All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Gateway Details page: show actual number of observers per epoch in "Failed by x/y Observers" card
- Added an error notification when app is unable to retrieve epoch data for an epoch index
- Added fallback retrieval method for epochs when Epoch-Distribution-Notice is not available
- Set default graphql endpoint to
- Always show transfer button in Profile menu
- Fixed display of controller for vaults in Balances page
- New Balances page for viewing breakdown of ARIO balances and vaulted funds
- Update to read min operator stake and max reward share ratio values from process
- Update GQL endpoint to use Goldsky
- Dashboard: Modified from "Rewards Claimed" to "Rewards Distributed" to more accurately represent the system
- Dashboard: ArNS Stats panel: Replaced Active Names with Names Purchased in tooltip
- Read error that caused page crash in Dashboard when switching processes in settings
- Fixed handling account switching with Wander
- Fix display of total stake as ARIO instead of mARIO on gateway selector for redelegation
- Updated to SDK 3.8.2-alpha.1 for improved retry logic on AO interactions
- Made info icon red on redelegation modal to make it more noticeable for users
- Updated fee message on Redelegation modal
- Updated to SDK 3.8.0
- Allow editing ArNS names for observations when prescribed names are unavailable
- Application configured for mainnet process
- Modified to handle pre-epoch-zero state
- Adjusted rewards calculation to work with new scheme where rewards were unavailable on current epoch
- Fixed profile menu errant display of 0 when ARIO balance is 0
- Added support for account switching with Metamask
- Observer page banner performance field fixed to use updated field from process
- Revised observations to use ky library and use 5000ms timeout to better match with gateway observer scheme
- Added better error handling for observations
- Updated to latest SDK and updated Dashboard to fix refresh issues when switching AR.IO Process in Settings
- Added support for Metamask Wallet
- Added support for sending ARIO using "Transfer ARIO" modal, accessible from Profile menu
- Added Info icon to ArNS Stats panel with tooltip to view additional ArNS stats
- Updated wallet name from ArConnect to Wander to reflect new branding
- Minor optimizations for queries
- Minor fix for property name change.
- Updated to latest SDK to support changes in property names for data returned by the network
- Clear congestion banner when network returns to normal
- Show ArNS ANT Logo in profile if user is using primary name
- Applications Settings: use new sidebar Settings option to open modal to configure ARIO Process ID and AO CU URL
- Added copy button for domain name columns in tables
- Show Delegate EAY for gateways in Active Stakes table
- Signing with ArConnect now uses signDataItem API, providing a more informed signing experience.
- Fixed height sizing issue of view port when network congestion banner is shown
- Redelegate Stake: Users can now redelegate stake and pending withdrawals between gateways. Includes moving to/from operator stake and delegated stake. Redelegation fees are assessed at 10% per redelegation performed since the last fee reset, up to 60%. Fees are reset when no redelegations are performed in the last 7 days.
- Leave Network: text updated to 90-days for vaulted funds
- Staking: Staking and Withdrawal are now separate modals that are initiated from unique popup menu options
- Gateway Details: Restored "Leave" (when viewing own gateway) and "Stake" (when viewing other gateways) buttons
- Gateway Details
- Added Operator Stake card showing operator stake and EAY, as well as manage stake button for updating operator stake.
- Added collapsible Pending Withdrawals card for viewing current withdrawals as well as managing them (canceling a withdrawal or initiating an expedited withdrawal). Visible only to the gateway operator.
- Added collapsible Active Delegates card showing the list of active delegates for the gateway.
- Profile button shows user's ArNS Primary Name (if available) or wallet address when logged in
- Download buttons added to Reports page and individual Report page
- Observers: Added epoch selector to view prescribed observers for previous epochs
- Gateway Details Page
- Reported On By card: text links to gateway for observer, report button links to report
- Reported On card: Report button shows in header that links to that report's page
- Staking and Withdrawal modals updated to show Review page for user to confirm operation before processing
- Withdrawal Modal: Added option for Standard and Expedited Withdrawal
- Modal dialog styles refreshed
- Reward Share Ratio capped to 95% when joining network and updating gateway settings
- Settings updated for staking:
- Staking withdrawals are now 90 days
- Gateway Operator Stake minimum is now 10,000 IO
- Minimum Delegated Staking amount for gateway configuration is now 10 IO
- Show error message toast if the application is unable to retrieve the current epoch
- Optimized loading of user stakes and pending withdrawals.
- Gateways count in site header should only count active gateways.
- View Pending Withdrawals on Staking page and support cancelling pending withdrawals as well as performing expedited withdrawals
- View Changelog in app by clicking version number in sidebar
- Staking page top cards now show balance, amount staking + pending withdrawals, and rewards earned last 14 epochs and last epoch
- Updated header style of cards
- Observations: Updated to use for reference domain when generating observation report
- Observe: Default to using prescribed names
- New Dashboard home page that visualizes data for the state of the gateway network
- “Reported On” and “Reported On By” cards on Gateway Details page for viewing observation status by epoch for a gateway
- “Software” card on gateway details page that shows gateway software version and available bundlers (if gateway has listed them)
- Updated Gateway Details page for leaving gateways to hide non-relevant cards and show leave date
- Gateways > Reports: Add “AR.IOEpoch #” Column
- Gateways>Reports>Individual Reports
- Add Epoch #
- Remove Epoch start height
- Implemented Leave Network Flow:
- Adds button to Gateway Detail page to leave network when gateway shown is the user’s own gateway
- Hitting Leave shows a modal with information. User has to type “LEAVE NETWORK” before Leave Network button is enabled.
- Hitting Leave Network button initiates signature request and then a success message.
- Site is refreshed after leaving.
- Release version shown on sidebar
- Gateway Details: rename “Reward Ratios” to “Performance Ratios”
- Gateway Details: Fixes text bubble cut off when copying wallet address
- Gateway Details: Remove Edit and Stake Buttons from gateways that are leaving
- Initial versions of application; version was bumped to 1.1.0 for first public versioned release.