A Helm chart to deploy REDCap on a Kubernetes cluster.
Homepage: https://www.project-redcap.org/
Name | Url | |
kzgrzendek | [email protected] | https://github.com/kzgrzendek |
Kubernetes: >= 1.24.0-0
Repository | Name | Version |
https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami | audit(logstash) | 6.3.9 |
https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami | mysql | 12.0.1 |
This Chart allows the Datalab to be deployed as follows :
The default Chart values allows the deployment of a working (although unsecure) version of the Chart
To install the chart, just type :
helm install redcap aphp-redcap/redcap -f ./examples/basic-install.yaml
Key | Type | Default | Description |
audit.enableMultiplePipelines | bool | true |
If set to true , allows the use of multiple pipelines. Needed for audit concurrent pipelines for performance reasons. |
audit.enabled | bool | false |
If set to true , enables the audit log-shipping solution. |
audit.existingConfiguration | string | "redcap-mysql-audit-logstash-pipeline" |
Name of an existing ConfigMap holding the pipeline(s)'s configuration. |
audit.extraEnvVars[0] | object | Empty external secret reference to REDCap DB password | Extra environment variables related to REDCap MySQL DB's password. |
audit.extraEnvVars[1] | object | Empty external secret reference to the API token to reach the audit stack API | Extra environment variables related to the API token to reach the audit stack API. |
audit.extraVolumeMounts[0] | object | Mounted on /driver |
JDBC Driver downloaded by the init container. |
audit.extraVolumeMounts[1] | object | Mounted on /var/run/secret/api-ca.pem |
Volume handling the CA used to validate the HTTPS connexion to the audit stack the logs are send to. |
audit.extraVolumes[0] | object | 50Mi emptyDir volume | JDBC Driver downloaded by the init container. |
audit.extraVolumes[1] | object | Empty secret reference to the CA. | Volume handling the CA used to validate the HTTPS connexions to the audit stack the logs are send to. |
audit.initContainers[0] | object | A simple container to download the jar JDBC driver on a volume shared with Logstash. | Init container in charge of downloading the JDBC driver needed to connect to the MySQL database. |
audit.initContainers[0].command | list | Using wget do download the driver, and moving it to the shared persistent volume. |
Command to be run to download and extract the JDBC driver. |
audit.initContainers[0].env[0] | object | URL of the JDBC driver to download. | Env var to set the URL of the JDBC driver to download. |
audit.initContainers[0].env[0].value | string | "https://downloads.mysql.com/archives/get/p/3/file/mysql-connector-j-8.4.0.tar.gz" |
URL of the JDBC driver to download. |
audit.initContainers[0].image | string | "alpine:3.18" |
Image used for the pod downloading the driver. |
audit.initContainers[0].imagePullPolicy | string | "Always" |
Image pullPolicy used for the pod downloading the driver. |
audit.initContainers[0].volumeMounts[0] | object | Mounted to /driver |
Definition of the volumeMount used to persist the JDBC driver. |
audit.logsApi.config.caPath | string | "" |
Path to the certificate used to validate the audit stack endpoint's certificate. |
audit.logsApi.config.host | string | "" |
Audit stack's endpoint hostname. |
audit.logsApi.config.pollingSchedule | string | "" |
Scheduling of the rate at which Logstash will query REDCap database for nez event. Must be in cron format. |
audit.logsApi.config.port | int | 6514 |
Audit stack's endpoint port. |
audit.persistence.accessModes | list | ["ReadWriteOnce"] |
Access Mode used for Logstash's persistence. |
audit.persistence.enabled | bool | true |
If set to true , enables persistence for Logstash. Useful for disaster recovery purposes, as the pipeline(s)'s cache is stored persisted by Logstash. |
audit.persistence.size | string | "10G" |
Size requested for Logstash's persistence. |
audit.persistence.storageClass | string | "standard" |
Storage class used for Logstash's persistence. |
audit.podLabels."app.kubernetes.io/role" | string | "redcap-audit" |
Role to set for the networkPolicies. Not to be changed, unless you know exactly what you are doing! |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
autoscaling.enabled | bool | false |
If set to true , enables autoscaling |
autoscaling.maxReplicas | int | 3 |
Maximum replicas target |
autoscaling.minReplicas | int | 1 |
Minimum replicas instances. |
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | int | 80 |
CPU usage threshold for autoscaling. |
autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage | int | 80 |
Memory usage threshold for autoscaling. |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
backupJob.archiveName | string | "redcap-backup.tar.gz" |
Name of the archive holding the backup of REDCap. |
backupJob.database.image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
Image pullPolicy for the REDCap database backup container. |
backupJob.database.image.repository | string | "bitnami/mysql" |
Image repository for the REDCap database backup container. |
backupJob.database.image.tag | string | "8.4.3-debian-12-r4" |
Image tag for the REDCap database backup container. |
backupJob.enabled | bool | true |
If set to true , enables the backup CronJob. |
backupJob.imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
ImagePllSecret for the REDCap backup CronJob. |
backupJob.redcap.image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
Image pullPolicy for the REDCap application backup container. |
backupJob.redcap.image.repository | string | "busybox" |
Image repository for the REDCap application backup container. |
backupJob.redcap.image.tag | string | "1" |
Image tag for the REDCap application backup container. |
backupJob.resources | object | {} |
Resources for backup job's pod. |
backupJob.schedule | string | "0 */8 * * *" |
Schedule of the Backup Job, which runs every 8 hours by default. |
backupJob.uploader.image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
Image pullPolicy for the REDCap backup uploader container. |
backupJob.uploader.image.repository | string | "bitnami/rclone" |
Image repository for the REDCap backup uploader container. |
backupJob.uploader.image.tag | string | "1.68.2" |
Image tag for the REDCap backup uploader container. |
backupJob.uploader.s3.backupPath | string | "redcap-backup" |
Path of the REDcap backup archive on the S3 bucket. |
backupJob.uploader.s3.config.auth.accessKeyID | string | "" |
AccessKeyID needed for authentication on the S3 bucket. |
backupJob.uploader.s3.config.auth.existingSecret | string | "" |
Reference to an existing secret holding the AccessKeyID and SecretAccessKey needed for authentication on the S3 bucket. If set, overrides the AccessKeyID and SecretAccessKey values. |
backupJob.uploader.s3.config.auth.secretAccessKey | string | "" |
SecretAccessKey needed for authentication on the S3 bucket. |
backupJob.uploader.s3.config.endpoint | string | "" |
Endpoint of the S3 bucket. |
backupJob.uploader.s3.config.locationConstraint | string | "" |
LocalizationConstraint of the S3 bucket. |
backupJob.uploader.s3.config.region | string | "" |
Region of the S3 bucket. |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
httpd.affinity | object | {} |
Affinity for the the Apache HTTPD pod(s). |
httpd.enabled | bool | true |
If true , activates the deploment of the Apache HTTPd proxy. |
httpd.image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
PullPolicy for Apache HTTPd's image. |
httpd.image.repository | string | "ghcr.io/aphp/redcap-httpd-shibd" |
Image repository for Apache HTTPd. |
httpd.image.tag | string | "1.1.0" |
Image tag for Apache HTTPd. |
httpd.nodeSelector | object | {} |
Node Selector for the the Apache HTTPD pod(s). |
httpd.replicaCount | int | 1 |
Number of replicas wanted for the Apache |
httpd.resources | object | {} |
Resources for the Apache HTTPd pod(s). |
httpd.shibboleth.enabled | bool | false |
If true , activates the Shibboleth daemon, which enables is needed for enabling SAMLv2 authentication with REDCap. |
httpd.shibboleth.idp.entityID | string | "" |
EntityID of the SAMLv2 Identity Provider (IdP). |
httpd.shibboleth.idp.metadata.secretKeyRef.key | string | "" |
Key of the secret holding the metadata file for the Identity Provider. |
httpd.shibboleth.idp.metadata.secretKeyRef.name | string | "" |
Name of the secret holding the metadata file for the Identity Provider. |
httpd.shibboleth.sp.entityID | string | "" |
EntityID of the SAMLv2 Service Provider (SP). |
httpd.shibboleth.sp.metadata.certificate.existingSecret | string | "" |
Reference to the secret holding the metadata file for the Service Provider. |
httpd.tls.caChain.secretKeyRef.key | string | "" |
The key inside the existing Secret holding the certificate for the certification chain, if needed. |
httpd.tls.caChain.secretKeyRef.name | string | "" |
The name of the existing Secret holding the certificate for the certification chain, if needed. |
httpd.tls.certificate.existingSecret | string | "" |
Name of the existing Secret holding the certificate for the TLS termination. The secret must be of type tls . |
httpd.tls.enabled | bool | false |
If true activates TLS termination on the Apache HTTPd proxy. |
httpd.tolerations | list | [] |
Toleration for the the Apache HTTPD pod(s). |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
ingress.annotations | object | {} |
Ingress' annotations |
ingress.className | string | "nginx" |
Ingress' class name |
ingress.enabled | bool | false |
If set to true , enables ingress. |
ingress.hosts | list | [] |
Ingress' hosts |
ingress.tls | list | [] |
Ingress TLS configuration |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
mysql.architecture | string | "standalone" |
Deployment type for the database, standalone or replicated. |
mysql.auth.createDatabase | bool | true |
Automatically create a database at the first run. |
mysql.auth.database | string | "redcap" |
Name of the database automatically created at the first run, if ``mysql.auth.createDatabasehas been set to true` |
mysql.auth.password | string | "Redcap*!" |
Name of the database user automatically created at the first run, if ``mysql.auth.createDatabasehas been set to true` Not secure in production, use secret reference instead! |
mysql.auth.username | string | "redcap" |
Name of the database user automatically created at the first run, if ``mysql.auth.createDatabasehas been set to true` |
mysql.enabled | bool | true |
If set to true , enables the deployment of MySQL as REDCap's database. |
mysql.fullnameOverride | string | "redcap-mysql" |
Override og the full name of the MySQL Database deployment. Impacts the name of the services REDCap will use to connect to the Database. |
mysql.initdbScriptsConfigMap | string | "" |
Name of a configmap holding an SQL script to initialize the database with. |
mysql.networkPolicy.enabled | bool | true |
Enable creation of NetworkPolicy resources |
mysql.primary.existingConfigmap | string | "redcap-mysql-config" |
Name of existing ConfigMap with MySQL Primary configuration. |
mysql.primary.persistence.accessModes | list | ["ReadWriteOnce"] |
AccessMode used for database persistence. |
mysql.primary.persistence.size | string | "10G" |
Size of the storage used for database persistence. |
mysql.primary.persistence.storageClass | string | "standard" |
StorageClass used for database persistence. |
mysql.primary.podLabels."app.kubernetes.io/role" | string | "redcap-mysql" |
Role to set for the networkPolicies. Not to be changed, unless you know exactly what you are doing! |
mysql.primary.service.port.mysql | int | 3306 |
Port exposed by the MySQL service. |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
networkPolicies.enabled | bool | false |
If set to true , enables NetworkPolicies. Highly recommended for production! |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
persistence.edocs.accessMode | string | "ReadWriteOnce" |
AccessMode of the volume used to persist documents uploaded by REDCap users. |
persistence.edocs.annotations | object | Keeping the volume after a Helm release deletion. | Annotations related to the volume handling the REDCap users edocs. |
persistence.edocs.existingClaim.name | string | "" |
Name of an existing PVC used to persist documents uploaded by REDCap users. If set, overrides the previous settings, as no PVC will be created for that purpose. |
persistence.edocs.size | string | "8Gi" |
Size of the volume used to persist documents uploaded by REDCap users. |
persistence.edocs.storageClass | string | "standard" |
StorageClass of the volume used to persist documents uploaded by REDCap users. |
persistence.redcap_code.accessMode | string | "ReadWriteOnce" |
AccessMode of the volume used to persist REDCap code. |
persistence.redcap_code.annotations | object | Keeping the volume after a Helm release deletion. | Annotations related to the volume handling the REDCap application. |
persistence.redcap_code.existingClaim.name | string | "" |
Name of an existing PVC used to persist REDCap code. If set, overrides the previous settings, as no PVC will be created for that purpose. |
persistence.redcap_code.size | string | "1Gi" |
Size of the volume used to persist REDCap code. |
persistence.redcap_code.storageClass | string | "standard" |
Storage Class of the volume used to persist REDCap code. |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
redcap.adminJob.image.imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
ImagePullSecret of the Admin Job's image. |
redcap.adminJob.image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
PullPolicy of the Admin Job's image. |
redcap.adminJob.image.repository | string | "ghcr.io/aphp/redcap-fastcgi-client" |
Image of the Admin Job. Must be and FCGI Client capable to query REDCap's pod(s). |
redcap.adminJob.image.tag | string | "1.1.0" |
Tag of the Admin Job's image. |
redcap.adminJob.resources | object | {} |
Resources for the admin job's pod. |
redcap.adminJob.schedule | string | "* * * * *" |
Schedule of the Admin Job, which runs every minute by default. This job is needed to refresh REDCap administrative's data. |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
redcap.affinity | object | {} |
The affinities for REDCap's deployment. |
redcap.config.adminMail | string | "[email protected]" |
The email of the administrator that is presented to the users. |
redcap.config.database.auth.databaseName | string | "redcap" |
The name of REDCAP's database. |
redcap.config.database.auth.hostname | string | "redcap-mysql" |
The hostname of REDCap's database instance. |
redcap.config.database.auth.password.secretKeyRef.key | string | "" |
The key of the secret holding the password used to connect to REDCAP's database. If set, the value of that secret will override the redcap.config.database.auth.password.value value. |
redcap.config.database.auth.password.secretKeyRef.name | string | "" |
The name of the secret holding the password used to connect to REDCAP's database. If set, the value of that secret will override the redcap.config.database.auth.password.value value. |
redcap.config.database.auth.password.value | string | "Redcap*!" |
The password used to connect to REDCAP's database. |
redcap.config.database.auth.username | string | "redcap" |
The username used to connect to REDCAP's database. |
redcap.config.database.salt.secretKeyRef.key | string | "" |
The key of the secret holding the value of the salt used by the application to cypher sensitive data. If set, the value of that secret will override the redcap.config.database.salt.value value. |
redcap.config.database.salt.secretKeyRef.name | string | "" |
The name of the secret holding the value of the salt used by the application to cypher sensitive data. If set, the value of that secret will override the redcap.config.database.salt.value value. |
redcap.config.database.salt.value | string | "UjtNfDs2ELs2v6p" |
The value of the salt used by the application to cypher sensitive data. |
redcap.config.externalURL | string | "localhost" |
The URL on which the application is exposed (useful if the application is behind a reverse-proy). |
redcap.config.logAllErrors | string | "FALSE" |
If set to true , will log all the errors on the stdout (NOT RECOMMENDED IN PRODUCTION). |
redcap.config.mail.auth.from | string | "" |
The sender name that will display on mails send by REDCap. |
redcap.config.mail.auth.password.existingSecret | string | "" |
Reference to an existing secret holding the password used to connect to the mail server. If set, the value of that secret will override the redcap.config.mail.auth.password.value value. |
redcap.config.mail.auth.password.value | string | "" |
The password used to connect to the mail server. |
redcap.config.mail.auth.port | int | 465 |
The port of the mail server used by REDCap. |
redcap.config.mail.auth.server | string | "" |
The hostname or IP of the mail server used by REDCap. |
redcap.config.mail.auth.starttls | bool | false |
If true , will use StartTLS for the connection to the mail server. |
redcap.config.mail.auth.tls | bool | true |
If set to true , will secure the communication with the mail server with TLS. |
redcap.config.mail.auth.username | string | "" |
The username used to connect to the mail server. |
redcap.config.tls.curlCA.secretKeyRef.key | string | "" |
The key of the secret containing the CA Certificate ued by the curl library of the application to reach external services, like an OIDC provider. Useful some of those services are not signed by known CAs. |
redcap.config.tls.curlCA.secretKeyRef.name | string | "" |
The name of the secret containing the CA Certificate ued by the curl library of the application to reach external services, like an OIDC provider. Useful some of those services are not signed by known CAs. |
redcap.extraContainers | list | [] |
Add additional containers to the PHP-FPM container hostin the REDCap application. |
redcap.extraInitContainers | list | [] |
Add additional init containers to the PHP-FPM container hostin the REDCap application. |
redcap.extraVolumes | list | [] |
Add additional volumes to the PHP-FPM container hostin the REDCap application. |
redcap.image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
PullPolicy for REDCap PHP-FPM Image. |
redcap.image.repository | string | "ghcr.io/aphp/redcap-php-fpm" |
Image repository for REDCap PHP-FPM Image. |
redcap.image.tag | string | "1.1.0" |
Tag for REDCap PHP-FPM Image. |
redcap.install.communityAuth.existingSecret | string | "" |
Existing secret containing the credentials of the REDCap Community user with whom the installation package is downloaded. |
redcap.install.communityAuth.password | string | "" |
Password of the REDCap Community user with whom the installation package is downloaded. Ignored if existingSecret is used. |
redcap.install.communityAuth.username | string | "" |
Username of the REDCap Community user with whom the installation package is downloaded. Ignored if existingSecret is used. |
redcap.install.enabled | bool | false |
If true , enables REDCap installation process. |
redcap.install.image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
PullPolicy for REDCap installation process. |
redcap.install.image.repository | string | "alpine/curl" |
Image repository for REDCap installation process. |
redcap.install.image.tag | string | "8.9.1" |
Image tag for REDCap installation process. |
redcap.install.initJob.image.imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
ImagePullSecret of the Init Job's image. |
redcap.install.initJob.image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
PullPolicy of the Init Job's image. |
redcap.install.initJob.image.repository | string | "ghcr.io/aphp/redcap-fastcgi-client" |
Image of the Init Job. Must be and FCGI Client capable to query REDCap's pod(s). |
redcap.install.initJob.image.tag | string | "1.1.0" |
Tag of the Admin Job's image. |
redcap.install.initJob.resources | object | {} |
Resources for the Init Job's pod. |
redcap.install.override | bool | false |
If true , overwrite any existing installation with the new one. |
redcap.install.overrideInstallContainer | list | [] |
Overrides the initContainers that downloads the REDCap application package. |
redcap.install.version | string | "14.5.26" |
Version of the REDCap package to install |
redcap.nodeSelector | object | {} |
The nodeSelector for REDCap's deployment. |
redcap.replicaCount | int | 1 |
The number of replicas for REDCap's deployment. |
redcap.resources | object | {} |
The resource request/limits for REDCap's deployment. |
redcap.tolerations | list | [] |
The tolerations for REDCap's deployment. |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
restoreJob.archiveName | string | "redcap-backup.tar.gz" |
Name of the backup archive to restore. |
restoreJob.database.image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
Image pullPolicy for the REDCap application restore container. |
restoreJob.database.image.repository | string | "bitnami/mysql" |
Image repository for the REDCap database restore container. |
restoreJob.database.image.tag | string | "8.0.32-debian-11-r14" |
Image yag for the REDCap application restore container. |
restoreJob.downloader.image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
Image pullPolicy for the REDCap downloader container. |
restoreJob.downloader.image.repository | string | "bitnami/rclone" |
Image repository for the REDCap downloader container. |
restoreJob.downloader.image.tag | string | "1.68.2" |
Image tag for the REDCap downloader container. |
restoreJob.downloader.s3.backupPath | string | "redcap-backup" |
Path of the REDcap backup archive on the S3 bucket. |
restoreJob.downloader.s3.config.auth.accessKeyID | string | "" |
AccessKeyID needed for authentication on the S3 bucket. |
restoreJob.downloader.s3.config.auth.existingSecret | string | "" |
Reference to an existing secret holding the AccessKeyID and SecretAccessKey needed for authentication on the S3 bucket. If set, overrides the AccessKeyID and SecretAccessKey values. |
restoreJob.downloader.s3.config.auth.secretAccessKey | string | "" |
SecretAccessKey needed for authentication on the S3 bucket. |
restoreJob.downloader.s3.config.endpoint | string | "" |
Endpoint of the S3 bucket. |
restoreJob.downloader.s3.config.locationConstraint | string | "" |
LocalizationConstraint of the S3 bucket. |
restoreJob.downloader.s3.config.region | string | "" |
Region of the S3 bucket. |
restoreJob.enabled | bool | true |
If set to true , enables the restore CronJob (used to easily trigger a job from its JobTemplate). |
restoreJob.imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
ImagePullSecret used to pull the images for the restore pod's containers |
restoreJob.redcap.image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
Image pullPolicy for the REDCap application restore container. |
restoreJob.redcap.image.repository | string | "busybox" |
Image repository for the REDCap application restore container. |
restoreJob.redcap.image.tag | string | "1" |
Image tag for the REDCap application restore container. |
restoreJob.resources | object | {} |
Resources for backup job's pod. |
restoreJob.schedule | string | "0 0 1 1 *" |
Schedule for the restore Cronjob. CronJob resources needs a valide schedule, but this one will never be used since it will always be suspended (see spec.suspend field). |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
service.httpd.annotations | object | {} |
Annotations for the Apache HTTPd service. |
service.httpd.enabled | bool | true |
If set to true , enables the service for Apache HTTPd. |
service.httpd.portName | string | "httpd-service-port" |
Name of the Apache HTTPd service. |
service.httpd.protocol | string | "TCP" |
Protocol of the Apache HTTPd service. |
service.httpd.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
Type of the Apache HTTPd service. |
service.redcap.annotations | object | {} |
Annotations for the REDCap service. |
service.redcap.enabled | bool | true |
If set to true , enables the service for REDCap. |
service.redcap.port | int | 9000 |
Port of the REDCap service. |
service.redcap.portName | string | "redcap-service-port" |
Name of the REDCap service. |
service.redcap.protocol | string | "TCP" |
Protocol of the REDCap service. |
service.redcap.targetPort | int | 9000 |
Port of the REDCap service. |
service.redcap.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
Type of the REDCap service. |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
Annotations to add to the service account |
serviceAccount.create | bool | false |
Specifies whether a service account should be created |
serviceAccount.name | string | "" |
The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template |