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creating customer database
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appu22 committed Apr 13, 2021
1 parent 6290863 commit 05867d7
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Showing 3 changed files with 295 additions and 0 deletions.
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions airthmatic.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
select 5-6 as substarction, 5+5 as addition ,5*6 as multiplication , 20/2 as division;

select 5>6 as greaterthan;
select 5<6 as lessthan;

select 9 >= 10 as lessthanequalto;

select 25=25 as comparetwovalues;

select 5=6 && 1=2 as result;

select 5=5 AND 1=1 as result , 5=5 OR 1=2 as result;

select !0 as result , !1 ;

79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions customer.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
create database CUSTOMER;
create table customer_details(
CUSTOMER_IDcustomer_detailscustomer_detailscustomer_details int ,
CUSTOMER_Name varchar(15),
CUSTOMER_Number bigint,
CUSTOMER_Address varchar(200)

select * from customer_details;

desc customer_details;

create table customer_order(
customer_order_ID int,
customer_order_Name varchar(15),
customer_order_Price double


select * from customer_order;

desc customer_order;
show columns from customer_order;

create table customer_transaction(
transaction_Id int ,
transaction_Time time unique,
transaction_Amount double check (transaction_Amount>1),
transaction_Type varchar(10) not null,
transaction_status boolean,
primary key (transaction_Id)
desc customer_transaction;

alter table customer_transaction modify transaction_status boolean default false;
desc customer_transaction;
alter table customer_transaction modify transaction_status varchAR(20) default false;
desc customer_transaction;
alter table customer_transaction add transaction_Addreses varchAR(20) not null;
alter table customer_transaction drop transaction_Addreses;
desc customer_transaction;
show tables;

create table product(
product_id int,
product_Name varchar(15),
product_price double,
primary key (product_id)
show tables;
select * from product;
drop table product;
create database student;

drop database student;

alter table product rename to product_Details;
alter table product_details rename column product_price to productPRice;
desc product_details;
alter table product_details rename column product_price to product_Price;
insert into product_details (product_id,product_Name,productPRice) values (1,'tv',15000.0);
insert into product_details (product_id,product_Name,productPRice) values (2,"watch",4500.0);
insert into product_details (product_id,product_Name,productPRice) values (3,'MObile',10000.0);
-- insert into product_details values (4,'Bike',450000.0),(5,'Sanitizer',50);
insert into product_details (product_id,productPRice) values (5,15000.0);
select * from product_details;

-- delete the table records ------------------------------
truncate product_details;
select * from product_details;
-- --------------------------------------------------------

198 changes: 198 additions & 0 deletions sql.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
Data -->
DataBase -->
RDBMS --->
integer- BigINT,smallInt,int , tiny int -->127 to -128
String - Character -->size[255]
integer+String-> Address-->VarChar size[255]
integer+String-> text -->n number of lines
folating-------> float,double,decimal
boolean--------> true , false

Date -----------> date,datetime,time,timestamp
comparative /relatives ope
logical--And -(both) OR--(one) NOT ()
AND -----both side will be true--0
OR ------One side will be true --1

SCHEMAS ---it is collection of DATABASE
Database --
logical structure ---tables ,database
phyical structure ---size , memory



declarative ---how to do not saying what to do

Types of commands
create ---database ,tables
syntax : - create database databaseName;
create table tablename(


example: create database customer;

create table customer_Details(
customer_ID int ,//int size defaultt 11
customer_name varchar(15)//name should be less than 15 character
customer_number bigint,
customer_Address varchar(200)
select * from customer_details;//tables view
desc customer_details;//table description
show columns from customer_order;//columns
constraint //not null
keywords/rule to write
unique----id should be

check ----restrict the timings
condition, check age >18

primary key-- combination of is not null and unique

foreign key --parent to child (any properties u can make it as primary key)

alter--->it is change the structure of the table

alter table customer_transaction modify transaction_status boolean default false;

alter table customer_transaction add transaction_Addresee varchAR(20) not null;

alter table customer_transaction drop transaction_Addreses;
desc customer_transaction;

Administartive commonds
show databases it wil show the all database name
show tables
DDL -- data defination language -----create ,alter,drop,
DML -- data manipulation language ---insert,

reaname table
alter table product rename to product_Details;
rename column name
alter table product_details rename column product_price to productPRice;

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