- Fix the method-level config from stomping on the global configuration values.
- adjust how icdiffReporter (remove use of shelljs).
- Add support for setting .json file extension (for example)
- Figure out what file-type version to update to
- Look at the all failing test clipboard reporter? SEE: https://github.com/approvals/ApprovalTests.Net/blob/master/src/ApprovalTests/Reporters/AllFailingTestsClipboardReporter.cs
- Research vimdiff reporter (does it even work?)
- Add prettier and format project source code
Move tests to GitHub Actions - Windows
re-evaluate this project on a Windows machine and cleanup...
Move to GitHub Actions - Linux
Move to GitHub Actions - Publishing
Add limit on number of reporters that get launched
Fix Error message in GeneridDiffReporterBase when not spawnSync (spawn is used). (stderr/out is not logging correctly).
Chai 5
- Make test files ESM
- Replace require with import
- Update gulp and jest configuration to run tests in .mjs files
- Update gulp and jest configuration to only run on compiled output first! It's currently running at least the Jest tests twice.
- Change ts module to nodenext
- Add extension to relative imports
- Handle ES modules being stubbed in postRunCleanupTests.ts
- Fix Jest tests, module mocking etc
- jest.config.js: transform: {}
- NODE_OPTIONS="$NODE_OPTIONS --experimental-vm-modules" npx jest
- ReferenceError: **dirname is not defined [[https://iamwebwiz.medium.com/how-to-fix-dirname-is-not-defined-in-es-module-scope-34d94a86694d]How to fix “**dirname is not defined in ES module scope”]]
- Make test files ESM