A compilation of scripts to organize your music
- node.js
- pyhton
Searches for music inside a folder, and fixes file names, metadata and id3 tags.
Designed for electronic music, so the file names folow the criteria: Artist - Title (Mix)
I have a floder called Techno, that contains the files:
- Crookers - Able to maximize (Digi Remix) [Mp3elite.net]
- Harvey Mckay - The End
- Lorenzo D'Ianni - Danger man www.futureelectrohitsdownload.blogspot.com
After executing the following:
node fixmusicnames ../../Music/Techno`
The folder content will be:
- Crookers - Able To Maximize (Digi Remix)
- Harvey Mckay - The End (Original Mix)
- Lorenzo D'Ianni - Danger man (Original Mix)
Metadata and id3 tags will also be changed as follows (only MP3 files):
- artist: First part of the file name (e.g, 'Crookers')
- title: Second part of the file name (e.g, 'Able To Maximize (Digi Remix)')
- genre: Folder name (e.g, 'Techno')
- album: Folder name (e.g, 'Techno')
- description: Empty
- track (track number): Empty
A message in the console shows the name of the files that have been changed.
Quick search of content inside a folder.
I have a floder called Techno, that contains the files:
- Crookers - Able To Maximize (Digi Remix)
- Harvey Mckay - The End (Original Mix)
- Lorenzo D'Ianni - Danger man (Original Mix)
After executing the following:
node find ../../Music/Techno "original mix"
A message like this will be shown:
► Harvey Mckay - The End (Original Mix)
► Lorenzo D'Ianni - Danger man (Original Mix)