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111 lines (64 loc) · 3.06 KB

Developer notes

Friendly has no other dependencies than modules included in Python's standard library. Python versions supported include 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8.

We use black for formatting and flake8 for linting. We also use pytest for testing.

You can use tox -p auto to run black, flake8, and pytest in parallel.

Before submitting code, you should ensure that it conforms to the formatting requirements and that all tests pass. Feel free to include additional unit tests.

Currently, the code is only tested on Windows locally although some github actions are used to run unit tests for Ubuntu and MacOS. The repository includes some batch (.bat) files which help to automate some processes, and are described later in this document.

Using virtual environments

In this section we document our use of virtual environments and naming convention; the naming convention is only useful if you wish to make use of the existing batch files.

  1. Create a virtual environment for a given Python version:

     $ py -3.7 -m venv ./venv-friendly3.7
  2. Activate the virtual environment; on Windows you can use

     $ ae 3.7

    Otherwise, you can presumably do something like:

     $ venv-friendly3.7/scripts/activate
  3. Install the required dependencies for formatting, linting and testing

     $ python -m pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
  4. If desired, deactivate the virtual environment and create new ones for other Python versions

     $ deactivate
     $ py -3.6 -m venv ./venv-friendly3.6


Editable version

To install friendly in editable mode (development version), simply do

$ python -m pip install -e .

from the root directory of the repository.

Existing batch files

  1. ae.bat

    Used to activate a virtual environment based on the Python version; Python 3.7 is the default. Example usage:

     $ ae 3.6
  2. make_trb.bat

    Used to create rst traceback files for the documentation. This assumes that a second repository exists and is found at the same directory level. No one but the repository owner should likely worry about this. It requires that Sphinx be installed in the default Python version.

  3. pypi_upload.bat

    Script to upload to pypi; please ignore.

  4. run_tests.bat

    Script to run the tests in all supported Python version, changing virtual environment as needed.

Test coverage

Install pytest-cov and run the following:

 $ python -m pytest --cov=friendly --cov-report html

Running a single test

It is often useful to run a single test case as you develop. From the root directory, you can do something like the following:

$ python -m friendly tests/syntax/

And, if you want to quickly check a translation:

$ python -m friendly --lang fr tests/syntax/

New translations

If you want to work on a translation, please see the online documentation.

Reminder note to self: the file friendly/make_pot.bat needs to be run to update the catalog.