement)
- Various test suite improvements
- Added Laravel 8 support
- Laravel 7 and PHP 7.4 support
- PhpUnit compatibility fix (affects dev mode only)
- Added support for Eloquent
(enums field values are properly included)
- Fixed Laravel 6.0 Support
- Added make:enum commands (when using in a Laravel application)
- Enum 3.0.0 is supported
- Dropped PHP 7.0 Support
- Added Laravel 6.0 Support
- Updated references to https://konekt.dev/enum website
- Added Laravel Collective Forms compatibility (optional)
method became protected (was private before)- Laravel 5.6 & 5.7 are supported
- Fixed namespace creep bug with @notation on extended classes
- PHP 7.2 is supported (Laravel 5.4 & 5.5)
- Fixed Laravel 5.0 & 5.1 incompatibility introduced with v1.1.1
- Fixed bug with
notation resolution when the host model's base class name was present in the namespace.
- Added support for
notation - Travis tests PHP 7 with Laravel 5.0-5.5 & PHP7.1 with Laravel 5.4-5.5
- Initial release for Enum 2.0+, Eloquent 5.0 - 5.5
- Works like Eloquent's
property on models, but internally hooks into the mutator/accessor mechanism