From 77d37d0a413c861b50116952004512ac798fdb43 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alex Plotnikov Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2021 20:01:24 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] v0.7 --- | 81 ++++++++ aloupe.tcl | 507 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ msgs/ru.msg | 9 + pkgIndex.tcl | 100 ++++++++++ 4 files changed, 697 insertions(+) create mode 100644 create mode 100644 aloupe.tcl create mode 100644 msgs/ru.msg create mode 100644 pkgIndex.tcl diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..39a8ffd --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +## What's that + +The *aloupe* is a Tcl/Tk small widget / utility allowing to view the screen through a loupe. + +It allows also + + * to make screenshots of magnified images + * to pick a color from the images. + +It is inspired by the Tcl/Tk wiki pages: + + [A little magnifying glass]( + + [A Screenshot Widget implemented with TclOO]( + +It looks like this: + + + +## Usage + +The *aloupe* utility runs with the command: + + tclsh aloupe.tcl ?option value ...? + +where `option` may be `-size, -zoom, -alpha, -background, -geometry, -ontop`. + +The `Img` and `treectrl` packages have to be installed to run it. In Debian Linux the packages are titled `libtk-img` and `tktreectrl`. + +There are also stand-alone [aloupe executables]( for Linux / Windows. + +The executables are started as simply as: + + aloupe + aloupe.exe + +After the start, two windows would be displayed: a moveable loupe (at the mouse pointer) and a displaying window. + +The loupe is moved by drag-and-drop. At dropping the loupe, its underlying image is magnified in the displaying window. + +To change a size/zoom of the loupe, use the appropriate spinboxes. After changing them, just click the loupe to update the windows. + +To save the magnified image, use *Save* button. + +The *To clipboard* button displays a current pixel's color at clicking the image. When hit, the button puts the color into the clipboard. + +The `-command` option may be passed to `::aloupe::run` which will run the passed command at pressing the *To clipboard* button. The command may contain `%c` wildcard meaning the color value. Just to test, try and set `-command "puts %c"` option. + +## Options + +The *aloupe* can be run with the options: + + * `-size` - a size of the loupe's box (12 .. 256) + * `-zoom` - a zoom factor (2 .. 32) + * `-alpha` - an opacity of the loupe (0.0 .. 1.0) + * `-background` - a background color of the loupe + * `-geometry` - a displaying window's geometry set as +X+Y + * `-ontop` - if *yes*, sets the displaying window above others + +Some options can be used at running *aloupe* from a Tcl code: + + * `-exit` - is *false* which means "don't finish Tcl/Tk session, just close the loupe" + * `-command` - a command to be run at pressing the *To clipboard* button + * `-parent` - a parent window's path (when the parent closes, its *aloupe* children do too) + +From a Tcl code, *aloupe* is run this way: + + package require aloupe + ::aloupe::run ?option value ...? + +## Links + + * [Reference]( + + * [Source]( ( + + * [Demo and executables]( for Linux / Windows + +## License + +MIT. diff --git a/aloupe.tcl b/aloupe.tcl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ff702c --- /dev/null +++ b/aloupe.tcl @@ -0,0 +1,507 @@ +#! /usr/bin/env tclsh +# _______________________________________________________________________ # +# +# This is a screen loupe. +# +# Scripted by Alex Plotnikov ( +# +# See for details. +# +# License: MIT. +# _______________________________________________________________________ # + +package require Tk +#lappend auto_path C:/ActiveTcl/lib/treectrl2.4.1 +#lappend auto_path /usr/lib/treectrl2.4.1 +package require treectrl +#lappend auto_path C:/ActiveTcl/lib/Img1.4.6 +#lappend auto_path /usr/lib/tcltk/x86_64-linux-gnu/Img1.4.9 +package require Img +::msgcat::mcload [file join [file dirname [info script]] msgs] + +package provide aloupe 0.7 + +# _______________________________________________________________________ # + +namespace eval ::aloupe { + namespace eval my { + variable size 26 + variable zoom 8 + variable data + array set data [list \ + -size $size \ + -zoom $zoom \ + -alpha 0.3 \ + -background #ff40ff \ + -exit yes \ + -command "" \ + -ontop no \ + -geometry "" \ + -parent "" \ + ] + } +} +# ___________________________ Internal procs ____________________________ # + +proc ::aloupe::my::Synopsis {} { + # Short info about usage. + + puts " +Syntax: + tclsh aloupe.tcl ?option value ...? +where 'option' may be -size, -zoom, -alpha, -background, -exit, -command, -ontop. +" +} +# ______ + +proc ::aloupe::my::Message {args} { + # Displays a message, with the loupe hidden. + + variable data + wm withdraw $data(WLOUP) + tk_messageBox {*}$args + wm deiconify $data(WLOUP) +} +# ______ + +proc ::aloupe::my::CreateDisplay {} { + # Creates the displaying window. + + variable data + set data(IMSIZE) [expr {2*$data(-size)*$data(-zoom)}] + set data(IMAGE) [image create photo -width $data(IMSIZE) -height $data(IMSIZE)] + toplevel $data(WDISP) + wm title $data(WDISP) [::msgcat::mc Loupe] + $data(WDISP) configure -background [ttk::style configure . -background] + grid [ttk::label $data(WDISP).lab1 -text " [::msgcat::mc Size]"] -row 0 -column 0 -sticky e + grid [ttk::spinbox $data(WDISP).sp1 -from 8 -to 256 -justify center \ + -width 4 -textvariable ::aloupe::my::size -command ::aloupe::my::SizeLoupe] \ + -row 0 -column 1 -sticky w + grid [ttk::label $data(WDISP).lab2 -text " [::msgcat::mc Zoom]"] -row 0 -column 2 -sticky e + grid [ttk::spinbox $data(WDISP).sp2 -from 2 -to 32 -justify center \ + -width 2 -textvariable ::aloupe::my::zoom] -row 0 -column 3 -sticky w + grid [ttk::separator $data(WDISP).sep1 -orient horizontal] -row 1 -columnspan 4 -sticky we -pady 2 + grid [ttk::label $data(LABEL) -image $data(IMAGE) -relief flat \ + -style [lindex [SetStyle TLabel no -bd 0] 1]] -row 2 -columnspan 4 -padx 2 + grid [ttk::button $data(WDISP).but1 -text [::msgcat::mc Save] \ + -command ::aloupe::my::Save] -row 3 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew + set data(BUT2) $data(WDISP).but2 + grid [ttk::button $data(BUT2) -text [::msgcat::mc "To clipboard"] \ + -command ::aloupe::my::Button2Click] -row 3 -column 2 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew + set data(-geometry) [regexp -inline \\+.* $data(-geometry)] + if {$data(-geometry) ne ""} { + wm geometry $data(WDISP) $data(-geometry) + } elseif {$data(-parent) ne ""} { + ::tk::PlaceWindow $data(WDISP) widget $data(-parent) + } else { + ::tk::PlaceWindow $data(WDISP) + } + if {![info exists data(BUTCFG)]} { + set defargs [list \ + -foreground [ttk::style configure . -foreground] \ + -background [ttk::style configure . -background] ] + set data(BUTCFG) [StyleButton2 no {*}$defargs] + lappend data(BUTCFG) {*}$defargs -text [$data(BUT2) cget -text] + } + bind $data(LABEL) {::aloupe::my::PickColor %W %X %Y} + bind $data(WDISP) exit + wm resizable $data(WDISP) 0 0 + wm protocol $data(WDISP) WM_DELETE_WINDOW ::aloupe::my::Exit + if {$data(-ontop)} {wm attributes $data(WDISP) -topmost 1} +} +# ______ + +proc ::aloupe::my::CreateLoupe {{geom ""}} { + # Creates the loupe window. + # geom - the predefined geometry + + variable data + frame $data(WLOUP) + wm manage $data(WLOUP) + wm withdraw $data(WLOUP) + wm attributes $data(WLOUP) -topmost 1 -alpha $data(-alpha) + wm overrideredirect $data(WLOUP) 1 + set canvas $data(WLOUP).c + canvas $canvas -width 100 -height 100 -background $data(-background) \ + -relief flat -bd 0 -highlightthickness 2 -highlightbackground red + pack $canvas -fill both -expand true + bind $canvas {::aloupe::my::DragStart %W %X %Y} + bind $canvas {::aloupe::my::Drag %W %X %Y} + bind $canvas {::aloupe::my::DragEnd %W} + bind $canvas {::aloupe::my::Exit} + after 50 " + ::aloupe::my::InitGeometry $geom + wm deiconify $data(WLOUP) + " +} +# ______ + +proc ::aloupe::my::Create {} { + # Initializes and creates the utility's windows. + + variable data + catch {destroy $data(WLOUP)} + catch {destroy $data(WDISP)} + set data(WLOUP) "$data(-parent)._a_loupe_loup" + set data(WDISP) "$data(-parent)._a_loupe_disp" + set data(LABEL) "$data(WDISP).label" + set data(COLOR) [set data(CAPTURE) ""] + catch {image delete $data(IMAGE)} + if {[set wgr [grab current]] ne ""} {grab release $wgr} + CreateDisplay + CreateLoupe + set data(PREVZOOM) $data(-zoom) + set data(PREVSIZE) $data(-size) + focus $data(WDISP) +} +# ______ + +proc ::aloupe::my::DragStart {w X Y} { + # Initializes the frag-and-drop of the loupe. + # w - the loupe window's path + # X - X-coordinate of the mouse pointer + # Y - Y-coordinate of the mouse pointer + + variable data + variable size + variable zoom + set data(FOCUS) [focus] + set data(-size) $size + set data(-zoom) $zoom + if {$data(PREVZOOM) != $data(-zoom) || $data(PREVSIZE) != $data(-size)} { + SaveGeometry + Create + catch {unset data(dragX)} ;# no drag-n-drop, update the loupe only + update + return + } + set data(COLOR) [set data(CAPTURE) ""] + StyleButton2 no {*}$data(BUTCFG) + InitGeometry + update + set data(dragX) [expr {$X - [winfo rootx $w]}] + set data(dragY) [expr {$Y - [winfo rooty $w]}] + set data(dragw) [winfo width $w] + set data(dragh) [winfo height $w] +} +# ______ + +proc ::aloupe::my::Drag {w X Y} { + # Performs the frag-and-drop of the loupe. + # w - the loupe window's path + # X - X-coordinate of the mouse pointer + # Y - Y-coordinate of the mouse pointer + + variable data + if {![info exists data(dragX)]} return + set dx [expr {$X - $data(dragX)}] + set dy [expr {$Y - $data(dragY)}] + wm geometry $data(WLOUP) +$dx+$dy +} +# ______ + +proc ::aloupe::my::DragEnd {w} { + # Ends the frag-and-drop of the loupe and displays its magnified image. + # w - the loupe window's path + + variable data + if {![info exists data(dragX)]} return + wm withdraw $data(WLOUP) + if {![set isfocused [string match $data(WDISP)* $data(FOCUS)]]} { + # the disp window can be overlapped by others => it should be deiconified + wm withdraw $data(WDISP) + } + set curX [winfo rootx $w] + set curY [winfo rooty $w] + set curW [winfo width $w] + set curH [winfo height $w] + catch {image delete $data(CAPTURE)} + set data(CAPTURE) [image create photo -width $curW -height $curH] + set zoom 1 + set loupe_ctr_x [expr {$curX + $curW / 2}] + set loupe_ctr_y [expr {$curY + $curH / 2}] + after 40 "loupe $data(CAPTURE) $loupe_ctr_x $loupe_ctr_y $curW $curH $zoom" + after 50 + update ;# enough time to hide the window and capture the image + after 50 + catch { + $data(IMAGE) copy $data(CAPTURE) \ + -from 0 0 [expr {2*$data(-size)}] [expr {2*$data(-size)}] \ + -to 0 0 $data(IMSIZE) $data(IMSIZE) -zoom $data(-zoom) + } + if {!$isfocused} {wm deiconify $data(WDISP)} + wm deiconify $data(WLOUP) + set data(-PREVGEOM) [wm geometry $data(WLOUP)] +} +# ______ + +proc ::aloupe::my::SizeLoupe {} { + # Re-displays the loupe at changing its size. + + variable data + variable size + set data(-size) $size + lassign [split [winfo geometry $data(LABEL)] x+] w1 + lassign [split $data(-PREVGEOM) x+] w2 h2 x2 y2 + set w [expr {int(2.0*$size*$data(-zoom)*$w2/$w1)}] ;# count the previous zoom + destroy $data(WLOUP) + CreateLoupe ${w}x${w}+$x2+$y2 +} +# ______ + +proc ::aloupe::my::InitGeometry {{geom ""}} { + # Gets and sets the geometry of the loupe window, + # based on the image label's sizes and the zoom factor. + # geom - the predefined geometry + + variable data + if {$geom eq ""} { + lassign [split [winfo geometry $data(LABEL)] x+] w h + set w [expr {int($w/$data(-zoom))}] + set h [expr {int($h/$data(-zoom))}] + lassign [winfo pointerxy .] x y + set x [expr {$x-$w/2}] + set y [expr {$y-$h/2}] + set geom ${w}x${h}+$x+$y + if {$w>0 && $h>0 && $x>-$w && $y>-$h} { + set data(-PREVGEOM) $geom + } + } + wm geometry $data(WLOUP) $geom +} +# ______ + +proc ::aloupe::my::SaveGeometry {} { + # Saves the displaying window's geometry. + + variable data + set data(-geometry) "" + catch {set data(-geometry) [wm geometry $data(WDISP)]} +} +# ______ + +proc ::aloupe::my::SetStyle {type domap args} { + # Sets a style for of widgets with a type. + # 'type - the type of widgets + # domap - yes, if set the map options + # args - configuration options + # Returns a list of old type's configuration and new type's name. + + set config [ttk::style configure TButton] + set new ${type}_A_LOUPE + ttk::style configure $new {*}$config + ttk::style configure $new {*}$args + if {$domap} { + ttk::style map $new {*}[ttk::style map $type] + set fg [dict get $args -foreground] + set bg [dict get $args -background] + ttk::style map $new -foreground [list pressed $fg active $fg alternate $fg focus $fg selected $fg] + ttk::style map $new -background [list pressed $bg active $bg alternate $bg focus $bg selected $bg] + } else { + ttk::style map $new -foreground [list] + ttk::style map $new -background [list] + ttk::style map $new {*}[ttk::style map $type] + } + ttk::style layout $new [ttk::style layout $type] + return [list $config $new] +} +# ______ + +proc ::aloupe::my::StyleButton2 {domap args} { + # Makes a style for Tbutton. + # domap - yes, if set the map options + # args - options ("name value" pairs) + # Returns the TButton's configuration options. + + variable data + if {[dict exists $args -text]} { + $data(BUT2) configure -text [dict get $args -text] + set args [dict remove $args -text] + } + lassign [SetStyle TButton $domap {*}$args] config style + $data(BUT2) configure -style $style + return $config +} +# ______ + +proc ::aloupe::my::Button2Click {} { + # Processes the click on 'Clipboard' button. + + variable data + if {[HandleColor] && !$data(-exit) && $data(-command) ne ""} { + SaveGeometry + {*}[string map [list %c $data(COLOR)] $data(-command)] + } +} +# ______ + +proc ::aloupe::my::IsCapture {} { + # Checks if the image was captured. + + variable data + if {$data(CAPTURE) eq ""} { + Message -title "Color of Image" \ + -parent $data(WDISP) -icon warning -type ok \ + -message "Click, then drag and drop\nthe loupe to get the image." + return no + } + return yes +} +# ______ + +proc ::aloupe::my::InvertBg {r g b} { + # Inverts colors from light to dark and vice versa to get "fg" from "bg". + # It's simplified way, just to not include the bulky HSV code. + # r - red component + # g - green component + # b - blue component + # Returns {R G B} list of inverted colors. + + set c [expr {$r<100 && $g<100 || $r<100 && $b<100 || $b<100 && $g<100 || + ($r+$g+$b)<300 ? 255 : 0}] + return [list $c $c $c] +} +# ______ + +proc ::aloupe::my::HandleColor {{doclb yes}} { + # Processes the image color under the mouse pointer, + # optionally saving it to the clipboard. + # doclb - if 'yes', means "put the color into the clipboard" + # Returns 'yes' if the color was chosen. + + variable data + set res no + if {[IsCapture]} { + if {$data(COLOR) eq ""} { + Message -title "Color of Image" \ + -parent $data(WDISP) -icon warning -type ok \ + -message "Click the magnified image\nto get a pixel's color.\n\nThen hit this button." + } else { + if {$doclb} { + clipboard clear + clipboard append -type STRING $data(COLOR) + } + StyleButton2 yes -background $data(COLOR) -foreground $data(INVCOLOR) \ + -text $data(COLOR) + set res yes + } + } + return $res +} +# ______ + +proc ::aloupe::my::PickColor {w X Y} { + # Gets the image color under the mouse pointer. + # w - the image label's path + # X - X-coordinate of the mouse pointer + # Y - Y-coordinate of the mouse pointer + + variable data + if {![IsCapture]} return + set x [expr {max(($X - [winfo rootx $w] -4),0)}] + set y [expr {max(($Y - [winfo rooty $w] -4),0)}] + catch { + lassign [$data(IMAGE) get $x $y] r g b + set data(COLOR) [format "#%02x%02x%02x" $r $g $b] + set data(INVCOLOR) [format "#%02x%02x%02x" {*}[InvertBg $r $g $b]] + HandleColor no + } +} +# ______ + +proc ::aloupe::my::Save {} { + # Saves the magnified image to a file. + + variable data + if {![IsCapture]} return + wm withdraw $data(WLOUP) + set filetypes { {"PNG Images" .png} {"All Image Files" {.png .gif}} } + catch {::apave::obj themeExternal "$data(WLOUP)*"} ;# theme the file chooser + set file [tk_getSaveFile -parent $data(WDISP) \ + -title [::msgcat::mc "Save the Loupe"] -filetypes $filetypes] + if {$file ne ""} { + if {![regexp -nocase {\.(png|gif)$} $file -> ext]} { + set ext "png" + append file ".${ext}" + } + if {[catch {$data(IMAGE) write $file -format [string tolower $ext]} err]} { + Message -title "Error Writing File" \ + -parent $data(WDISP) -icon error -type ok \ + -message "Error writing to file \"$file\":\n$err" + } + } + wm deiconify $data(WLOUP) +} +# ______ + +proc ::aloupe::my::Exit {} { + # Clears all and exits. + + variable data + if {$data(-exit)} exit + SaveGeometry + catch {image delete $data(IMAGE)} + catch {image delete $data(CAPTURE)} + catch {destroy $data(WDISP)} + catch { + wm withdraw $data(WLOUP) + destroy $data(WLOUP) + } +} +# __________________________ Interface procs ____________________________ # + +proc ::aloupe::option {opt} { + # Returns a value of aloupe option. + # opt - the option's name + + variable data + return $data($opt) +} +# ______ + +proc ::aloupe::run {args} { + # Runs the loupe. + # args - options of the loupe + + variable my::data + variable my::size + variable my::zoom + # save the default settings of aloupe + if {![info exists my::data(DEFAULTS)]} { + set my::data(DEFAULTS) ::aloupe::_DEFAULTS_ + array set $my::data(DEFAULTS) [array get my::data] + } + # restore the default settings of aloupe (for a 2nd/3rd... run) + set svd $my::data(DEFAULTS) + foreach an [array names $svd)] { + set my::data($an) [set ${svd}($an)] ;# a bit of addresses + } + foreach {a v} $args { + if {($v ne "" || $a in {-geometry}) && \ + [info exists my::data($a)] && [string is lower [string index $a 1]]} { + set my::data($a) $v + } else { + puts "Bad option: $a \"$v\"" + my::Synopsis + Exit + return + } + } + catch {::apave::obj untouchWidgets "*_a_loupe_loup*"} ;# don't theme the loupe + set my::size [set my::data(PREVSIZE) $my::data(-size)] + set my::zoom [set my::data(PREVZOOM) $my::data(-zoom)] + my::Create +} +# ___________________________ Stand-alone run ___________________________ # + +if {[info exist ::argv0] && [file normalize $::argv0] eq [file normalize [info script]]} { + wm withdraw . + catch { + ttk::style theme use clam + ttk::style config TButton -width 9 -buttonborder 1 -labelborder 0 -padding 1 + } + ::aloupe::run {*}$::argv +} +# _________________________________ EOF _________________________________ # +#-ARGS1: -size 20 -zoom 10 -alpha .2 -background "yellow" +#-RUNF1: ~/PG/github/pave/tests/test2_pave.tcl 23 9 12 "small icons" diff --git a/msgs/ru.msg b/msgs/ru.msg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2600b61 --- /dev/null +++ b/msgs/ru.msg @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +namespace eval ::aloupe { + ::msgcat::mcset ru "Loupe" \u041b\u0443\u043f\u0430 + ::msgcat::mcset ru "To clipboard" \u0412\u0020\u0431\u0443\u0444\u0435\u0440 + ::msgcat::mcset ru "Save" \u0421\u043e\u0445\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0442\u044c + ::msgcat::mcset ru "Close" \u0417\u0430\u043a\u0440\u044b\u0442\u044c + ::msgcat::mcset ru "Size" \u0420\u0430\u0437\u043c\u0435\u0440 + ::msgcat::mcset ru "Zoom" \u041c\u0430\u0441\u0448\u0442\u0430\u0431 + ::msgcat::mcset ru "Save the Loupe" \u0421\u043e\u0445\u0440\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0442\u044c\u0020\u0438\u0437\u043e\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435 +} diff --git a/pkgIndex.tcl b/pkgIndex.tcl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb7bcb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkgIndex.tcl @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ + +package ifneeded aloupe 0.7 [list source [file join $dir aloupe.tcl]] + + +# A short intro (for Ruff! docs generator:) + +namespace eval aloupe { + + set _ruff_preamble { +The *aloupe* is a Tcl/Tk small widget / utility allowing to view the screen through a loupe. + +It allows also + + * to make screenshots of magnified images + * to pick a color from the images. + +It is inspired by the Tcl/Tk wiki pages: + + [A little magnifying glass]( + + [A Screenshot Widget implemented with TclOO]( + +It looks like this: + + + +## Usage + +The *aloupe* utility runs with the command: + + tclsh aloupe.tcl ?option value ...? + +where `option` may be `-size, -zoom, -alpha, -background, -geometry, -ontop`. + +The `Img` and `treectrl` packages have to be installed to run it. In Debian Linux the packages are titled `libtk-img` and `tktreectrl`. + +There are also stand-alone [aloupe executables]( for Linux / Windows. + +The executables are started as simply as: + + aloupe + aloupe.exe + +After the start, two windows would be displayed: a moveable loupe (at the mouse pointer) and a displaying window. + +The loupe is moved by drag-and-drop. At dropping the loupe, its underlying image is magnified in the displaying window. + +To change a size/zoom of the loupe, use the appropriate spinboxes. After changing them, just click the loupe to update the windows. + +To save the magnified image, use *Save* button. + +The *To clipboard* button displays a current pixel's color at clicking the image. When hit, the button puts the color into the clipboard. + +The `-command` option may be passed to `::aloupe::run` which will run the passed command at pressing the *To clipboard* button. The command may contain `%c` wildcard meaning the color value. Just to test, try and set `-command "puts %c"` option. + +## Options + +The *aloupe* can be run with the options: + + * `-size` - a size of the loupe's box (12 .. 256) + * `-zoom` - a zoom factor (2 .. 32) + * `-alpha` - an opacity of the loupe (0.0 .. 1.0) + * `-background` - a background color of the loupe + * `-geometry` - a displaying window's geometry set as +X+Y + * `-ontop` - if *yes*, sets the displaying window above others + +Some options can be used at running *aloupe* from a Tcl code: + + * `-exit` - is *false* which means "don't finish Tcl/Tk session, just close the loupe" + * `-command` - a command to be run at pressing the *To clipboard* button + * `-parent` - a parent window's path (when the parent closes, its *aloupe* children do too) + +From a Tcl code, *aloupe* is run this way: + + package require aloupe + ::aloupe::run ?option value ...? + +## Links + + * [Reference]( + + * [Source]( ( + + * [Demo and executables]( for Linux / Windows + +## License + +MIT. + } + +} + +namespace eval ::aloupe::my { + + set _ruff_preamble { + The `::aloupe::my` namespace contains procedures for the "internal" usage by *aloupe* package. + + All of them are upper-cased, in contrast with the UI procedures of `aloupe` namespace. + } +}