- View the GitHub project for the next release and check the Status of all issues and PR's assigned to the project. If there are any open issues or PR's, decide if you want to include them them to be included in the upcoming release. Make sure that all changes are are included in the development branch before proceeding to the next steps.
- Create a new folder named "vXXX" (release version) in the metadata and
test directory.
- In the metadata direcotry copy all files from latest to the new folder then adapt all .py files to the latest version and update the id in schema.json.
- In test copy all files from previous oder latest version folder in test directory and adapt all tests (test_***.py files) to the latest version.
- 1 Checkout a new branch from devolop branch named: release/oem-vX.X.X
- 2 Update the following files:
- Make sure all changes are documented in the changelog.md.
- Set the correct version number in the setup.py file.
- 3 Commit and Push the changes.
- 4 Create the Pull Request via the GitHub website and merge changes to develop then merge develop in master branch.
- 5 Create a new release via the GitHub website and tag the master branch.
- 6 Update the PyPi (pip) Package oep-metadata