npm install react-tooltip
Using NPM
1 . Require react-tooltip after installation
var ReactTooltip = require("react-tooltip")
2 . Add data-tip = "your placeholder" to your element
<p data-tip="hello world">Tooltip</p>
3 . Including react-tooltip component
<ReactTooltip />
You can import node_modules/react-tooltip/standalone/react-tooltip.min.js
into your page, please make sure that you have already imported react
and react-dom
into your page.
- The tooltip is using
type: dark
place: top
effect: float
as default attribute, you don't have to add these options if you don't want to change default - The option you set on
<ReactTooltip />
component will be implemented on every tooltip in a same page:<ReactTooltip effect="solid" />
- The option you set on specific elecment, for example:
<a data-type="warning"></a>
will only make effect on this specific tooltip
Check example: React-tooltip Test
Global | Specific | Type | Values | Description
place | data-place | String | top, right, bottom, left | tooltip's placement
type | data-type | String | success, warning, error, info, light | tooltip's color theme
effect | data-effect | String | float, solid | either float or pinned
event | data-event | String | e.g. click | custom event to trigger tooltip
isCapture | data-iscapture | Bool | true, false | when set to ture, custom event's propagation mode will be capture, default is false, <p data-tip="tooltip" data-event='click' data-iscapture='true'></p>
or <ReactTooltip isCapture={true} />
offset | data-offset | Object | top, right, bottom, left | data-offset="{'top': 10, 'left': 10}"
for specific and offset={{top: 10, left: 10}}
for global
multiline | data-multiline | Bool | true, false | support <br>
, <br />
to make multiline
class | data-class | String | your custom class | extra custom class, can use !important to cover react-tooltip's default class
html | data-html | Bool | true, false | <p data-tip="<p>HTML tooltip</p>" data-html={true}></p>
or <ReactTooltip html={true} />
delayHide | data-delay-hide | Number | | <p data-tip="tooltip" data-delay-hide='1000'></p>
or <ReactTooltip delayHide={1000} />
delayShow | data-delay-show | Number | | <p data-tip="tooltip" data-delay-show='1000'></p>
or <ReactTooltip delayShow={1000} />
border | data-border | Bool | true, false | Add one pixel white border
Check the example React-tooltip Test
- data-tip is necessary, because
<ReactTooltip />
find tooltip via this attribute - data-for correspond to the id of
<ReactTooltip />
- When using react component as tooltip, you can have many
<ReactTooltip />
in a page but they should have different id
for hide the tooltip manually
for re-bind tooltip to the corresponding element
I suggest always put <ReactTooltip />
in the Highest level or smart component of Redux, so you might need these static
method to control tooltip's behaviour in some situations