- Introduction
- Contributors
- Prerequisites
- Languages and Technologies Used
- Steps to run the project in your machine
- Getting into the Project
Patient Management System for a Dental Hospital. It is made using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL. Specifically made for Tink-Her-Hack 2.O . The links of the images and demo video are attached.
Demo video : https://www.loom.com/share/658cb331f0ff4e65a7ddabc5d443ab6d?sid=75d55dd8-bbe2-4b58-9d2f-4cdc2f453c3b
Team Members: Anjali Georance, Aleena Bino, Meenakshi M Kumar, Meenakshi Pramod
- Install XAMPP web server
- Any Editor (Preferably VS Code or Sublime Text)
- Any web browser with latest version
- JavaScript (to create dynamically updating content)
- Bootstrap (An HTML, CSS, and JS library)
- XAMPP (A web server by Apache Friends)
- Php
- MySQL (An RDBMS that uses SQL)
- Download and install XAMPP in your machine
- Clone or download the repository
- Extract all the files and move it to the 'htdocs' folder of your XAMPP directory.
- Start the Apache and Mysql in your XAMPP control panel.
- Open your web browser and type 'localhost/phpmyadmin'
- In phpmyadmin page, create a new database from the left panel and name it as 'contact_db'
- Import the file inside your newly created database and click ok.
- Open a new tab and type 'localhost/foldername' in the url of your browser
- Hurray! That's it!
- XAMPP was installed and APACHE2 Server and MySQL were initialized. And, files were built inside opt/lampp/htdocs/foldername
- Visual Studios Code was used as a text editor.
- Google Chrome was used to run the project (localhost/foldername was used as the url).
Patient Management System in php and mysql. This system has a ‘Home’ page from where the patient, doctor & administrator can login into their accounts by toggling the tabs accordingly. The ‘Home’ page of our project.
'About Us' page allows us to get some more information about the quality and the services of the hospital.
'Services' page allows users to know about the services provided by the hospital.
'Our Doctors' page provides us the details about the available doctors.
'Reviews' page gives the feedback of the patients.
‘Contact Us’ page allows users to provide feedback or queries about the services of the hospital. We can also make appointments through this.
- 'Make Appointment' page allows users to make their appointments with the doctors by providing the details such as name, email, phone number and the convenient appointment date.
- After making the appointment a dialog box appears which says if the appointment made is successful or not.
- https://res.cloudinary.com/dmd5galka/image/upload/v1709444564/WhatsApp_Image_2024-03-03_at_11.06.49_AM_1_xn2v8o.jpg
'XAMPP Server' is used for mysql with php. https://res.cloudinary.com/dmd5galka/image/upload/v1709445866/WhatsApp_Image_2024-03-03_at_11.06.49_AM_yh8rsr.jpg